Showing posts with label Choosing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Choosing. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Eric Bigger: Rachel Lindsay Made a Mistake by Choosing Bryan Abasolo!

Does anyone else feel like they’re still recovering from Rachel Lindsay’s decision on the Bachelorette finale? 

That final breakup was every bit as brutal as we’d been told.

We have to remember that there was another person involved: Eric Bigger. He had a much closer perspective to everything that was going on and, well, he has his own reasons for thinking that Rachel made the wrong choice.

Eric Bigger seemed to slip a lot of people’s minds towards the end of the season.

It isn’t because he isn’t handsome or charming or a great contestant on The Bachelorette.

No, it was about context and chemistry.

Peter Kraus seemed like he was such a perfect suitor for Rachel Lindsay, so he got a lot of attention.

Bryan Abasolo seemed like he was just telling Rachel what she wanted to hear — but Rachel seemed like she was eating it up.

(And, clearly, she did)

So Bryan got plenty of attention.

Who was left?


Charming, handsome Eric who made it to the final three but wasn’t nearly as polarizing.

But even if a lot of fans couldn’t really see him with Rachel, we absolutely want to hear what he has to say about Rachel’s final choice.

On a podcast interview, Eric Bigger reveals his thoughts about Rachel Lindsay and the big finale:

“Honestly, from watching the show last night for the first time, I don’t think she picked the right man in that moment.”

You know how sometimes things don’t come across on camera?

Like, older phones can’t take a decent picture of the moon.

Sometimes you see someone really hot but they just look “reasonably attractive” over camera.

(You can be hot without being photogenic, folks)

Not everything comes across over the screen … and from what Eric is saying, that was the case with Bryan and Rachel.

“Prior to seeing the show, I always thought Bryan was the guy for her once I left.”

We should note that Eric likes Bryan a lot, which is more than we can say for a lot of fans.

And there was more:

“I love him … but I felt bad for him. It seemed like he was a rebound.”

Well, the proposal came the day after an epic, tear-filled breakup … so that’s literally true.

“I could be wrong, but that’s what it looked like in my eyes and maybe the feelings they had for each other is different from what I see. But man, it was tough.”


Eric then offered his own analysis of Rachel and her motivations:

“Rachel put herself in a bind from saying ‘I want a proposal.’ So she held herself accountable in a place where I think it was pride.”

He explains what he means.

“Her pride wouldn’t let her not do what she wanted to do and that was she wanted a proposal and Peter didn’t want that. So if it wasn’t a proposal, then you’re out, which I get.”

She went into this to get the man and relationship that she wanted.

But she may have missed out on the man she really wanted by choosing a relationship that would fit her imagined timeline.

“Sometimes it’s hard, it’s really hard. She made her decision and she’s off to the races, but I just think if she never would’ve said, ‘I want a proposal,’ and made that the priority, she would’ve been okay.”

Don’t let your expectations box you into a corner that you can’t get out of, folks.

And speaking of people whose hasty words might force them into a corner:

You might be thinking that you can’t concentrate on The Bachelorette and its aftermath when there’s a looming threat of nuclear war. 

For us, though, we think that concentrating on the stuff that you normally care about is the key to not losing your mind when the world is frightening.

(A lesson taught by the aftermath of 9/11)

So yes, let’s keep talking about whether or not Peter Kraus should be the next Bachelor.

(He should)

Let’s talk about how how Rachel Lindsay’s planning her wedding already and hope that she gets the ceremony on camera.

Let’s keep caring about stuff like eclipses and reality shows and video games and what restaurant’s opening around the corner because that’s how we keep being people.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

D.L. Hughley Accuses MLK III of Choosing Trump Over Rep. John Lewis (VIDEO)

D.L. Hughley isn’t trying to hide his anger at MLK Jr.’s son for betraying Civil Rights leader Rep. John Lewis during his beef with Donald Trump … in D.L.’s eyes, anyway. D.L. definitely got some stuff off his chest when we…


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Leah Messer SLAMS Jeremy Calvert: He"s Choosing Brooke"s Daughter Over Addie!

For a time, Leah Messer and her ex Jeremy Calvert were co-parenting quite amicably.

Unfortunately, that seems to have changed in recent weeks.

In a sneak peek for Teen Mom 2, Leah and her family are enjoying a barbecue when she gets a text from Jeremy and her mood turns sour.

She explains to her sister, Victoria, that Jeremy said he had to pick up the daughter of his current girlfriend, Brooke Wehr, and would be dropping Adalynn off at his mom"s house.

"I am gonna f**king flip," Leah tells Victoria. 

"Jeremy had to leave, go get Brooke"s – his girlfriend"s – daughter, and just left Addie with his mom," she explains.

Leah is concerned that Jeremy"s treatment may be affecting her daughters negatively.

"I mean, she doesn"t get to see her sisters again until Thursday, so that"s not fair."

"He needs to stop worrying about someone else"s child and start worrying about his own," she added.

Leah complains that Jeremy and Brooke should have made the proper arrangements earlier, since they knew about her daughter"s schedule for a week.

But what really bums out Leah is that Jeremy seems to be neglecting Addie in order to care for Brooke"s kid.

"You see this little girl all week," she complained, speaking of Jeremy. "You don"t see Addie all week."

And then she starts to break down in tears for her daughter.

"That"s what breaks my heart for this kid," she cries.

Jeremy and Leah"s relationship has been strained since we saw them delve into their past during a dinner date earlier this year.

Leah got drunk and flirted with Jeremy, but he did not appear to return her affections. (Leah later blamed MTV for editing out major portions of their conversation in which she claims Jeremy did indeed flirt back.)

Matters were made worse last week, when Jeremy took a dig at Leah online by posting a scathing meme that seemed to blast her parenting skills.

See if these two can work out their issues by watching Teen Mom 2 online.

Leah messer slams jeremy calvert hes choosing brookes daughter o

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Rob Kardashian: I"m Choosing a Great Vagina Over My Family!

For several months, it was never clear why Rob Kardashian was estranged from his family

Was he sick of the spotlight? Were there issues over his weight? Was he focused on his sock line?

Now, however, in the most Not Safe for Work fashion possible, the reality star has made it very clear why he’s spending so much time with girlfriend Blac Chyna instead of various family members.

Take it away, Rob!

Yes, Rob really did share this quote on Instagram last night.

It’s very poetic, don’t you think?

Kardashian also captioned the image himself with two crying face emojis.

Earlier this week, Rob purchased a mansion and may have invited Blac Chyna to live with him.

Despite (or perhaps because of) the objections of his relatives, Rob continues to get serious with Tyga’s baby mama, the woman who shaded Kylie Jenner numerous times on social media prior to hooking up with her half-brother.

After sort of laying low at the outset of their relationship, Rob and Chyna now talk openly about each other online and often pose together on Instagram.

Once you start telling the world about your girlfriend’s lady parts, you know things are serious, right?

But is this merely a revenge relationship for both parties?

Or might real feelings be involved?

Rob has supposedly lost 40 pounds with the help of Chyna, who has him exercising and eating well after his Diabetes diagnosis late last year.

It’s easy to make fun of the tandem, especially when Rob shares vagina-related quotes such as this with the public, but who are we question true love?!?

Keep tapping that, Rob. Do whatever makes you happy.