Showing posts with label Abasolo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abasolo. Show all posts

Monday, December 4, 2017

Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo: Preparing to Elope?!

We all make mistakes. Most of us don’t have our mistakes broadcast on international television. But the whole world saw Rachel Lindsay choose Bryan Abasolo.

They’re still together though, and Rachel’s talking about wedding plans.

But … it sounds like she might just elope.

Speaking to Us Weekly, Rachel Lindsay gushed about her engagement to Bryan Abasolo and how eager she is to tie the knot.

“I’m ready to be married.”

Well, it would have been weird for her to go on The Bachelor and then star on The Bachelorette otherwise.

“I keep saying winter wedding, which more so with the process of everything is what it’s looking like, but honestly I could elope with Bryan tomorrow.”

A winter wedding sounds lovely, right?

Elopement sounds … well, it probably sounds a lot easier. And apparently Rachel’s mother agrees.

“And it’s so funny because my mom texted me the other day and she goes, ‘Secretly I would love for you to just elope.’”

It’s hard to tell if her mother really wants that or if she’s just fatigued at the idea of this huge, expensive wedding.

“The family loves him,” Rachel claims.

That sounds a little different from what we saw on Hometown Dates, but … okay.

“I want good music, good vibes, a lot of family and friends around, and I just want it to be a big reunion, that I know.”

That sounds like what most people want for their weddings.

“Someone said the other day, ‘What about having the wedding in Colombia?’ and actually that’s a thought that we’re thinking about right now.”

What would be the point of a winter wedding if it’s in Columbia? But she’s a Texas girl, and perhaps doesn’t enjoy the cold.

“That’s the first time I’ve said that out loud!”

Usually, you want your fiance or at least your wedding planner to be the person you tell, not Carly from Us Weekly. No offense to Carly.

Rachel Lindsay talks about her friends that she made within the Bachelor Nation.

“They’re with me everywhere.”

Awww, that’s sweet to imagine.

“I’m stuck with them for life.”

That … well, we’re sure that she’s joking.

She goes on to gush about what it’s like to be engaged to Bryan Abasolo.

“Bryan’s romantic every day.”

He promised her a fairytale romance, and it sounds like he’s delivering.

“He’s always giving me massages, he’s always catering to my needs to the point where I’m like, ‘Hold on. Let me do something for you.’”

That sounds like it might be bordering on TMI, but it also sounds very pleasant.

“Bryan’s just very sweet. Whenever I need something he’s very attentive to it, so I would say he’s romantic every single day.”

She also talks about their disagreements when it comes to children:

“I want four kids. Bryan wants three, but he also says it depends on how many we can afford.”

We never imagined that we’d say this, but … we’re team Bryan Abasolo.

“See, this is what I mean about Bryan, he’s so practical. I’m just like, ‘Give me all the babies. If we can’t have them, we’re adopting.’ So we’ll see.”

Let’s see if she still wants four after a few months of infant-induced sleep deprivation.

Rachel talks about some more immediate plans that she and Bryan have.

“We’re spending Christmas with his family.”

Bryan Abasolo has gushed in the past about how much his grandma loves Rachel Lindsay.

“We’re gonna be two weeks in Miami. He spent Thanksgiving with my family, so it’s all been so seamless in how it’s all come together.”

Well, if you like wasting part of winter in warm climates where the weather takes “winter” as a mere suggestion, Miami sounds lovely.

Just not as lovely as Peter Kraus.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo: Spin-Off Series in the Works?!

Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo already seem out of love … or, at least, seem to be playing up their affections for the camera.

But that doesn"t mean that they"re canceling their plans to marry, even if they haven"t quite set a date yet.

They are making some plans, though — which leads people to wonder if Rachel and Bryan have a spin-off reality series in the works.

Rachel Lindsay shocked fans to their cores when she dumped Peter Kraus in the season finale of The Bachelorette.

She looked massively torn up about it, and left Peter in a sobbing heap.

It was hard to watch, even for those of us who knew that it was coming.

The fact that she ignored good sense and her own family and choose Bryan Abasolo was hard for a lot of people to process.

Since then, Rachel"s choice has been overshadowed by the injustice of Peter Kraus not being the next Bachelor.

Because, ultimately, it"s Rachel"s life to live and she gets to choose her fiance. She chose Bryan Abasolo.

We don"t have to understand, we just need to realize that it"s her life and that maybe she"s looking for different traits than most viewers.

And you know, Rachel seems happy enough.

At least, Rachel and Bryan are still together. That"s more than we can say for a lot of Bachelor couples.

In this clip below, in which Wendy Williams doesn"t appear to be able to keep things straight between Peter Kraus and Bryan Abasolo and mixes up their professions, Rachel has some news.

It"s not, like, her big announcement. This is a detail that she slips in, almost as if it"s incidental or an afterthought.

Wendy asks Bryan Abasolo (after he joins them on the couch) whether he"s going to continue being a chiropractor.

(This is after she jokes about his job, but … that"s Wendy Williams, for you)

Bryan mentions that he"s taking a break from it at the moment but will get his chiropractor"s license to practice in California, which is where they"re going next.

Rachel Lindsay mentions that she plans to get her law license in California.

Wendy Williams casts a little doubt on that.

Wendy points out that many people go on reality television for the purpose of finding out if they can be successful television personalities.

Rachel clearly has what it takes, so now that she and Bryan have tested the waters, they might go on reality television again.

Like, say, in a spin-off.

Wendy then asks them, point-blank, if they plan to have their wedding on camera.

They both admit that it"s a possibility, that they haven"t ruled it out.

(We told you ages ago that Rachel Lindsay is already planning her wedding, right down to who isn"t invited, and that cameras might be there)

Other couples from the Bachelor franchise haven"t had the most success when cameras follow them around for every moment of their new relationship.

But while Lauren Bushnell and Ben Higgins broke up because they couldn"t communicate honestly with each other and be on camera at the same time … maybe that won"t be the case for Rachel and Bryan.

Not because true love conquers all, but … kind of the opposite.

If their engagement is, at this point, a business arrangement so that they can both seek fame and fortune as a reality couple … cameras wouldn"t hurt that relationship one bit.

We don"t know that this is the case, but since the two were described as acting like business partners except when the cameras are rolling … you have to wonder.

A reality spin-off really does sound like the only explanation for why they"d willingly move to California. 

And they didn"t exactly deny it in this video:

Rachel lindsay and bryan abasolo spin off series in the works

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo: Already Out of Love?!?

We hope you’re sitting down for this.

We hope you aren’t operating any heavy machinery.

We hope you’re prepared for your jaw to go crashing to the floor.

Okay, here we go…

Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo may not get married after all.

We know this is an unexpected possibility for two people who met on reality television and who got engaged after a bunch of exotic dates in front of ABC cameras, but a Life & Style source swears it’s true.

Speaking to this tabloid, the anonymous insider says he or she spotted Rachel and Bryan at a recent New York Fashion Week event and, well, they looked anything but smitten.

Rachel and Bryan looked more like business partners than a couple,” the witness tells the magazine of The Bachelorette stars, adding:

“They didn’t show any kind of affection. I’m shocked they haven’t officially ended things yet.”

The onlooker says Lindsay and Abasolo played up their supposed romance any time a camera was in sight, but then dropped all pretending once they thought they were alone.

“It looked like a contractual relationship, where they had to go through the motions,” writes Life & Style.

Considering the very (VERY!) low success rate of couples that meet on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, this isn’t exactly stunning.

But Lindsay and Abasolo have made a point to gush over each other more than the usual tandems that emerge from these programs.

Addressing his fiancee just over a month ago, for example, Abasolo wrote the following on Instagram:

“Every single day literally gets better and better with you and reaffirms that God placed you in my path for a reason…

“What shines above all else is the deep love, loyalty, respect and admiration we have for each other and that’s what will continue to carry us through into our future.”

Lindsay, who became the first African-American to be named The Bachelorette, also couldn’t help but write very nice things about her chosen man on social media earlier this summer.

“Bryan you have shown me a love that I’ve never had before. You’ve challenged me in ways I could have never imagined,” she praised, concluding:

“Thank you for always taking the high road and thank you for loving me unconditionally.

“I love you with all of me @thebryanabasolo and more than I could ever define to you! I am so excited to spend forever with you.”

How sweet, right?

Nope, more like how FAKE, this new report alleges.

Do you believe in Rachel and Bryan’s love?

Do you think these two will get married? Vote below:


Monday, August 21, 2017

Bryan Abasolo: My Grandma LOVES Rachel Lindsay!

Rachel Lindsay’s final choice on The Bachelorette was not exactly popular within the Bachelor Nation.

Though Rachel and Bryan Abasolo are still together and engaged, a lot of fans didn’t approve of the union, thinking that, basically, Bryan Abasolo just says whatever Rachel wants to hear and wondering how long that could last.

The couple found one very important person who approves of their union, however: Bryan Abasolo’s grandmother. And this photo of the three of them together is worth seeing.

Rachel Lindsay must really love Bryan Abasolo.

Not only because she chose him over Peter Kraus and not only because they’re still engaged, months after they wrapped filming on The Bachelorette.

But Rachel loves Bryan so much that she’s willing to spend time celebrating their engagement down in Miami, Florida.

In August.

You know how I sometimes refer to L.A. as a “desert hellscape” because that is an accurate description of the American southwest?

Well, Florida is worse.

Large areas of the southeastern US are hot and humid during the summer, because life is full of suffering.

But Florida takes that to a whole other level, with summers filled with short, daily rainstorms that leave you only slightly more damp than the humid air itself.

Rachel Lindsay is from Texas, where it’s all kinds of hot, but while all heat is a source of absolute misery for non-reptiles, a dry heat is always, always preferable.

On the positive side, Bryan Abasolo’s grandma lives in Miami and Rachel got to meet her and pass the all-important grandma test.

Look at that grandma!

She’s so cute!

Bryan captioned the photo:

“Grandma’s approval is always important…of course she passed the test w/ flying colors. #Miami #familytime #grandmaslove”

(She meaning Rachel Lindsay, of course)

It’s no surprise that Rachel Lindsay would win Grandma’s approval.

She’s gorgeous and charming, which is why she became the Bachelorette in the first place.

Sadly, some people don’t get along with their in-laws. Ever.

(And based on what we saw on the show, Rachel Lindsay’s family doesn’t care for Bryan Abasolo)

Rachel seems very happy with her choice.

As much as people can’t understand why Rachel would turn down someone like Peter Kraus, let’s look at it from Rachel’s perspective:

Rachel Lindsay wants a larger-than-life romance straight out of a fairytale.

To Rachel, Bryan Abasolo’s willingness to get married and declare his love immediately was even more important than Peter Kraus’ abs.

Many fans pointed out that Peter’s statement that he wasn’t sure that he’d be ready to propose at the end of the season was affirming how seriously he takes relationships and his desire to get to know Rachel off-camera.

To Rachel, however, it came across as a red flag about commitment issues.

Calling Peter Kraus a manipulator, Rachel described sensing an emotional “push and pull” from Peter. 

Honestly, that may just have more to do with Rachel’s relationship history and the baggage from it than it does with Peter.

And you know what?

Maybe Bryan Abasolo and Rachel Lindsay really are perfectly suited for each other.

We may have to accept that Peter Kraus might not be the next Bachelor, because life is defined by suffering we guess.

We would love to see him find a partner whose views about love and romance and relationships really mesh with his.

Plus, you know, Peter charmed audiences and has a lot of fans, so that’s a huge bonus.

But let’s prepare ourselves for alternatives, okay?

The Bachelor may star Dean Unglert for all that we know, which would also be amazing.

We have to wonder if Rachel Lindsay will watch a season if it stars one of her exes.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo: Yup, We"re Still Together!

Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo hate to disappoint the critics.

But they have news for anyone who thought their Bachelorette-inspired love was nothing but a reality show creation:

Suck it up! We’re still together! And happier than ever!

The couple, who met on the aforementioned ABC series and who then agreed to marry on last Monday’s emotional finale, celebrated their engagement in Dallas over the weekend.

They did so by making a few promotional appearances and also by partying with their friends and loved ones.

“My world,” the 37-year old chiropractor wrote as a caption to the above image, directing his message to his fiancee and adding:

“@therachlindsay #brachel #engagementparty #dallas #bachelorette #bachelornation.”

Lindsay, who lives in Dallas, selected Abasolo over runner-up Peter Kraus to wrap up the season 13 finale of The Bachelorette, which aired just seven days ago.

The couple is considering a wedding in late 2018, and is also considering a family.

But they aren’t sure when they should procreate.

“We definitely want to get married first and enjoy each other,” Lindsay said last week during a conference call with reporters. “But, you know, sooner than later. It’s hard to say.”

Adds Abasolo on the topic of kids:

“She wants four with the fourth being an accident down the line and I want three.

“And she’ll probably win in the end and we’ll have four.”

Rachel made it clear at the outset of her Bachelorette journey that she had focused on work for too long, rising high in her Texas law firm at the expense of finding love.

But now she’s apparently found it with Abasolo, over whom she’s been openly gushing on social media.

Addressing her soulmate last week, Lindsay wrote the following:

You have shown me a love that I’ve never had before.

You’ve challenged me in ways I could have never imagined.

This road was not easy but you have been my rock and still are my rock through it all.

We found love in such a public way but the depths of our love is something that only we will know and will have between each other forever.

I would do it all over again if it led me back to you. You are my better half and thank you for being just who you are and never changing for anyone.

Very sweet words.

Very beautiful words.

Very romantic words.

But very believable words?

Some are not so certain.

Based on the history of couples that got together on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, the odds are against these two ever making it down the aisle.

What do YOU think?

Will Lindsay and Abasolo get married?


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Rachel Lindsay to Bryan Abasolo: You Are My EVERYthing!

We can’t say for certain whether or not Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo will get married.

Based on the history of The Bachelorette, the odds are strongly against this lawyer and this doctor finding eternal love in each other’s arms.

But one thing we can absolutely say beyond all shadows of any doubt:

No star and no winning suitor have ever gushed so candidly about each other after revealing to the public that they’re engaged.

On an emotional Bachelorette finale this past Monday night, Lindsay saved her final rose for Abasolo, turning down fan favorite Peter Kraus in the process and excitedly accepting Bryan’s proposal before he could even finish saying all the words.

Shortly after this episode aired, the engaged couple made all the usual media stops: Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kelly Ripa, Good Morning America, etc.

They sure looked like two people in love and they sure sound that way on Instagram.

“Every single day literally gets better and better with you and reaffirms that God placed you in my path for a reason,” Abasolo wrote on Tuesday morning.

He concluded:

“We’ve gone through so much… the ups, the downs, the challenges…

“But in the end, what shines above all else is the deep love, loyalty, respect and admiration we have for each other and that’s what will continue to carry us through into our future.”

Pretty sweet and romantic, right?

How would Lindsay possibly top it?

This is how:

“This day was a dream come true! Bryan you have shown me a love that I’ve never had before. You’ve challenged me in ways I could have never imagined,” the latest Bachelorette wrote as a caption to her own photo of the pair, adding:

“This road was not easy but you have been my rock and still are my rock through it all. We found love in such a public way but the depths of our love is something that only we will know and will have between each other forever.

“I would do it all over again if it led me back to you. You are my better half and thank you for being just who you are and never changing for anyone.”

The beautiful star ended on a gracious and uplifting note:

Thank you for always taking the high road and thank you for loving me unconditionally.

I love you with all of me @thebryanabasolo and more than I could ever define to you! I am so excited to spend forever with you.

The couple has not said much about its upcoming marriage, except that it will likely take place in the winter of 2018.

It may even be televised.

Some, however, believe that Lindsay made a poor choice and that no vows will ever be exchanged between her and Abasolo.

Are you one of those people? Sound off below and respond:

Do you think Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abaolo will get married?


Eric Bigger: Rachel Lindsay Made a Mistake by Choosing Bryan Abasolo!

Does anyone else feel like they’re still recovering from Rachel Lindsay’s decision on the Bachelorette finale? 

That final breakup was every bit as brutal as we’d been told.

We have to remember that there was another person involved: Eric Bigger. He had a much closer perspective to everything that was going on and, well, he has his own reasons for thinking that Rachel made the wrong choice.

Eric Bigger seemed to slip a lot of people’s minds towards the end of the season.

It isn’t because he isn’t handsome or charming or a great contestant on The Bachelorette.

No, it was about context and chemistry.

Peter Kraus seemed like he was such a perfect suitor for Rachel Lindsay, so he got a lot of attention.

Bryan Abasolo seemed like he was just telling Rachel what she wanted to hear — but Rachel seemed like she was eating it up.

(And, clearly, she did)

So Bryan got plenty of attention.

Who was left?


Charming, handsome Eric who made it to the final three but wasn’t nearly as polarizing.

But even if a lot of fans couldn’t really see him with Rachel, we absolutely want to hear what he has to say about Rachel’s final choice.

On a podcast interview, Eric Bigger reveals his thoughts about Rachel Lindsay and the big finale:

“Honestly, from watching the show last night for the first time, I don’t think she picked the right man in that moment.”

You know how sometimes things don’t come across on camera?

Like, older phones can’t take a decent picture of the moon.

Sometimes you see someone really hot but they just look “reasonably attractive” over camera.

(You can be hot without being photogenic, folks)

Not everything comes across over the screen … and from what Eric is saying, that was the case with Bryan and Rachel.

“Prior to seeing the show, I always thought Bryan was the guy for her once I left.”

We should note that Eric likes Bryan a lot, which is more than we can say for a lot of fans.

And there was more:

“I love him … but I felt bad for him. It seemed like he was a rebound.”

Well, the proposal came the day after an epic, tear-filled breakup … so that’s literally true.

“I could be wrong, but that’s what it looked like in my eyes and maybe the feelings they had for each other is different from what I see. But man, it was tough.”


Eric then offered his own analysis of Rachel and her motivations:

“Rachel put herself in a bind from saying ‘I want a proposal.’ So she held herself accountable in a place where I think it was pride.”

He explains what he means.

“Her pride wouldn’t let her not do what she wanted to do and that was she wanted a proposal and Peter didn’t want that. So if it wasn’t a proposal, then you’re out, which I get.”

She went into this to get the man and relationship that she wanted.

But she may have missed out on the man she really wanted by choosing a relationship that would fit her imagined timeline.

“Sometimes it’s hard, it’s really hard. She made her decision and she’s off to the races, but I just think if she never would’ve said, ‘I want a proposal,’ and made that the priority, she would’ve been okay.”

Don’t let your expectations box you into a corner that you can’t get out of, folks.

And speaking of people whose hasty words might force them into a corner:

You might be thinking that you can’t concentrate on The Bachelorette and its aftermath when there’s a looming threat of nuclear war. 

For us, though, we think that concentrating on the stuff that you normally care about is the key to not losing your mind when the world is frightening.

(A lesson taught by the aftermath of 9/11)

So yes, let’s keep talking about whether or not Peter Kraus should be the next Bachelor.

(He should)

Let’s talk about how how Rachel Lindsay’s planning her wedding already and hope that she gets the ceremony on camera.

Let’s keep caring about stuff like eclipses and reality shows and video games and what restaurant’s opening around the corner because that’s how we keep being people.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

"Bachelorette" Rachel Lindsay"s PDA with Fiance Bryan Abasolo, All for the Cameras

Rachel Lindsay must know it’s just a matter of time before the world loses interest in her season of “The Bachelorette” … so she’s milking the spotlight. Rachel and her new fiance, Bryan Abasolo, were swarmed by paps Tuesday as they arrived…


Bryan Abasolo: I Can Finally Reveal the Truth About Rachel Lindsay!

Bryan Abasolo has been waiting for this moment.

He’s been biting his tongue, remaining silent, counting down the days until August 7, 2017.

But now the doctor can finally speak his mind. He can finally tell the world what he really thinks of Rachel Lindsay.

And here it is:


On The Bachelorette finale last night, Lindsay saved her final rose for Abasolo, who responded by getting down on one knee and asking for Rachel’s hand in marriage.

Non-Spoiler Alert: She said yes!

“Right here in this moment, standing with you, I see my forever and I see my future,” she actually said in full on air, telling her future husband:

“I just wanna tell you that I love you and I’m in love with you and I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else.”

Beautiful words and a lovely sentiment, right?

Just a few hours later, Abasolo replied with his own special message on Instagram.

“Rachel my love, my rock!! It’s felt like forever, but the wait is finally over!!!” he wrote as a caption to the image above.

“No longer do I have to hide the fact that you are and always have been the one for me! No longer do I have to keep secret how in love w you I truly am from the rest of the world!”

Bryan, of course, proposed to Rachel several weeks ago.

But he and his fiancee signed a contract with ABC.

They could not tell anyone that they ended up together, lest they ruin the Season 13 conclusion.

With the exciting secret now out, however, Abasolo is free to gush over his soulmate.

“Hearing you say “yes” on the top of that castle in Spain was the greatest moment of my life!” he continued on Instagram.

“I was optimistic about what could be prior to stepping out of that limo but never in my wildest dreams could I had foreseen us building such a strong foundation and deep bond in the last 6 months.

“Every single day literally gets better and better with you and reaffirms that God placed you in my path for a reason.”

What? No. We’re not crying reading this note.

YOU’RE the one who is crying!

Concluded Abaolo in his love letter to Lindsay:

We’ve gone through so much…the ups, the downs, the challenges…but in the end, what shines above all else is the deep love, loyalty, respect and admiration we have for each other and that’s what will continue to carry us through into our future.

I can’t wait to start our new life together full of fun and adventure! I am so blessed and lucky to have you and I promise to cherish you forever! I love you baby!

As for when Rachel and Bryan will get married? It’s unclear at this time.

As for where the ceremony will take place? Probably in Texas, Lindsay’s home state.

Will it be televised? You never know.

Where are Abasolo and Lindsay right now? “On cloud 9,” the former wrote as a caption to the above snapshot of this engaged couple on board an airplane.

You gotta admit: he’s good.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Bachelorette Tweets: Twitter Does NOT Like Bryan Abasolo

The Bachelorette is nearing its end.

If you"ve been following The Bachelorette Spoilers, then you already know who Rachel Lindsay is going to choose — whether you like her ultimate choice or not.

Following hometown dates and hometown heartbreak for Dean Unglert, who is now a favorite to be the next Bachelor, it was time for Rachel"s remaining suitors to meet her family.

Rachel"s family members had some definite opinions about the men Rachel was considering, because of course they did.

But Twitter has some opinions of their own.

Long story short? They love Peter Kraus (as they should) and, collectively, Twitter cannot stand Bryan Abasolo.

They tweeted out memes and comparisons and some scathing opinions.

Sometimes the internet brings people together for the right reasons.

1. This first one sums up what Twitter thinks of Rachel’s judgement

Bachelorette tweets 00

Peter just seems to be the perfect deal, while Bryan seems to talk like an unconvincing old-timey fairytale prince.

2. Same

Bachelorette tweets 01

A lot of us make faces at the television when it’s deserved.

3. THIS is unfair …

Bachelorette tweets 02

This is unfair to Gaston, who is much more handsome than Bryan Abasolo.

4. At least his name’s on the list …

Bachelorette tweets 03

(Sort of)

5. Family is important

Bachelorette tweets 04

We don’t think that their immediate dislike of Bryan is going to be enough to sway Rachel, though.

6. They might lose some fans

Bachelorette tweets 05

Though, honestly, plenty of people threaten to quit and then come crawling back. We’ve all been there.

View Slideshow

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Peter Kraus & Dean Unglert: Throwing Shade at Bryan Abasolo!

While The Bachelorette spoilers predicted all three men in the scene below would make it this far, we never saw this coming:

Peter Kraus and Dean Unglert seem to be forming a mini-alliance of sorts against their fellow contender, Dr. Bryan Abasolo.

The aforementioned trio, along with Eric Bigger, are seen as the four frontrunners remaining in the quest for Rachel Lindsay"s heart.

You don"t need Bachelorette spoilers to tell you that when the field is narrowed down to a select few, tensions are at an all-time high.

As such, Peter and Dean can be seen playing a game of chess together – and throwing shade at Bryan – in the deleted scene below.

While this was being filmed, Abasolo was on a date with Rachel in Oslo, Norway, a topic that Unglert and Kraus couldn"t help but discuss.

“I think when he gets back, he’ll have a swagger to his step,” Peter said of the duo"s rival, who they clearly view as such.

“More so of a swagger,” Dean agreed.

“Because you can tell sometimes by the way he talks, he like kind of squints his eye and leans back a little bit … he’s like so confident.”

That"s not too bad of a diss right there, but then Peter also went on to say that Bryan comes across a little too smooth for his liking.

“I think she needs a leader,” Peter said, adding, “I think she needs a guy who has genuine confidence that’s not cockiness or arrogance.”

Ouch. They referenced his remark on a group date where he boasted of being the first to kiss Rachel on the first night in the mansion.

It wasn"t just any reference, either.

Will, who said at the time that he would be the second person to kiss Rach, was told by Bryan that he could enjoy his “sloppy seconds.”

To Peter, that was a bit off-putting.

“I wouldn’t want someone like that for her,” he told Dean, setting the stage for what should be a very interesting couple of weeks ahead.

One more episode remains before hometown dates, which are followed by overnight dates and the epic Bachelorette season finale.

Watch the shade-throwing below.

Peter kraus and dean unglert throwing shade at bryan abasolo