Monday, August 21, 2017

Bryan Abasolo: My Grandma LOVES Rachel Lindsay!

Rachel Lindsay’s final choice on The Bachelorette was not exactly popular within the Bachelor Nation.

Though Rachel and Bryan Abasolo are still together and engaged, a lot of fans didn’t approve of the union, thinking that, basically, Bryan Abasolo just says whatever Rachel wants to hear and wondering how long that could last.

The couple found one very important person who approves of their union, however: Bryan Abasolo’s grandmother. And this photo of the three of them together is worth seeing.

Rachel Lindsay must really love Bryan Abasolo.

Not only because she chose him over Peter Kraus and not only because they’re still engaged, months after they wrapped filming on The Bachelorette.

But Rachel loves Bryan so much that she’s willing to spend time celebrating their engagement down in Miami, Florida.

In August.

You know how I sometimes refer to L.A. as a “desert hellscape” because that is an accurate description of the American southwest?

Well, Florida is worse.

Large areas of the southeastern US are hot and humid during the summer, because life is full of suffering.

But Florida takes that to a whole other level, with summers filled with short, daily rainstorms that leave you only slightly more damp than the humid air itself.

Rachel Lindsay is from Texas, where it’s all kinds of hot, but while all heat is a source of absolute misery for non-reptiles, a dry heat is always, always preferable.

On the positive side, Bryan Abasolo’s grandma lives in Miami and Rachel got to meet her and pass the all-important grandma test.

Look at that grandma!

She’s so cute!

Bryan captioned the photo:

“Grandma’s approval is always important…of course she passed the test w/ flying colors. #Miami #familytime #grandmaslove”

(She meaning Rachel Lindsay, of course)

It’s no surprise that Rachel Lindsay would win Grandma’s approval.

She’s gorgeous and charming, which is why she became the Bachelorette in the first place.

Sadly, some people don’t get along with their in-laws. Ever.

(And based on what we saw on the show, Rachel Lindsay’s family doesn’t care for Bryan Abasolo)

Rachel seems very happy with her choice.

As much as people can’t understand why Rachel would turn down someone like Peter Kraus, let’s look at it from Rachel’s perspective:

Rachel Lindsay wants a larger-than-life romance straight out of a fairytale.

To Rachel, Bryan Abasolo’s willingness to get married and declare his love immediately was even more important than Peter Kraus’ abs.

Many fans pointed out that Peter’s statement that he wasn’t sure that he’d be ready to propose at the end of the season was affirming how seriously he takes relationships and his desire to get to know Rachel off-camera.

To Rachel, however, it came across as a red flag about commitment issues.

Calling Peter Kraus a manipulator, Rachel described sensing an emotional “push and pull” from Peter. 

Honestly, that may just have more to do with Rachel’s relationship history and the baggage from it than it does with Peter.

And you know what?

Maybe Bryan Abasolo and Rachel Lindsay really are perfectly suited for each other.

We may have to accept that Peter Kraus might not be the next Bachelor, because life is defined by suffering we guess.

We would love to see him find a partner whose views about love and romance and relationships really mesh with his.

Plus, you know, Peter charmed audiences and has a lot of fans, so that’s a huge bonus.

But let’s prepare ourselves for alternatives, okay?

The Bachelor may star Dean Unglert for all that we know, which would also be amazing.

We have to wonder if Rachel Lindsay will watch a season if it stars one of her exes.
