Showing posts with label Americans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Americans. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Donald Trump Sends Americans First Nationwide Presidential Alert Text

Imagine President Trump sliding into your DMs — okay, now take a deep breath because it’s not THAT bad, but most likely you DID just get a text from him … and a dead serious one at that.  If you haven’t looked down at your phone…


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Joe Theismann Says Native Americans Are Cool With Redskins Name, Don"t Change It!

Joe Theismann tells TMZ Sports he’s talked to a few Native Americans recently … and based on his unofficial straw poll — the Washington team name is NOT racist!! The ex-Redskins quarterback tells us he’s had the chance to speak with plenty…


Joe Theismann Says Native Americans Are Cool With Redskins Name, Don"t Change It!

Joe Theismann tells TMZ Sports he’s talked to a few Native Americans recently … and based on his unofficial straw poll — the Washington team name is NOT racist!! The ex-Redskins quarterback tells us he’s had the chance to speak with plenty…


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Congressmen Steve Scalise & Hakeem Jeffries Respond to N. Korea Releasing Americans

Congressmen Steve Scalise and Hakeem Jeffries might be on different sides of the aisle, but they both agree — it’s a good deal when North Korea gives us what we want. Both Representatives were on Capitol Hill Wednesday, when we asked if President…


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Derick Dillard: Most Americans Are Bigots, Just Like Me!

Back in November, Derick Dillard was fired from his in-laws’ reality show in connection with a series of shockingly transphobic tweets he posted about fellow TLC reality star Jazz Jennings.

Derick’s bosses at the network were clearly hesitant to give him the ax, and they offered him several chances to apologize.

Dillard refused, and instead chose to continue bullying Jennings on social media, referring to the teen as “brainwashed” and reiterating his view that she stars in a reality show that “represents an unreality.”

In the months since Derick was canned from Counting On, he’s made several efforts to weasel his way back on the air, all the while refusing to simply apologize for his unprovoked attack on a teenage girl.

First, Derick claimed he wasn’t fired at all.

Then he claimed the decision to leave the show was his and that his wife, Jill Duggar, would be leaving the show along with him.

Now, he seems to have finally reached the acceptance stage, but he’s still twisting the narrative to suit his needs.

These days, Derick is rebranding himself as a First Amendment freedom fighter, the brave spokesman for a silent majority that exists solely in his mind.

As In Touch Weekly points out Derick has been defending his comments in social media conversations with fans that shed light on how highly he thinks of himself.

“I’m glad Derick was fired from Counting On. Enough is enough with all of his nonsense,” a fan commented on one of the Duggars’ Instagram posts this week.

The remark prompted this curious reply from Dillard:

“My view is no different than most Americans, but I just mentioned it…” 

So … he has been fired?

Like, you can’t play the “I was canned because of my views!” card in one breath and still insist that you left the show by choice in the next.

That’s not how being a bigoted martyr works.

Also, what is this “most Americans” nonsense?

Did Derick travel the country polling people about their views on Jazz Jennings.

We doubt it. Otherwise, he likely would have found that most people have no ill will toward Jazz, but do harbor very strong views about Derick Dillard showing up at their door unannounced.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Sunday, October 8, 2017

T.I. Leads Protest Against Houston"s Restaurant, They Discriminate Against African Americans

T.I. led a big group of demonstrators in a protest against Houston’s Restaurant in Buckhead, outside Atlanta, claiming the joint treats African Americans like second class citizens. The protest was ignited after Deb Antney and Momma Dee from “Love…


T.I. Leads Protest Against Houston"s Restaurant, They Discriminate Against African Americans

T.I. led a big group of demonstrators in a protest against Houston’s Restaurant in Buckhead, outside Atlanta, claiming the joint treats African Americans like second class citizens. The protest was ignited after Deb Antney and Momma Dee from “Love…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Chuck D Says Trump Administration Is Protecting NRA "Terrorists," Not Americans

America’s terrorist organization isn’t a four-letter word, it’s only three … as in the NRA, according to Public Enemy’s Chuck D. Chuck’s outrage was obvious when we asked how he was feeling about the mass shooting in Las Vegas — and he’s…


Monday, October 2, 2017

D.L. Hughley Says Americans Are More Dangerous Than Guns & ISIS

The most dangerous thing to Americans isn’t guns or ISIS … it’s your fellow Americans, according to D.L. Hughley. We got D.L. Monday morning following the Las Vegas massacre which killed at least 58 concertgoers and injured more than…


Friday, September 1, 2017

CNN Harvey Coverage, Commercial Boasts, "Americans are Loving the HurryCane!"

CNN has been covering Hurricane Harvey almost nonstop, which makes a commercial that ran Friday night at 9:30 PM PT all the more shocking … a 60-second spot for the HurryCane. It’s an ad hawking a cane that helps people walk with ease  For a…


Monday, July 10, 2017

Jeremy Lin: Americans Underestimate Asian Men

Jeremy Lin believes Asian people have an uphill battle when it comes to making it in America — essentially saying Asian athletes and non-athletes are “underestimated” in the U.S.  The Brooklyn Nets star was giving an interview in Mandarin to…


Jeremy Lin: Americans Underestimate Asian Men

Jeremy Lin believes Asian people have an uphill battle when it comes to making it in America — essentially saying Asian athletes and non-athletes are “underestimated” in the U.S.  The Brooklyn Nets star was giving an interview in Mandarin to…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Akon Says Donald Trump Has Made Americans Targets (VIDEO)

Akon is really scared … because he travels abroad a lot and thinks Donald Trump has put a big fat target on his head. The singer thinks it’s not just Americans whom Trump has put in danger, it’s Canadians too, because foreigners lump us both…


Akon Says Donald Trump Has Made Americans Targets (VIDEO)

Akon is really scared … because he travels abroad a lot and thinks Donald Trump has put a big fat target on his head. The singer thinks it’s not just Americans whom Trump has put in danger, it’s Canadians too, because foreigners lump us both…


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Donald Trump Meets With Kanye West; Americans Brace For Douchepocalypse

Despite the 30-year age difference between them and the fact that they’re of different ethnic backgrounds (One is African-American, the other is the result of a Flamin’ Hot Cheeto and an angry Pomeranian being left in one of those transporter machines from The Fly.), it often seems that Donald Trump and Kanye West were separated at birth.

They’re both high-profile ego-maniacs who require constant attention and are prone to questionable hairstyle decisions.

So perhaps it was only a matter of time before Yeezy and the Donald joined forces to remix the Constitution as the season’s hottest mixtape (complete with cameo from Lil Vladdy Putin!).

To the understandable shock of reporters camped out in the lobby of Trump Tower, Kanye showed up for a 15 minute sitdown with the President-elect this morning.

Sources say Kanye requested the meeting and Trump agreed, presumably so that he can fulfill his lifelong goal of not being the biggest narcissist in the room.

West endorsed Trump’s presidential run in a concert recently, but only after the real estate mogul secured a surprise victory in the Elctoral College.

The ensuing weeks were not kind to Kanye as he canceled the remainder of his Saint Pablo Tour, and was hospitalized following a nervous breakdown.

Today, however, the rapper was all smiles as he and Trump posed for photos in a building whose “Liberace fever dream” decor could only be appreciated by the designer of the world’s ugliest and most overpriced sneakers.

“We’ve been friends for a long time,” Trump told reporters. 

Asked what he and Kanye talked about during their brief meeting, Trump replied:

“Life, we discuss life.”

West refused to answer questions, telling reporters, “I just want to take a picture right now.”

“You take care of yourself, I’ll see you soon,” Trump told West as the rapper departed with his entourage in tow.

Not surprisingly, the motives of both men are being questioned for very different reasons.

Journalists have accused Trump of using the visit from Kanye to distract from increasing scrutiny of the role that Russian cyber-attacks may have played in the 2016 election.

Kanye is being accused of far more innocuous ulterior motives, as many believe he’s flaunting his “friendship” with Trump as a means of exacting revenge on friends-turned-rivals, Jay Z and Beyonce, both of whom were outspoken Hillary Clinton supporters.

Kanye’s wife, Kim Kardashian, also supported Clinton, and the rapper’s growing ties to Trump have bolstered rumors that the couple recently separated.

There have been concerns about Trump’s conflicts of interest since the start of his campaign, but it seems the real estate mogul is essentially above the law with regard to his domestic business ties.

But the Kanye visit has raised questions about a different sort of conflicting interests:

Trump seized power largely by stoking the flames of racial hatred, and it now it remains to be seen how his white nationalist supporters will react to his meeting with one of the celebrity world’s most outspoken black men.

We’re sure they’ll be cool with it. They seem like a level-headed lot.

Wow, we were nearly crushed under the weight of our own sarcasm on that one.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Canadian Dating Site Helps Americans Escape Donald Trump

A Donald Trump presidency.

There was a time when that phrase would’ve earned you a hearty laugh or a withering glare of contempt, depending on your company.

It wasn’t that long ago when even his most ardent supporters didn’t think the Donald would ever get the chance to outfit the Lincoln bedroom suite with solid gold toilets, but now that he’s the GOP’s presumptive nominee (and soon to toss that pesky modifier in the trash) there’s a good chance that an idea that was once so absurd it was skewered by The Simpsons could become a reality:

Of course, polls indicate that Trump remains the least-liked presidential candidate in US history.

(It could be his hair, or it might have something to do with his apparent hatred of women and minorities. Who knows?)

As a result, lots of Americans are already announcing their plans to seek asylum elsewhere if Trump wins in November, and not surprisingly, they’re looking to our neighbors to the north with regard to scouting out new homes.

But even with a nation as friendly as Canada, the immigration process isn’t all Timbits and Labatt’s.

Most Americans are free to visit Canada anytime they please, but taking up permanent residence is a different story.

That’s where Maple Match comes in:

Maple Match Ad

According to its recently launched Twitter page, Maple Match is a dating service that seeks to set Americans up with Canucks.

The hope is that the relationships will lead to dual-residency marriages that will allow US citizens to move north and find gainful employment as Zamboni drivers, ice skate sharpeners, poutine vendors at Leafs games – you name it!

“Try  and find a meaningful partner to save you from a @realDonaldTrump presidency! #MapleMatch,” the company tweeted yesterday.

The site isn’t up and running yet, but founder Joe Goldman promises the venture is 100% serious.

Of course, if you find yourself frequently awakening from nightmares about giant walls, but cold weather doesn’t suit your fancy, you could always move to Mexico.

We hear they have the best taco bowls.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard Accused of Stereotyping Latin Americans

We’re sure the Duggar family spent the past few weeks praying for a scandal-free new year, but so far, Jill Duggar and her husband Derick Dillard have done nothing but attract negative attention in 2016.

Earlier this week, a photo on Jill’s Instagram page prompted widespread fan speculation about Derick’s health, as her husband appeared extremely gaunt and just generally…different.

Just one day later, the Dillards found themselves at the heart of a social media controversy yet again when a photo of baby Israel led to accusations of negligent parenting. 

Today, the couple awoke to find themselves involved in their third mini-scandal in as many days.

The good news is that Jill and Derick must have grown accustomed to weathering these storms by now. 

The bad news is that the Dillards are now under fire for something that probably won’t be as easily forgotten as an un-baby-proofed electrical outlet.

As you may know, Jill and Derick are currently in Guatemala to perform missionary work.

No, they haven’t been accused of scamming fans out of donations and quietly returning to Arkansas again.

This time they’re actually sticking it out in Central America – but it seems they understand little and respect even less about the culture and the people of their temporary home.

The following is an excerpt from a press release issued by Seeker of Souls – the missionary organization that Jill and Derick are working with – that the Dillards have chosen to share online:

It is SOS’s privilege to introduce Derick and Jill Dillard to the Latin mission. They will come alongside Alex Lara, our Director of Missions for Latin America, to assist, preach, and engage the new regions. We have prepared, trained and now appointed them.

“Both of them will help with strengthening and encouraging married couples, which is mostly neglected in the Latin world, and they have already led a group from the church to a new region to preach the gospel.”

As you might guess, it’s the part about the people of Latin America neglecting their marriages that’s resulted in public outrage.

The claim is not only bigoted, but completely unsupported by any factual evidence, as the divorce rate in Guatemala is less than one-tenth of what it is in the US.

Jill and Derick have yet to respond to the controversy (or explain why in the hell they decided to share this damning mission statement online), but we’re sure their PR folks are cooking up something asinine as we speak.