Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Jessa Duggar: Will Josh Duggar Sex Scandals Prevent Her From Adopting?

In a recent interview, Jessa Duggar revealed that she plans to adopt a child with husband Ben Seewald.

The couple already has one child together (Jessa gave birth to son Spurgeon in November.), but they’ve been openly talking about the possibility of expanding their family through adoption since before they got married.

There’s just one problem:

It wasn’t that long ago that Jessa’s family was involved in a shocking child molestation scandal, and even though Jessa was a victim and not a perpetrator, it’s possible that an adoption board might consider the possibility that children raised by the Seewalds may be at greater risk of abuse.

The problem isn’t just that Josh admitted to molesting five young girls (four of whom were his sisters), but also that his family played a role in concealing his crimes from the public and helping him to avoid prosecution.

Jessa famously defended Josh’s actions in an interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, and while she may have been left with further choice (and, some would say, further victimized by her family by being coerced into doing the interview) an adoption board may not look kindly on her willingness to rationalize abuse.

The couple hasn’t officially announced that they’ve started the process of becoming parents for a second time, but based on recent comments from Jessa, it sounds as though they may have already begun the proceedings:

“We have many friends who have walked this road, so we have seen firsthand the amazing power of adoption,” Jessa recently told Us Weekly.

“There are so many kids out there who are longing for the love of a family, and we feel strongly about opening our hearts and our home to welcome them in.

“It’s not really about any specific number, but cherishing and loving the ones God brings us – whether that be just one, or whether it be more, we’ll be grateful.”

On a recent episode of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, the Seewalds visited a Central American orphanage with some of Jill’s siblings.

Some fans believed the episode would end with a surprise adoption announcement, but that did not turn out to be the case.

Adoption boards generally don’t reveal their criteria for selecting qualified families, but ensuring that children are at low risk of physical harm is known to be their number one priority.

Those who watch Jill & Jessa Counting On online know that the Seewalds are kind and loving parents.

But that may not be enough to convince the powers that be that they’re capable of properly protecting another child.