Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Bryan Abasolo: I Can Finally Reveal the Truth About Rachel Lindsay!

Bryan Abasolo has been waiting for this moment.

He’s been biting his tongue, remaining silent, counting down the days until August 7, 2017.

But now the doctor can finally speak his mind. He can finally tell the world what he really thinks of Rachel Lindsay.

And here it is:


On The Bachelorette finale last night, Lindsay saved her final rose for Abasolo, who responded by getting down on one knee and asking for Rachel’s hand in marriage.

Non-Spoiler Alert: She said yes!

“Right here in this moment, standing with you, I see my forever and I see my future,” she actually said in full on air, telling her future husband:

“I just wanna tell you that I love you and I’m in love with you and I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else.”

Beautiful words and a lovely sentiment, right?

Just a few hours later, Abasolo replied with his own special message on Instagram.

“Rachel my love, my rock!! It’s felt like forever, but the wait is finally over!!!” he wrote as a caption to the image above.

“No longer do I have to hide the fact that you are and always have been the one for me! No longer do I have to keep secret how in love w you I truly am from the rest of the world!”

Bryan, of course, proposed to Rachel several weeks ago.

But he and his fiancee signed a contract with ABC.

They could not tell anyone that they ended up together, lest they ruin the Season 13 conclusion.

With the exciting secret now out, however, Abasolo is free to gush over his soulmate.

“Hearing you say “yes” on the top of that castle in Spain was the greatest moment of my life!” he continued on Instagram.

“I was optimistic about what could be prior to stepping out of that limo but never in my wildest dreams could I had foreseen us building such a strong foundation and deep bond in the last 6 months.

“Every single day literally gets better and better with you and reaffirms that God placed you in my path for a reason.”

What? No. We’re not crying reading this note.

YOU’RE the one who is crying!

Concluded Abaolo in his love letter to Lindsay:

We’ve gone through so much…the ups, the downs, the challenges…but in the end, what shines above all else is the deep love, loyalty, respect and admiration we have for each other and that’s what will continue to carry us through into our future.

I can’t wait to start our new life together full of fun and adventure! I am so blessed and lucky to have you and I promise to cherish you forever! I love you baby!

As for when Rachel and Bryan will get married? It’s unclear at this time.

As for where the ceremony will take place? Probably in Texas, Lindsay’s home state.

Will it be televised? You never know.

Where are Abasolo and Lindsay right now? “On cloud 9,” the former wrote as a caption to the above snapshot of this engaged couple on board an airplane.

You gotta admit: he’s good.
