Thursday, July 6, 2017

Peter Kraus & Dean Unglert: Throwing Shade at Bryan Abasolo!

While The Bachelorette spoilers predicted all three men in the scene below would make it this far, we never saw this coming:

Peter Kraus and Dean Unglert seem to be forming a mini-alliance of sorts against their fellow contender, Dr. Bryan Abasolo.

The aforementioned trio, along with Eric Bigger, are seen as the four frontrunners remaining in the quest for Rachel Lindsay"s heart.

You don"t need Bachelorette spoilers to tell you that when the field is narrowed down to a select few, tensions are at an all-time high.

As such, Peter and Dean can be seen playing a game of chess together – and throwing shade at Bryan – in the deleted scene below.

While this was being filmed, Abasolo was on a date with Rachel in Oslo, Norway, a topic that Unglert and Kraus couldn"t help but discuss.

“I think when he gets back, he’ll have a swagger to his step,” Peter said of the duo"s rival, who they clearly view as such.

“More so of a swagger,” Dean agreed.

“Because you can tell sometimes by the way he talks, he like kind of squints his eye and leans back a little bit … he’s like so confident.”

That"s not too bad of a diss right there, but then Peter also went on to say that Bryan comes across a little too smooth for his liking.

“I think she needs a leader,” Peter said, adding, “I think she needs a guy who has genuine confidence that’s not cockiness or arrogance.”

Ouch. They referenced his remark on a group date where he boasted of being the first to kiss Rachel on the first night in the mansion.

It wasn"t just any reference, either.

Will, who said at the time that he would be the second person to kiss Rach, was told by Bryan that he could enjoy his “sloppy seconds.”

To Peter, that was a bit off-putting.

“I wouldn’t want someone like that for her,” he told Dean, setting the stage for what should be a very interesting couple of weeks ahead.

One more episode remains before hometown dates, which are followed by overnight dates and the epic Bachelorette season finale.

Watch the shade-throwing below.

Peter kraus and dean unglert throwing shade at bryan abasolo