Showing posts with label Respect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Respect. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Monday, June 18, 2018

T.J. Dillashaw Says CM Punk Was Terrible, But I Respect Him

UFC champ T.J. Dillashaw agrees with Dana White … CM Punk showed a lot of balls by getting into the Octagon — but admits his performance was trash.  T.J. joined the guys on the “TMZ Sports” TV show (airs weeknights on FS1) — where he…


Thursday, May 31, 2018

David Arquette Is Coming Back To Wrestling To Get Fans" Respect

David Arquette is fed up with you damn haters, and tells TMZ Sports he’s coming back to pro wrestling to shut up everyone who’s been dissing his foray into the squared circle 20 years ago. You might not remember … but David was once WCW…


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Jill Duggar Visits a Mosque for Ramadan, Gets Blasted by Fans: Show Some RESPECT!!

Jill Duggar is going above and beyond to avoid her husband!

Just kidding — though, given Derick Dillard"s latest remarks about trans people, who would blame her?

No, Jill spent some time at a mosque for Ramadan, and fans took her to task for not covering her hair for the visit. Are they right?

Jill duggar in a mosque for ramadan

In the video that we"ve attached, Jill shows off her visit to a mosque.

"Okay where are we at?"

A hijabi woman beside her (who, we have to say, is in a wonderfully colorful outfit) answers, saying:

"We are at a mosque and we have Iraqi feast for Ramadan. We"re glad to see you here!"

As you probably know, during the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast, abstaining from certain activities such as food during the daylight hours.

(People with health restrictions are exempted)

After night falls, however, there is a feast to break the fast. Jill"s companion introduces her to some traditional Iraqi dishes.

Jill duggar ramadan 01

The video"s caption reads:

"While Derick was with the men (guys and girls have separate sections), Jill enjoyed some Iraqi food with friends."

That"s great and all, but a number of fans had major concerns about Jill"s hair.

"You shouldn’t go into a mosque not covered out of respect. You also take off your shoes."

They"re not suggesting that Jill don a hijab on a permanent basis, but merely adhere to a dress code. 

"She should have had her head covered in a mosque out of respect."

Many houses of worship have dress codes.

"That right there speaks volumes about her respect."

That said, we don"t know if this particular mosque has this concern about guests.

Not all Muslims wear hijabs (or any other hair covering), and some mosques may not enforce a dress code for guests.

Jill duggar ramadan 02

There was plenty of addition commentary, including fears that Jill might be proselytizing under very inappropriate circumstances.

"I really hope you aren"t trying to convert Muslims."

That probably wasn"t the case, otherwise, Jill and Dercik would be begging fans for money like they do when they go on missionary trips.

"Of course it’s a PR stunt. Notice they only use these kind of posts when Derick has done something wrong. It absolutely can’t be taken seriously and it’s actually more offensive knowing it’s all an act."

A lot of people share the theory that this is an example of her trying to soften their image after Derick"s repeated homophobic and transphobic rants.

"it’s damage control for her all of her husbands Twitter rants lol"

Others think that it has less to do with Derick and more to do with the couple"s shared desire for attention.

"It’s all for attention to make themselves look better ! It’s all for show. They have one path only ! Have you not seen the hate he spews on his social media ??"

Jill duggar ramadan 03

Others, however, were full of compliments for Jill.

"Awesome that you love and honor others in this way."

They even defended her from some (fellow) fundamentalists who thought that Jill was consorting with "the enemy."

"People forget it is possible to show compassion without compromising your own convictions."

Others offered Jill kudos for attending the feast instead of just poting a few empty words.

"I will say, Jill put her money where her mouth is with this one and I think it’s great. The more barriers we break down the better."


"People!!! It"s between Jill & God what, where & why she was doing what she was. You don"t have to agree with someone on religion, or anything for that matter, to show a little kindness & love."


"There are a lot of things between Islam and Christianity that are quite similar. The big difference is the role of Jesus Christ. And as followers of Jesus Christ, we know that we follow the true faith. But that doesn’t mean we should judge others. It’s not our place. Have a great and blessed day!"

Jesus is considered a holy man within Islam.

Jill duggar ramadan 04

Others took Jill"s more conservative critics to task.

"Seriously? People are blasting OTHER Christians for joining in with our brothers and sisters of another Abrahamic faith? (Abrahamic faiths being Christianity, Islam, and Judaism)."

it"s true. In fact, despite the academic differences, many have wondered if Judaism, Christianity, and Islam shouldn"t be considered different branches of the same faith.

Muslims themselves appreciated the post.

"You are an amazing human being and I love that you are sharing Ramadan with us. Ramadan is a holy month full of love and charity. You are an amazing woman Jill, and as a Muslim American I love y’all & yalls show."

While many people"s concerns over Jill"s lack of hair-covering was probably genuine and came from a good place, it is important to not speak over people.

It doesn"t sound like Jill did anything wrong … in this one, particular instance.

Shame Jill when she deserves it, but only when she deserves it.

Jill duggar hiding a bump

Jill duggar visits a mosque for ramadan gets blasted by fans sho

Monday, April 30, 2018

Tom Brady On Kneeling: "Respect Everyone"s Opinions"

Tom Brady just did a live Q&A with Jim Gray at the Milken Institute in Santa Monica … and talked about everything from his NFL future to kneeling during the national anthem.  We’re working on finding video of the entire session, but…


Friday, March 16, 2018

Angie Stone Wants Bruno Mars to Show Respect with "Uptown Funk"

Angie Stone says Bruno Mars has a lot of growing up to do, but ain’t hard to read between the lines … she wants him to pay up. We got the R&B singer Thursday in the ATL and asked her about her rap group, The Sequence,…


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Canelo Alvarez: I"d Never Consider MMA Like Floyd Mayweather, "I Respect Boxing"

Canelo Alvarez says he wouldn’t be caught dead in an MMA cage ‘cause he’s got too much love and respect for boxing … unlike Floyd Mayweather. With all the buzz about Floyd possibly taking a UFC fight, we had to ask Canelo if he’d consider…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Herschel Walker Blasts Marshawn Lynch"s Protest: "Total Disrespect, Lost Respect for You"

Herschel Walker says he’s always been a huge Marshawn Lynch fan … until Beast Mode dropped the ultimate diss on America this past weekend. “To stand for the Mexico anthem and sit for the American anthem is total disrespect,” Herschel told TMZ…


Monday, November 13, 2017

Colin Kaepernick Deserves Some Damn Respect, Says Maxine Waters

We just got Congresswoman Maxine Waters out in NYC and asked what she thought about Colin Kaepernick being named GQ’s Citizen of the Year. To put it simply … she LOVES it. “I think he has absolutely sacrificed an awful lot for what he believes…


Saturday, September 23, 2017

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, Show Some Respect, President Trump

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell clapped back at President Trump Saturday morning, saying the Prez shows an utter lack of respect for the league … adding the Prez just doesn’t have a clue. Goodell is reacting to Trump’s tirade Friday night, where…


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Mike Tyson: I Respect Conor McGregor More After Mayweather Fight

Mike Tyson is finally giving Conor McGregor some credit as a boxer — saying he truly gained some respect for the Irish superstar after watching the Mayweather fight.  Remember, Tyson gave a pretty brutal prediction back in July … telling…


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Jenelle Evans: I Don"t Respect My Mom!

If you keep up with the comings and goings of Jenelle Evans, then one, bless your heart, because you sure are trooper, huh?

And two, you know that she hasn’t gotten along with her mother, Barbara Evans, for a very, very long time.

Even back in the first season of Teen Mom 2, we saw Jenelle and Barbara get into horrific fights — mostly because Jenelle couldn’t seem to comprehend the idea of being responsible.

She left her newborn son, little baby Jace, at home while she went out partying at night, and she expected her mom to pick up her slack.

Meanwhile, Barbara had (and still has) a job, but she still cared for Jace throughout the nights while Jenelle was out, and during some mornings when she was too tired to parent.

Eventually she signed temporary custody over to Barbara, with the understanding that “temporary” custody could mean she’d get him back in a few months or that Babs would have custody until Jace turned 18.

After that, Barbara acted as a full-time parent to Jace while Jenelle ran off with various boyfriends, got addicted to heroin, etc.

The kid will be eight years old next month, and Barbara still has full custody of him.

And, according to Jenelle, that’s why she’s “lost all respect” for her mother.


“We don’t talk much,” she admits in a new interview with Us Weekly.

“We only talk about Jace and meeting up to drop him off or pick him up and other than that, we aren’t talking.”

The issue, she says, is that she’s “frustrated” that Barbara just won’t give her custody of Jace.

“I told her,” she claims, “if you want to be back in my life in any way, you can give me back my son and we can start from there.”

“As long as I don’t have Jace, I don’t see us having a real relationship.”

Does Jenelle not understand anything?

It’s not like Barbara can simply change her mind and give Jace to Jenelle — she’s not keeping him to spite her.

She stepped up when Jenelle was in a really dark place, and she’s been the only real parent Jace has ever known.

And really, it’s only been a year or so since Jenelle’s had her life together. For several years, she was completely out of control.

As she admitted in another recent interview, she almost died of a heroin overdose — shouldn’t she be grateful for Barbara and how she’s dedicated so much of herself to Jace when she couldn’t?

Also, just a couple of months ago, Jenelle agreed to an official visitation schedule for Jace.

Instead of going to trial and possibly getting custody of her son — the thing she’s said she’s wanted for years — she agreed to go to mediation with Barbara, and their lawyers worked out their new schedule with the new rules.

That was her opportunity to get Jace back, but she’s still saying she’s waiting on Barbara to just hand him over.

Again, does she not understand anything?!

In the interview, she also says that “Ever since the court date, I haven’t filmed with her. I think it’ll just be pick up and drop offs unless my director really pushes.”

“As for me and my mom on camera together having a conversation? No, you won’t be seeing that.”

Which is sad, because we did see them have a nice moment in a sneak peek for the upcoming season.

We should have known it wouldn’t last.

Ideally, someone can sit Jenelle down and calmly explain to her how this whole custody thing works, since she hasn’t seemed to be able to comprehend it yet.

And then, maybe that person can clue her in on just how much Barbara has done for her and Jace over the years.

That’s the dream, anyway.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Blac Chyna Says Rob Kardashian Doesn"t Respect Her, So He Can Tell it to the Judge

Blac Chyna says Rob Kardashian treats her like dirt and she had no option but to take him to court. Chyna appeared Monday AM on “Good Morning America” with celeb lawyer Lisa Bloom. She ran though the reasons why she’s in court this morning trying…


Blac Chyna Says Rob Kardashian Doesn"t Respect Her, So He Can Tell it to the Judge

Blac Chyna says Rob Kardashian treats her like dirt and she had no option but to take him to court. Chyna appeared Monday AM on “Good Morning America” with celeb lawyer Lisa Bloom. She ran though the reasons why she’s in court this morning trying…


Friday, June 30, 2017

Paris Jackson SLAMS Kendall & Kylie Jenner: Show Some Respect!

As you may have heard, Kendall and Kylie Jenner aren’t having the greatest week, and they have no one to blame but themselves.

For some reason, the sisters thought it would be a good idea to sell t-shirts emblazoned with trademarked images of artists like Tupac, The Notorious B.I.G., and Ozzy Osbourne.

To make matters worse, KJ and KJ superimposed photos of themselves over the images over the legendary artists.

It was like some sort of bizarre experiment in subliminal advertising:

“If we make people think of us when they’re looking at iconic artists,” the sisters seemed to be saying, “they’ll mistakenly think that we’re super talented, too!”

Needless to say, the plan didn’t work out.

First, Kendall and Kylie were slammed by Biggie’s mom in a social media tirade for the ages.

Shortly thereafter, the Jenners were destroyed by the Osbournes, as both Sharon and Kelly took to Twitter to verbally tear them new ones.

Now, relatives of famous musicians who weren’t directly affected by Kendall and Kylie’s idiocy are getting in on the fun:

Paris Jackson is roughly Kylie’s age and two years younger than Kendall, so hopefully her stern words about the importance of respecting one’s musical elders will hit home especially hard:

“As a huge fan of zeppelin, the doors, Floyd.. I mean these bands literally helped shape who I am today. I can’t condone this ‘fashion,"” Jackson wrote on Twitter.

“Legends like these who completely changed our world today, not just the music world, should be respected and honored. not turned into this.”

She added:

“Pink Floyd is not Chanel. Led Zeppelin is not Michael Kors. <etallica is not Givenchy. Don’t get it twisted. #bandsnotbrands #RESPECTMUSIC

Boom. Hopefully Kendall and Kylie heard the deafening sound of that mic drop.

The sisters issued the following apology on their social media pages yesterday, but it could be a case of too little, too late:

“These designs were not well thought out and we deeply apologize to anyone that has been upset and/or offended, especially to the families of the artists,” reads the statement.

“We are huge fans of their music and it was not our intention to disrespect these cultural icons in any way. The tee shirts have been pulled from retail and all images have been removed. We will use this as an opportunity to learn from theses mistakes, and again we are very sorry.”

Biggie’s estate has already rejected the apology, and no one else seems to be in any hurry to accept it.

It’ll be interesting to see how many PR crises these girls can endure.


Friday, April 21, 2017

UFC"s Tyron Woodley Doesn"t Respect Georges St-Pierre, Fight Me Already!

Tyron Woodley wants big fights — and he’s not afraid to name names … telling TMZ Sports he wants a piece of Georges St-Pierre if he can’t get Conor McGregor. The UFC welterweight champ co-hosted the “TMZ Sports” TV show (airs Thursday night on…


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Mike WiLL Made-It Says LeBron Got Kendrick Lamar"s Album Early Out Of Respect (VIDEO)

One of the biggest producers in rap says it’s no accident LeBron James got Kendrick Lamar’s album early … telling TMZ Sports he’s done the same thing for ‘Bron … out of respect for his hip-hop ear.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Janelle Monae Encourages Global Sex Strike, Believes "Respect" for "The Vagina" Has Been Lost

Janelle Monae has a way with words.

But, if it were up to the singer and actress, no man on the planet would have his way with the body of any woman until society undergoes some much-needed changes.

In a cover story of this month’s issue of Marie Claire, the Hidden Figures star makes quite the bold statement:

She encourages those who share her gender to withhold their most private part from members of the opposite gender as a form of protest.

“People have to start respecting the vagina,” Monae told Marie Claire, explaining:

“Until every man is fighting for our rights, we should consider stopping having sex. I love men. But evil men? I will not tolerate that. You don’t deserve to be in my presence.”

This would explain why Melania Trump has not slept with Donald Trump in about a decade.

In all seriousness, however, this idea may sound ludicrous.

But if ALL women around the globe really did agree to close their legs for ALL men… you just know there would be equal pay laws on every book in about two-and-a-half days.

Monae acknowledges the facts.

She talks openly about the lack of female leadership around the country.

She figures that if voters won’t put a woman in the White House, for example, then women themselves need to take their own kind of unique stance in order to demand change.

“If you’re going to own this world and this is how you’re going to rule this world, I am not going to contribute anymore until you change it,” she says, addressing men in power and adding:

“We have to realize our power and our magic. Because I am all about black-girl magic, even though I’m standing with all women. But this year?

“This year, I am so carefree black girl.”

Monae also elaborated on what “sexy” means in her view, stressing the significance of embracing one’s individuality.

“Women automatically are told that this is how you should look. This is how you should get a man. This is how you should get a woman,” she told the magazine.

“You need to fit into all these boxes to be accepted. I don’t subscribe to that way of thinking. I don’t think we all have to take the same coordinates to reach the same destination.

“I believe in embracing what makes you unique even if it makes others uncomfortable.”

Amen, right?!?

In closing, the actress reminded readers just how important it is to stay true to themselves.

“I believe in embracing what makes you unique even if it makes others uncomfortable. I have learned there is power in saying no. I have agency. I get to decide.”

And, if it’s up to Monae, men won’t get to decide on the next time they have sex until they take a long, hard look in the mirror and realize:

I’ll never get long and hard in bed again unless I do some things differently!


Monday, March 20, 2017

D.L. Hughley Says F*** Respecting Prez Trump, He Doesn"t Respect Us! (VIDEO + AUDIO)

D.L. Hughley says Steve Harvey is dead wrong about Snoop Dogg, and other entertainers, showing Donald Trump R-E-S-P-E-C-T … because the prez doesn’t know how to spell it. D.L. told us at LAX … that old adage about how the public should treat a…
