Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Texas Longhorns Mascot Bevo the Bull Charges Uga ... Georgia"s Bulldog Mascot

Breaking News

The Texas Longhorns’ mascot, Bevo the steer, was NOT down to meet its University of Georgia counterpart in Uga the bulldog, and it might be ’cause it’d just seen red.
UTA’s live animal mascot was brought out to the football field Sunday ahead of the Sugar...
Texas Longhorns Mascot Bevo the Bull Charges Uga ... Georgia"s Bulldog Mascot

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Christy Sheats: Texas Mom Murdered Daughters To "Punish" Their Father

New details have emerged regarding the shooting of two young ladies from Katy, Texas.

Madison and Taylor Sheats were gunned down by their mother, Christy Sheats following a “family meeting,” according to neighbors.

Family friend Madison Davey told ABC-13 that Christy, 42, “was out to kill that day” when she called a family meeting in their living room.  It also happened to be her husband, Jason’s birthday.

The couple were separated, but had recently reconciled. That day, however, the atmosphere inside the Sheats home was tense, and the girls got caught in the middle.

“He was the best dad ever,” Davey said of Jason.

“I would hang out with him and he loved being around us,” Davey recalled.

Davey spoke to Jason about what happened, and he recalled that he begged his wife not to shoot their kids.

“Just shoot yourself,” he said.  “Make it easy on all of us, just shoot yourself.”

Christy refused, according to Davey, telling him “No, that’s not what this is about, this is about punishing you.”

Christy opened fire on her daughters, who ran out the front door with their dad.  

Madison, 17, collapsed before she could leave the property, and while Taylor, 22, managed to make it as far as the street.

When police arrived, they found Christy over Taylor’s body, which she shot again after reloading back in the house.  

When she refused to surrender, officers fatally shot her.

“I always knew something would happen, but I never thought she would do this,” Davey said.

“Christy was toxic for the family. She was mentally unstable.”

Now Davey is helping with funeral preparations for the girls, who will be laid to rest in Alabama this week.

“They were so funny — for sisters, you would think they would fight, but no.

“They loved each other a lot and were always laughing.”

The gun Christy used was a .38-calibur handgun, reportedly passed down from her great-grandfather as a way to “protect her family.”

No official reports have been published yet on any mental issues Christy suffered.

Christy Sheats: Why Did The Texas Mom Kill Her Two Daughters?

What happened on June 24th has left three dead, and several looking for answers.

“It was a family argument that turned into a shooting,” Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls told the Houston Chronicle, unable to elaborate.

“We’re still trying to put the pieces together.”

Christy Sheats of Katy, Texas shot her daughters -Taylor, 22, and Madison, 17 – before police arrived.

“The armed shooter was also in the street and, after refusing to drop her weapon, was shot and killed by a Fulshear officer.”

Madison died on the scene, and Taylor later died after being rushed to Texas Medical Center.

The three women were celebrating their dad, Jason’s birthday.  He and Christy had recently gotten back together after separating, according to KTRK-TV.

According to the Associated Press, Christy called a family meeting in their living room. 

“During that meeting, Christy Sheats held up a gun and shot both girls,” the sheriff’s office said.

Jason reportedly told Christy “Don’t do this. They’re our kids,” before running to a neighbor for help, one witness told KPRC.

Madison and Taylor ran outside as their mother shot them.  Christy went inside, reloaded her gun, and continued to shoot Taylor, who body she stood over when police arrived.

The Associated Press reports that police had been called to the Sheats’ home 14 times since 2012.  While some of the calls were “related to alarm issues,” details on others couldn’t be released for legal reasons.

However, the Sheriff’s office did tell people that some of those calls had to do with Christy suffering a “mental crisis.”

Friends are shocked by what Christy did.

“This woman loved her children. That was her life purpose. That was her pride. That was her joy,” Catherine Knowles told Time.

“Christy wasn’t crazy. I don’t know what could have made her snap. To do this, it’s insanity. The whole thing.

“She loved God. She loved her kids. I don’t get it. I don’t get it at all.”

Christy’s Facebook page is filled with photos from concerts, as well as passionate beliefs over gun control.

“It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away,” she wrote in March,“but that’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.”

In September, Christy gushed about her two girls on Daughters Day.

“Happy Daughter’s Day to my two amazing, sweet, kind, beautiful, intelligent girls,” the 42-year wrote.

“I love and treasure you both more than you could ever possibly know.”

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Gunnar Hansen Dies; Texas Chain Saw Massacre Star Was 68

Gunnar Hansen – the actor best known for his terrifying performance as Leatherface in the 1974 horror classic The Texas Chain Saw Massacre – has passed away at the age of 68.

Gunnar Hansen

According to a statement from his family, Hansen had been battling pancreatic cancer.

Following the surprising success of his first film, Hansen went on to pay homage to the title role in several sequels, spinoffs and satires. He continued acting until the end of his life, with three films slated for release in 2016.

Born in Rekyavik in 1947, Hansen moved to America with his family when he was just 5.

He was an avid film buff from a young age and took the role of Leatherface shortly after finishing grad school with a degree in English.

Though acting was often his primary means of support, Hansen would leave Hollywood periodically throughout his life to focus on his true passion – writing.

He published a nonfiction account of his travels through the Barrier Islands in 1993, and his 2013 memoir, Chain Saw Confidential, became an instant hit with horror fans.

Hansen passed away quietly at his home in Maine, where he had spent most of the last 40 years. He is survived by his partner of 13 years, Betty Tower.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Texas Teacher Draws Penis on Student"s Paper, Keeps Job Somehow

Talk about a dick move! Literally!

An El Paso, Texas school teacher is in the news this week because she drew a penis on a student"s assignment, yet will somehow not lose her job as a result of this action.

The student’s mother, Sandra Green, discovered the phallic piece of “art” work on her sons’s social media account and told her local ABC affiliate that Chapin High School language arts teacher Kim Juzdowski admitted to the drawing in a contrite email.

She apparently went through with it the student "wasn’t doing anything in class.” Which we guess is a metaphor for jerking off. 

She gets points for originality. But loses many more points for being totally out of line and possibly a tad mentally unbalanced.

A spokesperson with the  El Paso Independent School District told The Huffington Post that Juzdowski "understands that the drawing was in bad taste and that it was inappropriate for the type of relationship a teacher should have with a student."

That"s reportedly it, however. She will not face any kind of discipline.

Green believes the lack of punishment is rather absurd and is looking to have her son transferred.

And she brings up a pretty good point in the following video report:

Imagine if gender roles were reversed here. Imagine if a male teacher drew a pair of breasts or a vagina on a female student"s paper.

It"s not a question then whether or not the teacher would be fired. It"s only a question of how hard the door would hit him on the way out.

Texas woman draws penis on students paper keeps job somehow

Monday, October 26, 2015

Bryan Wilson: Texas Lawyer Airs World"s Most Bonkers Commercial

If you"re a fan of Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul, then you know that Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman knows is the master of using ludicrous gimmicks to advertise his legal services.

In the real world, Saul"s only had competition in the race for Most Spectacularly WTF? Law Firm Ad came from a lawyer named Jamie Casino, who"s Super Bowl spots basically look like Dick Cheney got Alice Cooper pregnant and the baby came out as a commercial.

Now, however, there"s a new name in the batsh-t lawyer game, and "Texas Law Hawk" Bryan Wilson is making a case for himself as the king of the bald-eagle-on-acid patriotic mindf-ck commercial.

We can"t come close to doing justice to Brian"s commercial with a mere description, so check out the clip and experience Wilson"s "talons of justice" for yourself.

Bryan wilson texas lawyer airs worlds most bonkers commercial

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sister Wives Recap: Marriage Counseling Texas Style

This week, Sister Wives gave fans a lesson in “Marriage Counseling Texas Style” and also featured an episode that was “All About Christine.”

What did this double shot of the TLC favorite entail specifically?

On Sister Wives Season 6 Episode 5, the Browns’ adoption drama continued with Robyn Brown revealing some troubling news about her ex.

Not just any ex, as fans who watch Sister Wives online know.

The father of her eldest three children, he been making the adoption process extremely challenging for Kody and kompany every step of the way.

He’s not making threats or anything, but refusing to meet with lawyers or be served with the necessary court papers, basically, will delay things.

You can imagine the impact on everyone’s stress levels.

The Browns remain confident Kody will be able to adopt Dayton, Aurora and Breanna despite their father’s behavior, and we hope they’re right.

For everyone’s sake. Kody had a lot else on his plate, too.

His rocky relationship with Christine Brown was another focal point of this installment, as the two were about to celebrate their 21st anniversary.

The couple took a trip to mark the occasion, and during that adventure, they paid a visit to their old friend (and therapist) Pat in Galveston, Texas.

Their current therapist Nancy is also tagging along on the trip to help them with “intimacy and communication” issues … that’s not awkward at all.

Strange? Yes. But “I’ve reached a point where almost everyday is hard,” Christine says of plural marriage, jealousy and anger … so maybe necessary.

On Sister Wives Season 6 Episode 6, they were forced to act out an experiment in which they build stack of stones to represent their partnership.

Kody wants to build one based on the “value of the whole family,” while Christine sets out to build one to signify her personal romance with him.

Then Kody “bulldozes” Christine’s idea, literally and otherwise.

“In the end he’s not going to do what I want him to do at all,” Christine said of the failed experiment. “There was no way I was going to win.”

“So I tried to lose with grace,” she lamented. “Just build the tower how he wants. It was very heartbreaking and frustrating. It was awful.”

Emblematic of their issues heading into this trip? Oh yes.

However, she admitted that this helped her in a sense, in understanding why Kody’s so adamant about including the whole family in every facet.

Kody also admitted that he needs to be a better communicator, and “the greatest lesson for me is that I have to understand their pain,” he noted.

Good luck, you crazy kids.