Thursday, February 2, 2017

Angelina Jolie: Adopting Another Kid Against Brad Pitt"s Wishes?!

Just when you thought all the high drama and endless scandal of the Brangelina divorce was coming to an end …

Oh, you silly fools. It will never, ever end.

For the rest of all time, we’ll hear stories about what really caused Angeline Jolie to file for divorce from Brad Pitt, what happened during their custody battle, how they’re handling co-parenting …

You get the picture.

And, judging by this interesting new report, Angelina might even be thinking about expanding the picture.

That is to say, she’s allegedly considering adding yet another child to her family!

According to sources close to Angelina, she is “longing for another baby” — a baby that would give her a total of seven (!!!) children.

However, Brad isn’t so into the idea, because he’s “worried what impact it will have on their kids.”

It’s an issue they had when they were together, too: apparently Angelina always “desperately” wanted that seventh child, but “Brad always said no.”

Specifically, “He felt their family was complete and that Angelina was crazy for wanting another kid.”

Judging by this new report, Angelina obviously disagrees.

It’s interesting though, because at this point, Brad has no say in whether or not Angelina chooses to adopt another child — or another dozen children, for that matter.

And don’t act like you can’t see her doing that, you know that woman has the potential to go full Duggar.

But while it’s true that it’s no longer Brad’s place to help her make decisions like that, it’s also true that he’s allowed to have an opinion on the matter.

After all, any children that she adopts will be little brothers and sisters to Brad’s kids.

Another interesting thing to consider here is the possibility that Angelina could be considering adopting again — or even just putting out the rumor that she’s considering adopting again — to switch up the narrative.

Don’t know if you heard, but Brad has definitely been coming off as the good guy in the divorce.

We’ve heard countless reports in the past few months about how miserable Angelina is, and how much she regrets filing for divorce.

One such report claimed that “She didn’t always acknowledge it, but Brad was a huge help — breaking up fights, reading to the little ones. He used to cook for them too.”

“Now that she has to do everything, she’s overwhelmed and anxious all the time. Between that and the stress of strategizing this divorce, she’s barely sleeping and not eating.”

So would a new baby solve all these problems? Of course not — it would worsen them, clearly.

But would a new baby bring her some positive press for the first time in a long time? Eh.

Whatever she chooses to do, we hope she does so for the right reasons.

A revenge baby is never a good look, you know?
