Showing posts with label Midwife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Midwife. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Jill Duggar Launches Midwife Company; Critics Say She"s Putting Lives at Risk

Typically, Duggar women aren’t permitted to seek employment outside the home, but an exception has been made in the case of Jill Duggar.

There are two reasons for this:

For one thing, Derick Dillard was recently fired by TLC after launching a transphobic tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

For reasons that defy explanation, Jill Duggar then quit Counting On, possibly as a show of solidarity with her husband.

Needless to say, there’s not a whole lot of cash pouring into the Dillard household these days, and fans were quick chastise the couple for the fact that they were both out of work, despite having two young sons to raise.

On top of all that, Jill’s decision to enter the workforce has been accepted by her husband and father as a result of the nature of the business venture she recently launched.

Put simply, in the eyes of Jim Bob and Derick, it’s woman’s work.

You see, Jill is a midwife, and as such, she’s decided to launch a her own business – an in-home service with the somewhat confusing name of Labor Sit.

While it’s nice to see Jill breaking with her family’s ridiculously outmoded tradtions and join life in the 21st century, her choice has not been without controversy.

When we said “Jill is a midwife,” perhaps have clarified that Jill considers herself a midwife.

According to her critics, Jill has not been properly trained for the job, and thus, she puts lives at stake everytime she puts on a hairnet and calls for some boiling water, or however midwives get ready to do their thing.

For several years, Jill didn’t practice at all.

This was probably the result of accusations that she faked her certification and was in no way qualified to perform the work for which she was being paid.

Jill’s lack of training is certainly cause for concern, but as is often the case with this sort of thing, the critics are slightly exaggerating.

Jill has received a certification, but it’s just not from an organization that anyone takes seriously.

Generally, midwives are granted a Certified Nurse Midwife certification, which requires a 4-year bachelor’s degree one year of nursing experience, and three years in a nurse-midwifery program.

Obviously, Jill has none of those qualifications, and so she received a Certified Professional Midwife’s license, which as far as we can tell, requires that the recipient be willing to write a check.

Add to that the fact that Jill has already earned a reputation for sketchy business practices during her very brief time in the field, and it’s not hard to see why so many think she quit while she’s only somewhat behind.

Jill’s midwife mentor had her license revoked and was forced to move out of state after she was sued by a mother who says she nearly died due to professional negligence.

Insiders say Jill was present for the botched birth, but thus far, there’s no evidence to that effect.

All of this bad news comes at a time when the Dillards are ramping up their social media presence, presumably in an effort to promote Jill’s new business.

Of course, some fans think the couple has simply been simply missing the spotlight in the months since Derick got canned.

Whatever the case, he and Jill may soon want to lie low again.

We sense another Duggar scandal coming.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, April 20, 2018

Jill Duggar: Still Working As a Midwife Despite Dangerous Lack of Training?!

Ever since Derick Dillard got fired by TLC after revealing himself to be a bigoted bully on social media, there hasn’t been a whole lot of cash pouring into his bank account.

The problem, you see, is that Jill Duggar quit Counting On in a show of solidarity, which means the Dillard household went from a two-income home to a zero-income home overnight.

And Derick didn’t marry into a wealthy family just to go on punching a clock like some shlub, which means it’s time for Jill start earning.

Fortunately, the mother of two has been paid to practice a skill in the past.

Unfortunately, she may not be qualified to do so and her lack of proper training might be putting lives at risk.

Longtime fans of the Duggar clan will recall that Jill has worked as a midwife intermittently over the years.

They might also recall that there’s an ongoing debate as to whether or not Jill is properly trained and licensed for such work.

Whatever the case, Jill is back at it.

She revealed this week that she’s launched her own midwife service called Labor Sit, and it seems the new venture is already off to a rousing start.

Jill posted the above photo yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“Got to help deliver this chunker the other day! Sam helped me #laborsit then napped like a champ when the time came!”

First of all, did Jill just body-shame that baby?!

(We kid, no need to call us snowflakes in the comments.)

But more importantly, is Jill qualified to even work as a midwife’s assistant, much less run her own midwife service?

The answer, as In Touch Weekly points out, is a matter of intense debate amongst Duggar obsessives. 

“She is licensed,” one fan asserted on Reddit.

“They even posted a picture of it on their blog when she passed her exam to become a CPM. She went to school for it. They talked about it on the old TV show.”

“She’s not licensed,” another retorted.

“Where you read that you have been misinformed… Also, how do you presume she got a degree when her only form of education is Bill Gothard’s ATI curriculum at Michelle Duggar’s kitchen table?”

The photo in question does show Jill holding a Certified Professional Midwife’s license, but the situation is still not as cut and dried as it seems.

As many fans have noted, Jill has only been granted a CPM competency certificate, which is different from a Certified Nurse Midwife license, generally considered the standard in her field.

That distinction requires a Bachelor’s degree, one year of nursing experience, and three years in a nurse-midwifery program – none of which has Jill obtained.

In addition to the controversy over Jill’s licensing, there’s some skepticism over the training she received early on in her career.

Jill’s earliest experiences as a midwife came under the tutelage of a woman named Venessa Giron.

Giron had her license revoked in 2015 following a botched delivery and subsequent lawsuit that also prompted her to move to a new state in order to continue practicing.

The plaintiff in the lawsuit was a new mom named Tiffany Nance who claims she nearly died during her delivery, and Giron refused to dial 911 despite the fact that a life was clearly in danger.

Jill reportedly assisted with the birth, but we’re guessing she decided to leave that particular incident off her resumé.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family. 


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Jana Duggar: Is She a Midwife?

While fans of the Duggars wait to hear if Counting On has been renewed or canceled, some are waiting for something else: to find out what Jana Duggar is going to do with her life.

Is she ever going to get married? Is she going to remain in the Duggar household forever? In many ways, the eldest Duggar daughter remains a mystery to fans.

But there’s a chance that Jana Duggar has one job that might take her outside of the Duggar household every now and then. Fans want to know: is Jana a midwife?

In the Duggar household, a strange fertility cult that operates on the fringes of society and upholds fundamentalist beliefs that even die-hard conservative Christians eye askance, women are not independent beings.

That is to say that, effectively, daughters belong to their fathers until they’re married off, at which point their husbands are in charge of everything from how they dress to what they might do for a living.

In the mean time, there’s no sex, there’s no kissing, there’s no unsupervised courting, and there is no front-hugging. 

In fact, the unmarried Duggar women — no matter what age — aren’t allowed to use social media.

(We have to imagine that Josh Duggar’s sex scandals — the cheating, not the molestation — are partially to blame for that policy, because the Duggars like to place blame with everything except Josh himself)

Jana, though she’s the eldest daughter at 27 years (she’ll be 28 next month), isn’t on social media, which is why fans so often have to guess in order to know anything about Jana that isn’t shown on Counting On.

However, though this situation means that we only get glimpses and rumors of things like Jana’s likely courtship with Caleb, Jana does get the occasional opportunity to speak for herself.

Back in 2013 (which, from the perspective of the Duggars, was probably a better, simpler time), Jana and her sister Jill did a guest blog for TLC.

At the time, Jill was in midwifery school (that sounds like a fake word for it, we know) because she wanted to become a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM).

Jana’s situation was a little less formal.

At the time, she wrote that she was “working under a local midwife.” She also added that she was working “as a midwife assistant and doula.”

Jill went on to get certified as a midwife in 2015. But there’s no record of Jana doing anything of the sort.

The reason that we bring this up, aside from viewers’ curiosity over what Jana does with her life and fans’ desire for Jana Duggar to get a life, is because midwifery is becoming increasingly relevant.

Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with Austin Forsyth’s baby. The couple married in what is widely believed to have been a shotgun wedding, because Joy-Anna’s version of when she got pregnant — claiming that it was after the wedding — seems suspect.

One way or the other, though, Joy-Anna is pregnant and there’s been speculation that Joy-Anna Duggar might have a home birth.

This practice, where you eschew a hospital visit and try to give birth from the discomfort of your own home, is popular within the Duggar family, even if it doesn’t always work out so well.

So, when it comes time for Joy-Anna to deliver, is Jana Duggar going to helping out?

We don’t know, quite frankly.

But, despite John-David’s excited story of Jana helping to deliver a calf in a very hands-on manner, and despite the training that Jana has clearly had … she’s still not really a midwife.

Jill Duggar is a certified midwife. She can totally help out. But Jana, at the very least, lack’s Jill’s certification.

These days, Jana spends her time being very handy around the house. She acts as a caregiver to her much-younger siblings, she gardens, she cleans, she cooks, and she’s even handy with a hammer and nails.

So while we don’t know that Jana’s going to help bring any new Duggar babies into the world any time soon — her own or those of her siblings — she’s not sitting on her hands, hoping that her prince will one day arrive and sweep her off of her feet as has happened for several of her younger sisters.

When Jana gets married is her business, folks.

But we are allowed to wonder what’s holding her back.


Monday, September 28, 2015

Jill Duggar Accused of Faking Midwife Certification

Last  week, Jill Duggar told family, friends and fans that after years of extensive training, she had finally become a certified midwife.

Jill posted the photo below on her Instagram page, and husband Derick Dillard boasted about her achievement on their family blog:

“It’s official; my wife is a midwife!” Derick wrote on September 18. 

“As of Wednesday, September 16, and after the 7-hour comprehensive exam for certified professional midwifes, she is now “Jill Dillard, CPM.”

“And if anybody knows how much hard work it has been for her, it’s me. Jill has been very disciplined and sacrificed a lot to get to this point.”

“So much so, that I don’t have the capacity within this brief blog post to give all the details to do it justice.”

Sounds like quite the accomplishment.

Unfortunately, someone who knows a lot more about this sort of thing than Derick does – namely, a Harvard Medical School professor named Dr. Amy Tuteur – says Jill’s certification is fraudulent, and she is not qualified to work as a midwife.

“Jill Duggar Dillard did not become a midwife,” Dr. Tuteur wrote on her blog on September 22. Rather, “She became a counterfeit midwife.”

How so?!

“She was awarded an ersatz credential (CPM, Certified Professional Midwife) designed to fool the public into believing that lay people who can’t be bothered (or can’t hack) the education and training needed to become a real midwife are ‘midwives’ nonetheless.”

“The CPM really means ‘counterfeit professional midwife.’”


Dr. Tuteur goes on to compare Jill to someone who simply decided to declare himself a doctor without completing any of the necessary training.

This accusation comes on the heels of Jill and Derick asking fans for donations for a mission trip that appears to have never taken place.

After repeatedly giving the impression that they intended to spend the foreseeable future in El Salvador, Jill and Derick are back in Arkansas.

Their unexpected (and very premature) return comes just weeks after the couple accepted money that was supposed to fund their extended stay in Central America.

This latest scandal comes on the heels of outrage over Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald asking fans for money online.

Yes, it seems Josh Duggar isn’t alone in his ability to attract the wrong kind of attention to his family.