require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
D.L. Hughley Playing R. Kelly Tunes a "Tough Call" ... But Here"s What I Think
Thursday, January 10, 2019
D.L. Hughley Playing R. Kelly Tunes a "Tough Call" ... But Here"s What I Think
Friday, November 23, 2018
D.L. Hughley Warns Michael B. Jordan ... Roy Jones Would "Beat the Sh*t" Outta You!
Breaking News
require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
D.L. Hughley Warns Michael B. Jordan ... Roy Jones Would "Beat the Sh*t" Outta You!
Thursday, November 22, 2018
D.L. Hughley Warns Michael B. Jordan ... Roy Jones Would "Beat the Sh*t" Outta You!
Breaking News
require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
D.L. Hughley Warns Michael B. Jordan ... Roy Jones Would "Beat the Sh*t" Outta You!
Saturday, July 14, 2018
D.L. Hughley Rips "Horrible" Papa John"s Founder, Says Using N-Word is Costly
D.L. Hughley’s joining the ranks of some other celebs and athletes to say good riddance to John Schnatter, and says he isn’t surprised ‘Papa John’ used a racial slur … because he’s a “horrible dude.” We got the comedian at LAX Saturday and asked…
Thursday, June 7, 2018
D.L. Hughley Not Giving President Trump Credit for Real Prison Reform
D.L. Hughley isn’t giving President Trump an ounce of credit for letting Alice Johnson out of prison, ‘cause he says it amounts to nothing more than sleight of hand. We got the comedian leaving Mastro’s in Bev Hills Wednesday night,…
Monday, October 16, 2017
D.L. Hughley Says Colin Kaepernick Is More Hated Than O.J.
D.L. Hughley says there’s someone America hates MORE than O.J. Simpson, and that man is Colin Kaepernick, who Hughley thinks is getting the major shaft from NFL owners, and the American public. As we previously reported, Kaep is gearing up to file…
Monday, October 2, 2017
D.L. Hughley Says Americans Are More Dangerous Than Guns & ISIS
The most dangerous thing to Americans isn’t guns or ISIS … it’s your fellow Americans, according to D.L. Hughley. We got D.L. Monday morning following the Las Vegas massacre which killed at least 58 concertgoers and injured more than…
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
D. L. Hughley Says Trump is A Lot Like the Kardashians When it Comes to Obama
D. L. Hughley thinks it’s a YUGE mistake on President Trump’s part to kick out nearly 800k Dreamers on DACA … and he’s comparing him to the Kardashians for it. We got the comedian Tuesday at LAX, where he dished on why DACA recipients are so…
Monday, August 14, 2017
D. L. Hughley: Trump"s Late Rebuke of Neo-Nazis Fueled by Family History of Racism
D. L. Hughley’s not surprised by Donald Trump’s belated rebuke of white supremacists … because he believes the Trumps have roots in racism. We got D. L. Monday at LAX and asked what he made of Trump’s timing to come out and…
Friday, June 2, 2017
D. L. Hughley Destroys Kathy Griffin Haters, Where Was Your Outrage for Ted Nugent?! (VIDEO)
D.L. Hughley’s strongly defending Kathy Griffin’s beheading photo of President Trump – saying all these haters were dead silent when Ted Nugent threatened President Obama. The comedian was at LAX Friday when he labeled most of Kathy’s haters…
Friday, April 21, 2017
George Lopez and D.L. Hughley Get Charlie Murphy Darkness Tribute Tattoos (PHOTOS)
Darkness lives on … thanks to George Lopez and D.L. Hughley! The comedians decided to get permanent tributes to their late friend Charlie Murphy Thursday night — rolling into Fun City Tattoo in NYC to get CM’s famous nickname inked on their…
Saturday, April 8, 2017
D.L. Hughley Trashes Trump for Bombing "Poor Brown People" in Syrian Missile Attack (VIDEO)
D.L. Hughley hates Donald Trump and is not afraid to show it as he excoriated the President for the Syrian missile attack. D.L. was at LAX Friday when he told our photog he thought the bombing, which has been embraced in principle by many on…
Saturday, March 25, 2017
D.L. Hughley Says People Got Wise to Trump that Obamacare Not Just About Poor Black People (VIDEO)
D.L. Hugley thinks Donald Trump failed to repeal Obamacare because the country got wise to the fact that the current plan protects more than just poor black people. Hugley was at LAX Friday and his message is clear … he thinks Trump supporters…
Monday, March 20, 2017
D.L. Hughley Says F*** Respecting Prez Trump, He Doesn"t Respect Us! (VIDEO + AUDIO)
D.L. Hughley says Steve Harvey is dead wrong about Snoop Dogg, and other entertainers, showing Donald Trump R-E-S-P-E-C-T … because the prez doesn’t know how to spell it. D.L. told us at LAX … that old adage about how the public should treat a…
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
D.L. Hughley Accuses MLK III of Choosing Trump Over Rep. John Lewis (VIDEO)
D.L. Hughley isn’t trying to hide his anger at MLK Jr.’s son for betraying Civil Rights leader Rep. John Lewis during his beef with Donald Trump … in D.L.’s eyes, anyway. D.L. definitely got some stuff off his chest when we…
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
D.L. Hughley Defends Debbie Reynolds Death Joke (VIDEO)
D.L. Hughley wants everyone crying about his “insensitive” Debbie Reynolds joke to look at themselves first — stomaching Donald Trump’s proof America’s not so sensitive. We caught up with the comedian Monday in L.A. where we…
Thursday, December 29, 2016
D.L. Hughley Slams Debbie Reynolds for Dying
D.L. Hughley has given Internet users an actual reason to be upset.
Over the past couple days, Hollywood has been hit by a pair of tragedies.
First, Carrie Fisher died from complications related to a heart attack she suffered on Friday, December 23.
Then, incredibly/shockingly/depressingly, Debbie Reynolds died just one day later, succumbing to a stroke within 24 hours of saying goodbye to her only child.
Talk about heartbreaking.
In light of these terrible events, an endless array of stars took to social media in order to express their sadness and condolences.
Most of these Tweets were of the expected variety, as actors, actresses and singers told stories about Fisher and paid her tribute online.
But there were a few exceptions.
Alec Baldwin, for example, used Fisher’s passing as a chance to once again throw shade at Donald Trump and how unqualified he is to be President of the United States.
Steve Martin was taken to task for a Tweet simply because it referred to Fisher as a “beautiful creature,” with critics coming down so hard on the comedian that he had to delete his message.
Cinnabon exploited Fisher’s death to cite her “buns” and share a pretty hilarious photo of a pastry superimposed over her famous Princess Leia hairdo. (The company eventually apologized for the error in judgment.)
Then there was Charlie Sheen, who simply asked God to kill Donald Trump next.
Those were the Tweets that drew the most outrageous reactions.
But Hughley has now stepped forward and put them all to shame.
Or, to be more specific, Hughley has now stepped forward to bring a lifetime of shame upon himself.
While most celebrities (and warm-blooded human beings in general) have reacted to Reynolds’ passing with nothing but stunned grief, Hughley has instead taken the unusual path of actually blaming the veteran actress.
For dying.
Yes, D.L. Hughley has slammed Debbie Reynolds for being too weak to survive without her daughter.
He’s also managed to bring race into the equation.
“Debbie Reynolds died a day after her daughter did!” wrote Hughley, contrasting this event with the way African-Americans women respond to the death of their children and writing:
“Black Mama’s don’t die cuz they kids do!They cry and say God don’t make no mistakes!”
No, really. Look below. He actually Tweeted this:

Hughley didn’t back down upon receiving backlash for the message, either.
Upon being told that he basically sucks as a person and comedian, Hughley shot back to one critic as follows:

That’s one take on life, we suppose.
Some might say that Hughley is just “keeping it real,” while others might say:
You know, either or. Reaction could go either way.
If Hughley is looking for a more sympathetic way to respond to someone’s death, may we suggest the following messages?
Or Hughley could have just said nothing at all.
It may take some stars by surprise, but there’s no requirement to comment on a fellow celebrity’s death.
This is advice that many people on social media would do well to follow.
Friday, October 28, 2016
D.L. Hughley -- 76ers Owe Sevyn Streeter An Apology ... Is "Matter" The New N-Word? (VIDEO)
D.L. Hughley says the Philadelphia 76ers were DEAD WRONG for pulling Sevyn Streeter from her national anthem performance and owe her an apology … and a redo. We got D.L. out at LAX and asked her about the latest national anthem…
Sunday, October 9, 2016
D.L. Hughley -- Don King"s an Idiot For Defending Trump (VIDEO)
D.L. Hughley wonders if Don King took more punches than his fighters … which is the only way he can explain King’s defense of Donald Trump. The comedian was at LAX Sunday when our photog asked him to critique Don’s argument that…
D.L. Hughley -- Don King"s an Idiot For Defending Trump (VIDEO)
D.L. Hughley wonders if Don King took more punches than his fighters … which is the only way he can explain King’s defense of Donald Trump. The comedian was at LAX Sunday when our photog asked him to critique Don’s argument that…