Showing posts with label Adopting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adopting. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Chicago Mayoral Candidate Amara Enyia Says Kanye West is "Adopting Our Platform"

Kanye West is getting political, and we ain’t talking MAGA hats — Chicago mayoral candidate Amara Enyia says he’s supporting her with his time … and his money literally made her campaign possible.  Amara Enyia tells TMZ ……


Friday, September 28, 2018

Maci Bookout & Taylor McKinney: We"re Adopting a Baby!!!

It’s been a rough year for Maci Bookout.

The Teen Mom OG fan favorite has been forced to deal with the nightmare of trying to keep her family safe from her increasingly troubled ex, Ryan Edwards, while at the same time ensuring that 9-year-old Bentley, her son with Edwards, continues to have a relationship with his father.

On top of being forced to file for a restraining order that temporarily prevented Edwards from contacting Bentley, Maci has grappled with some deeply painful setbacks in her efforts to expand her family.

Late last year, Bookout suffered a miscarriage, and she spoke about the painful ordeal in a memorable episode of TMOG.

But the tragedy hasn’t deterred Maci or her husband Taylor McKinney from working toward welcoming a new family member.

The McKinneys have been considering the possibility of adoption for several years, and this week, Maci gave a candid interview in which she revealed that they’re closer than ever to 

“We are definitely still wanting to adopt. We don’t really have, like, a timeframe or, like, an exact answer,” Bookout told Us Weekly.

“I feel like when we know to start the process, we will start it, but for now we’re happy with where we’re at.”

Needless to say, fans were pleased to hear Maci speaking about her future with such excitement and optimism after such a difficult year.

Equally encouraging is the fact that Maci says she has every intention of working with Ryan and his parents in order to ensure that Bentley has as much support from the adults in his life as possible.

“I don’t think that there will ever come a time when we’re unable to co-parent with Jen and Larry,” she told Us.

“Mainly because we don’t let our feelings get in the way of what’s important and the relationships that are necessary for Bentley to have.

“It’s really just a matter of keeping the line of communication open and also making sure that we aren’t telling too much or giving too much of our feelings or opinions,” she said.

“It’s more about information, rather than speaking about his dad because at the end of the day, Ryan is still his dad.”

Asked how she and Taylor intend to approach the ongoing problem of Ryan, Maci had this to say:

“Neither one of us want to ever put some sort of barrier between the possibility of a better relationship when it comes to Ryan and Bentley.”

This is surely been one of the more challenging years of Maci’s life, but her attitude remains a silver lining amidst a number of dark clouds.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Madonna Finally Cops to Adopting Malawi Twins (PHOTO)

Madonna now admits she adopted 4-year-old twin girls from Malawi — something she flatly denied 2 weeks ago when she was in the African nation. Madonna posted a pic with the girls, Esther and Stella, to announce she’d officially “completed the…


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Angelina Jolie: Adopting Another Kid Against Brad Pitt"s Wishes?!

Just when you thought all the high drama and endless scandal of the Brangelina divorce was coming to an end …

Oh, you silly fools. It will never, ever end.

For the rest of all time, we’ll hear stories about what really caused Angeline Jolie to file for divorce from Brad Pitt, what happened during their custody battle, how they’re handling co-parenting …

You get the picture.

And, judging by this interesting new report, Angelina might even be thinking about expanding the picture.

That is to say, she’s allegedly considering adding yet another child to her family!

According to sources close to Angelina, she is “longing for another baby” — a baby that would give her a total of seven (!!!) children.

However, Brad isn’t so into the idea, because he’s “worried what impact it will have on their kids.”

It’s an issue they had when they were together, too: apparently Angelina always “desperately” wanted that seventh child, but “Brad always said no.”

Specifically, “He felt their family was complete and that Angelina was crazy for wanting another kid.”

Judging by this new report, Angelina obviously disagrees.

It’s interesting though, because at this point, Brad has no say in whether or not Angelina chooses to adopt another child — or another dozen children, for that matter.

And don’t act like you can’t see her doing that, you know that woman has the potential to go full Duggar.

But while it’s true that it’s no longer Brad’s place to help her make decisions like that, it’s also true that he’s allowed to have an opinion on the matter.

After all, any children that she adopts will be little brothers and sisters to Brad’s kids.

Another interesting thing to consider here is the possibility that Angelina could be considering adopting again — or even just putting out the rumor that she’s considering adopting again — to switch up the narrative.

Don’t know if you heard, but Brad has definitely been coming off as the good guy in the divorce.

We’ve heard countless reports in the past few months about how miserable Angelina is, and how much she regrets filing for divorce.

One such report claimed that “She didn’t always acknowledge it, but Brad was a huge help — breaking up fights, reading to the little ones. He used to cook for them too.”

“Now that she has to do everything, she’s overwhelmed and anxious all the time. Between that and the stress of strategizing this divorce, she’s barely sleeping and not eating.”

So would a new baby solve all these problems? Of course not — it would worsen them, clearly.

But would a new baby bring her some positive press for the first time in a long time? Eh.

Whatever she chooses to do, we hope she does so for the right reasons.

A revenge baby is never a good look, you know?


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald: We"re Adopting!

Jessa Duggar and her husband Ben Seewald are due to give birth to their second child any minute, but their minds are still on adoption.

“Ben and I still have a deep desire to adopt, and it’s something we continue to look into,” Jessa tells People magazine in its new issue.

“We’ve also talked about fostering to adopt,” she says.

The Seewalds, who got married in late 2014, are already parents to a 14-month-old son, Spurgeon, and their second child is due tomorrow.

Yes, the littlest Seewald will emerge from its womb and see its shadow on Groundhog Day … maybe. Either way, it shouldn’t be long.

While they have hopes for “many future babies,” Jessa, 24, says the Arkansans will have to switch up their living situation before that.

“We’re already going to have two babies in a two-bedroom house,” she explains. “So I’m thinking, we’ll have to upgrade to a three-bedroom.”

Probably not the worst idea, knowing their plans.

For now though, the cute couple is focused on the arrival of their second born – not their third; Jessa Duggar having twins is just a rumor.

If you watch Counting On online, you know that the occupant(s) of Jessa’s body and the gender thereof has been a critcal topic. Bigly.

While it’s been debunked re: the twins, the gender is still a guessing game to us, even if the couple themselves knows what it will be 

As with Spurge, they’re keeping that detail quiet.

A recent photo of Jessa Duggar’s baby bump at 39 weeks has fans convinced it’s a girl, but you know it goes with Instagram pic “evidence.”

Basically, we have no idea. Same goes for its name, though Jessa and Ben may be in a similar boat in that respect. They’re still deciding!

“We’ve only had one or two conversations about it, so we need to get on it!” Jessa says, admitting this familiar territory for them as well.

“We did this last time (with Spurgeon) and procrastinated.”

“Our son was 5 days old before we had it nailed down!”

While fans examine Jessa’s baby bump comparisons and try to guess if it’s a boy or girl, her older sister has no qualms about sharing.

Also a parent of one son at present, Jill Duggar is having a boy this summer, which will be her second, she revealed earlier this week.

She and Derick Dillard aren’t expected to welcome their new arrival until July, but unlike Jessa, they enjoy keeping fans in the know ASAP.

Congratulations to both sisters on an exciting 2017!


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Madonna"s Coming for Angelina Jolie, Adopting 2 More Kids

Madonna wants a clean half dozen … she’s set to adopt 2 more kids from the same African nation where she got David and Mercy. Madonna has filed docs in Malawi for the adoptions. She appeared in court there on Wednesday …, according to the AP.…


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie Fought About Lack of Sex, Adopting More Kids Before Divorce?

At this point, the media has crafted a narrative around the Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt divorce that’s been widely accepted by most fans and gossip hounds.

The story goes:

An incident took place aboard a private jet that caused Brad to get investigated for child abuse and Jolie to take the kids and move out on him the following day.

Based on statements from witnesses and the fact that Brad is being investigated by the FBI in connection with the allegations against him, there’s almost certainly some truth to those rumors.

But while the altercation between Brad and 15-year-old son Maddox may have been the final straw, it’s certainly possible – and even probable – that several other factors also played into Jolie’s decision to call it quits.

Now, we may have some insight into what those factors were.

According to the new issue of Life & Style, Brad and Angie were attending couples therapy in the months leading up to their split.

The tabloid claims to have spoken to a source close to the therapist, who claims that there were two main issues that seemed to be driving a wedge between Brad and Angie:

One was that they were mired in what the insider described as a “sexless marriage.”

The other was that Jolie was reportedly intent on adopting a seventh child, an idea that Brad was less than thrilled about.

“Brad suddenly felt disenchanted with [Angelina]’s plans of having one, big and multi-cultural family,” says the source.

“This simply made the family chaotic and unorganized and Pitt cannot handle them anymore. And with the instability of the family, Brad suffered from [a] mental breakdown.”

We’re not sure we see the connection between the multi-cultural nature of his family and Brad’s supposed breakdown, but the next part makes a bit more sense:

It seems Brad felt that Angie was more concerned with turning the family into a living advertisement for the joys of adopting older kids than with, ya know … actually raising said kids.

“According to Angie, everybody seems to want to adopt babies when there are so many other wonderful, worthy and deserving older children out there,” the insider claims.

A worthy cause, to be sure, but if Brad felt his kids weren’t getting the proper care because of Angie’s “#AdoptTheWorld” initiative, then he was right to complain.

That said, if there’s even a kernel of truth to the allegations that Brad got physical during a fight with one of his kids, then all of his complaints are invalid and Angie is right to fight for sole physical custody.

We’re just saying whatever happened aboard that plane might not tell the entire story.


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Jessa Duggar: Will Josh Duggar Sex Scandals Prevent Her From Adopting?

In a recent interview, Jessa Duggar revealed that she plans to adopt a child with husband Ben Seewald.

The couple already has one child together (Jessa gave birth to son Spurgeon in November.), but they’ve been openly talking about the possibility of expanding their family through adoption since before they got married.

There’s just one problem:

It wasn’t that long ago that Jessa’s family was involved in a shocking child molestation scandal, and even though Jessa was a victim and not a perpetrator, it’s possible that an adoption board might consider the possibility that children raised by the Seewalds may be at greater risk of abuse.

The problem isn’t just that Josh admitted to molesting five young girls (four of whom were his sisters), but also that his family played a role in concealing his crimes from the public and helping him to avoid prosecution.

Jessa famously defended Josh’s actions in an interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, and while she may have been left with further choice (and, some would say, further victimized by her family by being coerced into doing the interview) an adoption board may not look kindly on her willingness to rationalize abuse.

The couple hasn’t officially announced that they’ve started the process of becoming parents for a second time, but based on recent comments from Jessa, it sounds as though they may have already begun the proceedings:

“We have many friends who have walked this road, so we have seen firsthand the amazing power of adoption,” Jessa recently told Us Weekly.

“There are so many kids out there who are longing for the love of a family, and we feel strongly about opening our hearts and our home to welcome them in.

“It’s not really about any specific number, but cherishing and loving the ones God brings us – whether that be just one, or whether it be more, we’ll be grateful.”

On a recent episode of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, the Seewalds visited a Central American orphanage with some of Jill’s siblings.

Some fans believed the episode would end with a surprise adoption announcement, but that did not turn out to be the case.

Adoption boards generally don’t reveal their criteria for selecting qualified families, but ensuring that children are at low risk of physical harm is known to be their number one priority.

Those who watch Jill & Jessa Counting On online know that the Seewalds are kind and loving parents.

But that may not be enough to convince the powers that be that they’re capable of properly protecting another child.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Jill Duggar Visits Orphanage: Is She Adopting or Exploiting?

It looks as though Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard recently returned to Arkansas after another abbreviated stint doing missionary work in El Salvador.

Back when they were filming the first full season of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, however, the Dillards were living the Equator life and getting deeply involved in the community they served.

A preview for this week"s episode shows Jill and Derick stopping by a local orphanage along with Jill"s sisters Jessa and Jana, who were visiting from the States.

“I can definitely see Jill and Derick adopting in the future,” Jana says in the clip. “They definitely have a heart for babies and little ones and I know that Jill has talked about it in the past.

Jill jokes about wanting to take some of the kids home with her, and it seems she"s not the only one who"s yearning to expand her family.

Jessa Duggar has talked about adopting in the past, and it seems the visit to the orphanage reawakened that desire in her:

“It just makes you want to cry when you see all these kids. I wish I could take them home,” she says.

“Ben and I really want to adopt. Hopefully soon. Every time we visit that makes that decision even more real for us. We just want to do that as soon as possible.”

Based on those comments, we wouldn"t be surprised if the Seewalds have already started the process.

Of course, just about everything the Duggars do stirs up controversy these days, and the visit to the orphanage is not different.

The sisters have been criticized on social media for exploiting the orphaned and impoverished children of Jill and Derick"s village and essentially using them as props for their television show.

Obviously, we have no way of knowing what motivated the Duggars to make the visit, but we hope they did something to improve the children"s living conditions while they were there.

Due to their upbringing, Jill and Jessa may think it"s perfectly normal to sleep 7 or 8 to a room.

But we"re guessing the kids in that orphanage would prefer a bit more space.

Check out the preview clip below, and watch Jill & Jessa Counting On online to get caught up in time for tomorrow"s episode.



Jill duggar visits orphanage is she adopting or exploiting

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner: Adopting a Baby Boy?!?

According to her very own words, Caitlyn Jenner is ready for a man in her life.

In a clip from I Am Cait Season 2, Jenner admits that she may have an interest in dating someone from her former gender one of these days.

But is Caitlyn Jenner ready for a very young man in her life?

As in… might she really adopt a baby boy, as strongly implied by the latest cover of In Touch Weekly?

According to an anonymous magazine insider, Caitlyn “wants to raise a child with the help of gal pal Candis Cayne,” who was previously rumored to be a love interest of Jenner’s.

“Caitlyn and Candis have thought about adopting an older child because there are a lot of trans kids whose parents have turned away, or who have run away from home,” says this source, adding:

“But the ideal scenario is a baby. Being a mom is Caitlyn’s dream.”

What do Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner and company think of this idea?

There was supposedly an “explosive showdown” between family members over the possibility, while the tabloid goes on to write:

“Kendall and Kylie are both hurt by the idea. They’re supportive of their dad’s transitioning, but they’re still adjusting to losing the only dad they knew growing up and now here comes Caitlyn, in her fabulous new life, creating a new family for herself.

“They don’t get it at all.”

There’s probably a good reason why they don’t get it:

Because Caitlyn Jenner will adopt a baby boy at about the same time as Kanye West gives up Tweeting forever.

Just consider past cover stories on members of the Kardashians and Jenners that didn’t exactly pan out in the end:

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Willie Robertson and Korie Robertson: We"re Adopting!

The Duck Dynasty family just added another member.

Korie Robertson took to Instagram Sunday afternoon to explain a certain face in certain pictures on her account of late, confirming that she and husband Willie are in the process of adopting a son.

“We’ve had lots of questions about the cute kid popping up in our photos lately,” Korie wrote.

“We are excited to be in the process of adopting a new son!

“He’s been with us since May, but we wanted some privacy and time for him and our family to bond before telling the world (It’s a bit of an adjustment coming into this big, crazy family, ha,).”

Here is a look at the photo that accompanied this message:

The Louisiana natives – who we often see interacting with their relatives when we watch Ducky Dynasty online – are parents to Rebecca, 27, John Luke, 20, Sadie, 18, and Willie Jr. and Bella, both 13.

Korie and Willie adopted Willie Jr. when he was a baby, while Rebecca was an exchange student who became their foster child in 2004. 

“He’s amazing, and we are all so thrilled to have another kid around the house,” Willie Robertson’s wife added of her new child.

“Couldn’t keep the good news to ourselves any longer! We appreciate your prayers and support for our family! Love, The Robertson’s.”

Duck Dynasty, meanwhile, returns with new episodes at 9/8c on Jan. 13 on A&E. 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Farrah Abraham: I"m Adopting A Child!

Ok, so, this is happening.

Today, Farrah Abraham – she who created an Instagram account for her daughter, Sophia and has made a name for herself in the adult entertainment industry – is adopting a child.

“I’m happy to confirm I’m moving forward in my adoption process,” the Teen Mom star told Us Weekly.

“This means I will be making some changes in my career to welcome a new addition to my family.

“Very excited and this feels so right. I’m very blessed for this opportunity.”

On World Adoption Day (November 9th), Abraham wrote about her plans to adopt, which no one took seriously at the time.

“Let’s embrace the power and beauty that family brings with adoption. There are over 145 million orphans in the world,” she wrote.

“I grew up with all my neighbors being adopted and in foster care and I’ve seen it mean the world to them to have loving and caring homes ‘a family.’  I hope soon Sophia and I can make a world of difference by bringing home a baby brother or sister for Sophia.

“I always have been passionate about adoption as it means so much to me, my family, my community, my church and my heart thank you to all the parents who have adopted and to all the amazing children with their loving families.

“God Bless.

I…I’ve got nothing.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Jessa Duggar: We"re ADOPTING Our Next kid!

As you’ve probably heard Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald welcomed their first child last week.

It was a difficult labor for Jessa, and though she had planned on a homebirth, she wound up being rushed to a nearby hospital. 

Apparently, the experience left quite an impression on the new mom, as Jessa says she’s in no hurry to get pregnant again.

“We would love it if our next baby is adopted,” Jessa told People magazine in a recent interview.

Jessa has spoken about adoption in the past, and she says she and Ben have always considered the possibility, but after experiencing a number of issues during her first delivery, the 23-year-old now has added incentive to explore the option:

“When I was in labor, I told Ben, ‘Babe, we are not having any more kids after this,’ ” Jessa said. “I was teasing – we will have more kids. But in that moment of pain, I believed it!”

Last night, Jessa and Ben announced that they’ve decided to name their firstborn Spurgeon Elliot Seewald

It’s great to hear that they’re breaking with family tradition and planning on adopting Spurgeon’s first sibling, but hopefully they’ll conduct some sort of online poll before choosing a name for their second kid.