Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Jill Duggar Launches Midwife Company; Critics Say She"s Putting Lives at Risk

Typically, Duggar women aren’t permitted to seek employment outside the home, but an exception has been made in the case of Jill Duggar.

There are two reasons for this:

For one thing, Derick Dillard was recently fired by TLC after launching a transphobic tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

For reasons that defy explanation, Jill Duggar then quit Counting On, possibly as a show of solidarity with her husband.

Needless to say, there’s not a whole lot of cash pouring into the Dillard household these days, and fans were quick chastise the couple for the fact that they were both out of work, despite having two young sons to raise.

On top of all that, Jill’s decision to enter the workforce has been accepted by her husband and father as a result of the nature of the business venture she recently launched.

Put simply, in the eyes of Jim Bob and Derick, it’s woman’s work.

You see, Jill is a midwife, and as such, she’s decided to launch a her own business – an in-home service with the somewhat confusing name of Labor Sit.

While it’s nice to see Jill breaking with her family’s ridiculously outmoded tradtions and join life in the 21st century, her choice has not been without controversy.

When we said “Jill is a midwife,” perhaps have clarified that Jill considers herself a midwife.

According to her critics, Jill has not been properly trained for the job, and thus, she puts lives at stake everytime she puts on a hairnet and calls for some boiling water, or however midwives get ready to do their thing.

For several years, Jill didn’t practice at all.

This was probably the result of accusations that she faked her certification and was in no way qualified to perform the work for which she was being paid.

Jill’s lack of training is certainly cause for concern, but as is often the case with this sort of thing, the critics are slightly exaggerating.

Jill has received a certification, but it’s just not from an organization that anyone takes seriously.

Generally, midwives are granted a Certified Nurse Midwife certification, which requires a 4-year bachelor’s degree one year of nursing experience, and three years in a nurse-midwifery program.

Obviously, Jill has none of those qualifications, and so she received a Certified Professional Midwife’s license, which as far as we can tell, requires that the recipient be willing to write a check.

Add to that the fact that Jill has already earned a reputation for sketchy business practices during her very brief time in the field, and it’s not hard to see why so many think she quit while she’s only somewhat behind.

Jill’s midwife mentor had her license revoked and was forced to move out of state after she was sued by a mother who says she nearly died due to professional negligence.

Insiders say Jill was present for the botched birth, but thus far, there’s no evidence to that effect.

All of this bad news comes at a time when the Dillards are ramping up their social media presence, presumably in an effort to promote Jill’s new business.

Of course, some fans think the couple has simply been simply missing the spotlight in the months since Derick got canned.

Whatever the case, he and Jill may soon want to lie low again.

We sense another Duggar scandal coming.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.
