Showing posts with label LACK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LACK. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2018

Jill Duggar: Still Working As a Midwife Despite Dangerous Lack of Training?!

Ever since Derick Dillard got fired by TLC after revealing himself to be a bigoted bully on social media, there hasn’t been a whole lot of cash pouring into his bank account.

The problem, you see, is that Jill Duggar quit Counting On in a show of solidarity, which means the Dillard household went from a two-income home to a zero-income home overnight.

And Derick didn’t marry into a wealthy family just to go on punching a clock like some shlub, which means it’s time for Jill start earning.

Fortunately, the mother of two has been paid to practice a skill in the past.

Unfortunately, she may not be qualified to do so and her lack of proper training might be putting lives at risk.

Longtime fans of the Duggar clan will recall that Jill has worked as a midwife intermittently over the years.

They might also recall that there’s an ongoing debate as to whether or not Jill is properly trained and licensed for such work.

Whatever the case, Jill is back at it.

She revealed this week that she’s launched her own midwife service called Labor Sit, and it seems the new venture is already off to a rousing start.

Jill posted the above photo yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“Got to help deliver this chunker the other day! Sam helped me #laborsit then napped like a champ when the time came!”

First of all, did Jill just body-shame that baby?!

(We kid, no need to call us snowflakes in the comments.)

But more importantly, is Jill qualified to even work as a midwife’s assistant, much less run her own midwife service?

The answer, as In Touch Weekly points out, is a matter of intense debate amongst Duggar obsessives. 

“She is licensed,” one fan asserted on Reddit.

“They even posted a picture of it on their blog when she passed her exam to become a CPM. She went to school for it. They talked about it on the old TV show.”

“She’s not licensed,” another retorted.

“Where you read that you have been misinformed… Also, how do you presume she got a degree when her only form of education is Bill Gothard’s ATI curriculum at Michelle Duggar’s kitchen table?”

The photo in question does show Jill holding a Certified Professional Midwife’s license, but the situation is still not as cut and dried as it seems.

As many fans have noted, Jill has only been granted a CPM competency certificate, which is different from a Certified Nurse Midwife license, generally considered the standard in her field.

That distinction requires a Bachelor’s degree, one year of nursing experience, and three years in a nurse-midwifery program – none of which has Jill obtained.

In addition to the controversy over Jill’s licensing, there’s some skepticism over the training she received early on in her career.

Jill’s earliest experiences as a midwife came under the tutelage of a woman named Venessa Giron.

Giron had her license revoked in 2015 following a botched delivery and subsequent lawsuit that also prompted her to move to a new state in order to continue practicing.

The plaintiff in the lawsuit was a new mom named Tiffany Nance who claims she nearly died during her delivery, and Giron refused to dial 911 despite the fact that a life was clearly in danger.

Jill reportedly assisted with the birth, but we’re guessing she decided to leave that particular incident off her resumé.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family. 


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Rosie O"Donnell Outraged by Lack of Gun Control, Says It"s Biggest Issue Now

Rosie O’Donnell isn’t as pissed as Lance Bass about gay men not being able to immediately donate blood after a tragedy — she says the nation’s gun crisis is the bigger issue right now.  We got Rosie Tuesday leaving LAX where she had zero…


Friday, January 27, 2017

Taylor Swift and Zayn Malik"s Lack of Music Vid PDA Not Due to Gigi

Taylor Swift and Zayn Malik hardly cross paths in their new music video for the “Fifty Shades Darker” soundtrack, but Zayn’s gf, Gigi Hadid, didn’t put the kibosh on the PDA. Sources connected to production of the “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever” video…


Friday, December 16, 2016

Amber Portwood: I"m QUITTING Teen Mom OG Over Lack of Respect!

Amber Portwood, saying that she’s had it with Teen Mom: OG, is quitting the MTV show following her blowout fight with Farrah Abraham.

This is not a rumor. We’re quoting Amber.

The 26-year-old mother of one quietly but matter-of-factly announced in an Instagram post on Thursday that she’s leaving Teen Mom OG.

“I’ll be leaving #teenmomog sadly,” she captioned a cast pic that showed her with Maci Bookout, Farrah Abraham and Catelynn Lowell.

Her reasoning may not surprise those who watch Teen Mom OG online, or who have followed the social media back-and-forth lately:

“The lack of respect is too much anymore!”

“But still sending all my love!”

Portwood’s announcement comes after the airing of an explosive fight with Abraham (above) during the Teen Mom OG reunion special.

In the first part of the reunion, which aired at the end of November, Portwood went at Abraham regarding the status of their friendship.

“We used to be [friends] and then she decided to open up her crooked lips. She decided to do an interview saying something.”

“About how it’s good that [my daughter] Leah is with Gary [Shirley] and how my house probably smells like piss. You don’t do that.”

That was before they came to blows.

In part two, which aired December 5, Portwood stormed onto the stage, yelled and actually took a swing at the bewildered non-porn star.

What set her into such a rage?

Abraham and her Internet troll boyfriend Simon Saran insinuated that Portwood’s 46-year-old fiancé, Matt Baier, looked like “a pedophile.”

Things got worse as producers tried to restrain her and Abraham’s parents came out; Baier pushed Farrah’s father Michael, to the floor.

Hours after the episode aired Portwood took to social media to claim that the reality show had been unfairly edited in favor of Farrah.

“They cut out Michael literally screaming in my face calling me a bitch and him putting his hands on Matt’s neck!!” Amber said on Instagram.

“After 8 years this is so disrespectful.”

“I’ve worked too hard on myself to take this kind of disrespect,” Portwood said, and compounded with the social media fallout (see meme above)?

Enough was enough for her basically.

Abraham, self-righteously, portrayed herself as the victim of Portwood’s violent attack, and said she’s simply above that sort of shenanigans.

“I didn’t have to attend the rest of the reunion or specials [because of what I consider Amber’s] criminal behavior,” she actually said.

According to the Backdoor Teen Mom star, “MTV legal has said I no longer will ever have to work with or around Maci, Catelynn or Amber.” 

Farrah added that MTV hoped that her dad wouldn’t press charges against Baier or the network even though he “has every right to.”

As for whether is really it for Amber?

We’re guessing money talks and she’ll be back. Not because she’s a greedy sellout, but because life is expensive, and this is a good gig.

Her intentions to bail may be 100 percent sincere; Amber was dragged HARD, on and off the air, all season, leading up to the reunion.

But when push comes to shove here, Amber and Matt have been a big draw for the popular series, MTV is gonna want a new season.

Amber is an important component of that season, with many storylines in her complex life to extrapolate on. So … they’ll make it worth it.

Agree? Disagree? Discuss!


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie Fought About Lack of Sex, Adopting More Kids Before Divorce?

At this point, the media has crafted a narrative around the Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt divorce that’s been widely accepted by most fans and gossip hounds.

The story goes:

An incident took place aboard a private jet that caused Brad to get investigated for child abuse and Jolie to take the kids and move out on him the following day.

Based on statements from witnesses and the fact that Brad is being investigated by the FBI in connection with the allegations against him, there’s almost certainly some truth to those rumors.

But while the altercation between Brad and 15-year-old son Maddox may have been the final straw, it’s certainly possible – and even probable – that several other factors also played into Jolie’s decision to call it quits.

Now, we may have some insight into what those factors were.

According to the new issue of Life & Style, Brad and Angie were attending couples therapy in the months leading up to their split.

The tabloid claims to have spoken to a source close to the therapist, who claims that there were two main issues that seemed to be driving a wedge between Brad and Angie:

One was that they were mired in what the insider described as a “sexless marriage.”

The other was that Jolie was reportedly intent on adopting a seventh child, an idea that Brad was less than thrilled about.

“Brad suddenly felt disenchanted with [Angelina]’s plans of having one, big and multi-cultural family,” says the source.

“This simply made the family chaotic and unorganized and Pitt cannot handle them anymore. And with the instability of the family, Brad suffered from [a] mental breakdown.”

We’re not sure we see the connection between the multi-cultural nature of his family and Brad’s supposed breakdown, but the next part makes a bit more sense:

It seems Brad felt that Angie was more concerned with turning the family into a living advertisement for the joys of adopting older kids than with, ya know … actually raising said kids.

“According to Angie, everybody seems to want to adopt babies when there are so many other wonderful, worthy and deserving older children out there,” the insider claims.

A worthy cause, to be sure, but if Brad felt his kids weren’t getting the proper care because of Angie’s “#AdoptTheWorld” initiative, then he was right to complain.

That said, if there’s even a kernel of truth to the allegations that Brad got physical during a fight with one of his kids, then all of his complaints are invalid and Angie is right to fight for sole physical custody.

We’re just saying whatever happened aboard that plane might not tell the entire story.


Monday, August 29, 2016

Jinger Duggar & Jeremy Vuolo Reveal Courtship Rules (or Lack Thereof)!

If you thought all Duggar relationships were the same, courting lovebirds Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo are turning that idea on its head.

In a clip from Counting On Season 2 Episode 2, Jinger opens up about the guidelines (or lack thereof) she’s following in her courtship.

We begin with the future Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Vuolo visiting Jessa and Ben Seewald’s home and announcing they’re officially courting.

Joy-Anna Duggar weighs on on what courtship typically means to the Duggars, and how it differs from dating in the traditional sense.

As you know well if you watch Counting On online or follow the Duggars much at all, there are many things not allowed by the family.

Jim Bob Duggar, who is also on hand, asks if Jessa and Ben have any wisdom to pass along to the duo in this exciting new phase.

When Ben asks if the couple has figured out their courtship guidelines, which each courting pair sets, Jeremy shares that they have.

He jokes that when he first heard about the "courting" process, he wondered why he was taking Jinger to court. But seriously folks…

“I have a desire to save really the physical for marriage,” the 28-year-old pastor says as Jinger Duggar, 22, nods approvingly.

“I think we both understand that. There are temptations and if we open a lot of doors physically," then challenges may arise.

"The time spent together basically becomes a time of saying, ‘OK we can’t cross this line’ or ‘We can’t cross this line,"" he adds.

"It becomes difficult.”

While side hugs are typically par for the course with the Duggars, Jinger reveals she’s isn’t sticking to a particular playbook with Jer.

Fans who believe Jinger is breaking courtship rules here and violating them again there will certainly not be astonished to hear this.

“I think it’s different for each person. It’s not a cookie cutter,” she says, adding that most importantly it"s “Just praying about those things."

"Not necessarily, you don’t have to have it all listed as a set of rules, but just a general idea and letting the people around you know.”

The duo will also seek advice from Jinger’s older sister Jill Dillard and her husband Derick, who are married (as are Ben and Jessa).

Mostly likely they will not ask Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson for their input, though hearing about a failed courtship could help.

If you think about it, that might even be more useful.

Anyway, Jinger and Jeremy are engaged, so we know things have gone pretty well between them in the time since this was filmed.

Tuesday"s episode will feature Jeremy sharing his “first meal” with the famous family, as well as a Duggar wilderness survival course.

Check out the extended sneak peek below:

Jinger duggar and jeremy vuolo reveal courtship rules or lack th

Friday, August 5, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Does She Blame Kendall For Her Lack of Modeling Success?!

As you’re probably aware, Kylie Jenner is incredibly famous.

In fact, by some measures Kylie is more popular online than any of her mega-star sisters.

Obviously, she owes much of her renown to her sisters, but over the past year, Kylie has really struck out on her own.

First there were Kylie’s lip kits, so popular that they sold out within minutes, and the demand crashed her company’s website. 

Next came Kylie’s eye shadow, another immediate moneymaker. 

It’s undeniable that the girl has some serious business acumen (or at least knows how to take advice from those who do), and she’s already experiencing success that would be unimaginable for most adults, let alone girls who are still in their teens.

And yet, it’s often rumored that Kylie’s number one dream remains unfulfilled.

Sources close to Kylie say she wants nothing more than to model, and she’s growing increasingly frustrated as her sister Kendall continues to score the kind of reputable contracts that elude her.

Sure, Kylie has a deal with Puma and she frequently gets paid to pose with products on Instagram, but like the rest of her family, she’s obsessed with the world of high fashion.

She wants to work with Karl Lagerfeld and other household name designers.

She wants a contract with Balmain.

And most of all, she wants the cover of Vogue.

Scoring the cover of Anna Wintour’s fashion bible is considered the ultimate achievement in Kylie’s world.

Kim and Kanye have done it.

Kendall has done it.

Now Kylie wants the honor, and sources say she’s pissed that it doesn’t appear to be forthcoming.

“Ever since she had her lips done, Kylie feels like she is the hottest out of her family and was furious that Kendall and Kim both got their own Vogue covers,” a friend tells Star magazine.

“She thought for sure she was next and tells everyone that Gigi only got it because she’s such a pushy suck-up.”

Unfortunately, it seems Kylie’s attitude and lack of modeling experience have held her back at every turn:

“It’s well known that Kylie is a nightmare on photoshoots,” says an industry insider.

“She never looks up from her phone and will stay in the dressing room for hours. And at the end of the day, she just can’t model – the only way she knows to pose for the camera is to do duck lips.”

See? Talent does matter to the Kardashians!

They care very deeply about possessing the talent to get paid ungodly amounts of money to stand around while someone takes your picture.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 9 Recap: Kailyn Talks (Lack of) Sex Life

On Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 9, sex talk was off the hook, while some of the obligatory legal and custody battles brewed as well.

At a concert with fiance Cole DeBoer, Chelsea Houska referred to her man’s “ding-dong” and vowed to have Jason Aldean “sign my vag.”

Good times. Meanwhile, her daughter Aubree Lind needed glasses and suffered a complete meltdown over getting her eye drops put in.

Poor thing. Meanwhile, Javi Marroquin arranged (from overseas) for Kailyn Lowry and her friends to go out partying, which was cool. 

Not so cool? Kailyn’s sex life, or lack thereof.

“I’m fine … that’s what toys are for,” she mused before complaining about her shower head. “I’m just pissed it doesn’t come off.”

“Javi asked me to send him naked pictures all the time. But I won’t because it’s too risky. What if I send it to the wrong person?”

These are the risks we face today, it’s true.

Meanwhile, Javi was not enjoying deployment, venting to his wife via FaceTime and showing signs of cracking from abroad.

“I can’t go anywhere,” he said. “I don’t have anything here. I have my room. I eat, and I sleep to wake up again. It’s just hard.”

Between being apart and two little kids, it’s no wonder Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin divorce rumors have run rampant lately.

Meanwhile, the drama escalated between Jenelle Evans, her mother Barbara Evans, and Jenelle’s new boyfriend David Eason.

Babs, as usual, was withholding Jenelle’s son Jace, which has been an ongoing issue and which David was very upset about. 

“She never wants you to see him, she doesn’t want you to keep him on holidays,” Eason drawled to Jenelle. “That ain’t right.”

“She’s trying to keep your own child from you.”

Barbara ended up getting into a screaming match with David after she picked Jace up, yelling at him as Jenelle hid out in the bedroom.

“Call the police! You live here, and she pays all the bills like every other guy!” Barbara yelled, to which David responded in kind.

Not at all dysfunctional down in the Carolinas.

Finally, Leah Messer and Corey Simms were at odds again, not long after they had agreed to split custody and seemed to turn a corner.

At issue? Messer’s lawyer listed the young mother of three and Corey as “joint custodians,” which was not cool with Simms’ attorney.

Corey’s take on this latest legal twist?

“If the judge says Leah’s primary custodian, [I] hope she makes some right decisions, and she don’t end up in jail for truancy or something stupid like that.”

Leah doesn’t care if Corey Simms dies.

“To do what he’s done to my kids? I don’t care if he takes another breath … All I can do is fight against it. That’s all I can do.”

Stay tuned.