Showing posts with label Escape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Escape. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Bill Cosby: I"m Gonna Escape from Prison! This is How!

As proven over the years by all the times he slept with other women (occasionally even with their consent) , Bill Cosby is not very happy with his wife.

But a new report claims this evaluation doesn’t merely apply to how Cosby feels about Camille as a partner in the bedroom.

It also applies to how Cosby feels about Camille as a partner in crime.

Indeed, just days after we heard Cosby was begging his wife to do everything in her power to free him from prison, a source now tells Radar Online that the disgraced comedian has moved on.

He’s found someone else to take over this role.

And that someone else has an amazing nickname.

About a week after Cosby was sentenced to at least three years in jail for drugging and assaulting a woman named Andrea Constand in 2004, the terrible human being has gone ahead and hired someone called the “Googler,” Radar writes.

Explains the website, in apparent seriousness:

Though the man was introduced a a “personal security guard” to Cosby’s team during the court battle, the disgraced comic’s entourage soon discovered his role was much bigger – and the “Googler” now lives on the star’s Pennsylvania estate, where he plots his release!

How, exactly?

Cosby was found guilty in April by a jury of his peers and then a judge decided upon his punishment.

Short of a map of tattoos across his body that illustrates the best escape route from jail, how can Cosby be plotting any kind of release?

Per this article, the 81-year old “literally pays one man to sit on Google all day long in the guesthouse, in complete darkness, to Google and research successful methods other prisoners used in the past.”

(Editor’s note: Why is this individual sitting in complete darkness? Is it illegal for him to search the Internet or something?)

“The man is literally a Googler from New York … that’s what we call him,” the insider tells Radar, adding:

“We don’t know what he does, who he knows, what his past is like or even his real name. All we know is that he’s here to stay.”

Cosby has allegedly hired two doctors and a prison expert to assist with this goal, which is just a little weird.

We’re pretty sure it’s the job of any decent lawyer to file appeals for his client and/or find these precise sort of legal loopholes to reduce sentences or get verdicts thrown out entirely.

“During a phone  call with Mr. Cosby, the ‘Googler’ told him he found case law that allows him to stay housed in the infirmary throughout his sentence to avoid being placed in general population,” the source says.

“He found a number of cases in Pennsylvania where people at Mr. Cosby’s age died due to lack of healthcare and medical attention – this prison doesn’t want to be the prison doesn’t want to go down in history as the prison Bill Cosby died in.”

OJ Simpson is on record as sharing a similar concern.

The disgraced star ideally wants to be moved back to his residence and to serve his time under house arrest.

He figures this will keep him safe and happy, two emotions not shared by any of the 60 women he reportedly drugged and then raped over the years.

“He believes he’ll be home in no time,” the Radar source concludes. “He thinks the court won the battle, but he will win the war.”

He’s an awful, awful person.


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Demi Lovato: Leaving LA to Escape "Druggie Friends" [Report]

These days, Demi Lovato is still in rehab after suffering an overdose that nearly claimed her life back in July.

Sources close to the singer say she’s fully devoted herself to the hard work of recovery, dividing her time between an in-patient treatment facility in Arizona and a Chicago psychiatric hospital where she consults with the experts who helped her get sober the first time.

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to put one’s life on hold for a month or more in order to attend to one’s health — especially when you’re the head of a multimillion-dollar media empire.

And so, while she attempts to get to the root of her relapse and battle the demons that stand between her and a long, healthy life Demi also has to deal with the headaches of the outside world.

And of course, she must do all of this while formulating a plan for re-entry into everyday life that will allow her to put into practice the lessons she learned in treatment.

That next step was complicated this week by news that Demi is losing control of certain aspects of her life while in rehab.

Several media outlets reported that Lovato’s bodyguards have taken up residence in her $ 9.4 million Beverly Hills mansion.

Sources claimed the employees have multiple women living in the house with them and have become a nuisance to neighbors.

Now, according to Radar Online, Lovato and her team have reached the decision to sell the house, partially due to the bodyguard situation, and partially because doing so will allow the pop icon to make a clean break with her past.

“They do not want her druggie friends knowing where she lives anymore,” one insider tells Radar.

“They know that the house will be a trigger for her when she gets out, too”

Insiders say that although Demi has a profound sentimental attachment to the home, she’ll be happy to be rid of it, as it’s been a frequent source of aggravation over the years.

In addition to the wild parties that took place there, the property itself has caused a fair bit of drama.

Last year, Demi was forced to evacuate the home after mudslides put it in danger of falling off a cliff.

Sounds like if the sale goes through as planned, Demi will have one less major headache to cope with when she finally leaves treatment, a step she’ll reportedly take sometime before the end of 2018.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Did Brett or Winston Escape the Block?

Brett and Winston have been allies ever since they entered the Big Brother house three weeks ago. 

In fact, they are so close that some of the houseguests have questioned whether they are in a bromance. 

However, the duo sees it as more of a bromance. But all things come to an end sooner or later, and with Scottie in power, they were both put on the block. 

We picked up with Winston unimpressed at the thought of sitting on the block next to Brett because it means that one of them will likely be meeting Julie Chen and chatting about what they could have done better to stay in the game. 

Winston chatted with Tyler and Kaitlyn in the good old storage room to try and get some clarity on how to play Big Brother. 

We kid, mostly, but he wanted to know if there was a way to save himself from the block. Kaitlyn suggested he steer clear of Brett so that everyone would think they were not a pair. 

Instead, Winston headed up to the HOH room to reprimand Scottie. 

“You drew a line in the sand, you’re gone next week,” Winston angrily yelled at the current HOH. You know, Scottie could win Veto and have a change of heart, but something tells us he’ll stick to his gun.

Winston is a big baby. If he was in control, he would put people up without a second thought. However, he’s playing as though he’s one of the nicest people, and the cracks are starting to appear. 

Winston and Rachel quickly got to work trying to find a target to replace he and Brett. Kaitlyn, as always comes up as a target and both Brett and Winston agree to win the Veto and have her put up as a replacement. 

The reason?

She was the swing vote to take Steve out of the house in Week One. Yes, they are still talking about that first eviction. 

For the veto competition, it was Scottie, Brett, Winston, Rachel, Tyler and Rockstar. At the start of the competition, Brett took the lead, but Scottie managed to emerge with the win and even won himself a trip for two to Greece. 

The boys then met up with Scottie to pitch a final three deal, but Scottie maintained that it would be too risky to change things up, but he did say he would sleep on it. 

In true Kaitlyn fashion, she said that she received a vision that the boys were going after her, and Scottie told her about them throwing her under the bus. 

At the veto meeting, we learned that the nominations were being kept the same. Oh yes, one of the boys is going home … unless Sam uses her power. 

What are your thoughts on the latest twists and turns?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Thursday on CBS. 


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Duggar Kids: Getting Married to Escape Jim Bob?

With few exceptions, Duggar children usually marry young and start having children almost immediately after getting hitched.

The main reason for this is that Jim Bob and Michelle’s offspring are taught from a young age that they were put on this planet to do two things, and the things only — worship and make babies.

But lately, fans have noticed something strange about the two main Duggar pastimes.

It seems the more the adult Duggar children have been devoting more of their attention to the latter, and less to the former.

Obviously, we have no idea how much time on these people are spending on their knees in the bedroom.

(We’re talking about praying! Get your mind out of the gutter!)

But thanks to the Duggars’ tendency to over-share on social media, we have a pretty good idea of how much time they spend in church.

And as hard as it is to envision a Duggar skipping Sunday services, it seems that’s exactly what they’ve been doing lately.

First, it was reported that John David Duggar has been skipping church ever since he began courting Abbie Burnett.

Now, it seems other coupled-up Duggars are following in John David’s footsteps.

“They’re always missing from church when they’ve started dating,” a source close to the family tells Radar Online.

Now, it’s possible that the Duggars who are in relationships have simply decided to attend services at their partners’ church.

But even if that’s the case, Jim Bob would likely view the decision as a betrayal.

He’s previously stated that he believes worshipping is the most important thing a family can do together.

And the Duggars are famous for their elaborate Sunday ritual.

They usually arrive at church early so that they be there to greet the other parishioners.

Afterward, the whole community gathers at the Duggar compound for a “pot-faith” luncheon.

“Because Jim Bob doesn’t believe in luck,” says the source.

Yeesh. That alone would be reason enough for his kids to skip out on the whole thing.

But as lame as they probably find their father’s extreme piety, the Duggar kids would likely be hesitant to stop attending services with Jim Bob — unless they hoped to send him a message.

Reports of Duggar kids rebelling against Jim Bob’s overbearing ways have been everywhere lately, and it seems they may have decided as a group to take action in hopes of making it clear just how strongly they feel.

It’s a risky gambit.

And it could lead to the unraveling of the Duggar clan as we know it.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, July 6, 2018

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West Escape to Super Conservative Idaho Town

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian joined a growing group of celebs to flee L.A. for the calmer vibes of Idaho, joining the likes of Wayne Gretzky, Adam Levine and Harry Styles … and it’s especially interesting given the political divide between Coeur…


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Selena Gomez: Hollywood is Killing Me ... I Need to Escape!

Selena Gomez has really been through the wringer. Falling back in and out of love and facing multiple major health scares isn’t easy and it will take its toll.

She’s even scared some of her fans. And those are just a handful of the issues with which she’s grappling on a daily basis.

Now, a report says that she knows the solution: she needs to get the hell out of Hollywood.

According to Life & Style, Selena plans her exodus from L.A. in order to live a more authentic, less stressful life.

Their insider reports: “She says she’s done with the Hollywood life and all the fakeness that surrounds it.”

Hey, we get it. L.A. is full of fake lunch plans, fake body parts, and astrology.

“She’s leaving LA,” the source says. “She just wants to get away from it all.”

Think that it sounds like a good idea? Longtime Selena bestie Taylor Swift thinks so, too.

The insider says: “Taylor’s been raving to Selena that it was one of the best decisions she’s ever made.”

“Selena’s still deciding where to move,” the source explains.

In the mean time, Selena has apparently been spending time being low key in both London and Nashville.

The insider says that she’s still weighing her options, “but [her native] Texas is an option.”

Selena is a Texas girl and may just return.

Apparently, she has a particular fantasy for how her life mgiht go.

“She’d love to live in a huge farmhouse,” the source reveals. “And build a studio so she can continue writing and working on her music.”

Well, that wouldn’t be for everyone — but if that’s her dream, she should probably follow her bliss.

As we are all-too-aware, Hailey Baldwin has been enjoying Selena’s slopping seconds. By which we mean that she’s dating Selena’s many-times ex-boyfriend, Justin Bieber.

This source says that Selena is well-aware that her former friend and former boyfriend are once again hooking up, and she’s not exactly thrilled.

“She can’t stand looking at the photos of them,” the insider reports.

Plenty of people find it a little nauseating, even though Hailey is very easy to look upon — and, despite his creepy mustache and covering his body in 100 hours worth of tattoos, so is the Biebs.

But for Selena, this isn’t about looks. It’s about emotions.

“She’s traumatized by it,” the source claims.

That sounds a little hyperbolic, but it is easy to imagine her watching Justin seduce another ex with the same church dates and feel sickened that she fell for it herself.

Speaking of Selena’s feelings, there is also the matter of designer Stefano Gabbano claiming that Selena Gomez is “ugly.”

He’s clearly wrong and awful for saying it. But while Selenators and everyone else with basic human decency (and eyes!) were filled with fury, Selena felt wounded.

The insider describes: “Selena was so hurt”

We totally understand that.

What a nasty fellow.

There is apparently another reason that Selena wants to leave Hollywood — and it’s for her health.

“It’s hard to steer clear of the party scene there,” the insider reports. “Selena’s determined to avoid temptation. It’ll be easier if it’s not in her face.”

That makes sense.

“Hollywood made her a star,” the source admits. “But it’s also been hellish for her, mentally and physically.”

And she can’t afford to take any risks as she continues her battle with Lupus.

“Selena needs a fresh start,” the insider concludes. “And that’s exactly what she’s going to get.”


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson Hits the Slopes to Escape Breakup Speculation

In recent days, rumors have been flying that Kendra Wilkinson’s marriage to Hank Baskett is hanging over a precipice … if it isn’t already over.

Then, Kendra seemed to confirm the split rumors with some tearful, heartfelt confessions on social media.

It looks like she’s trying to cheer herself up with some fun in the snow with her son.

Kendra Wilksinson says that she will always love Hank, but if this split between them is the real deal, they both might change their tune. Sometimes, exes become enemies.

But one thing is for certain: they will both always love their children.

Kendra is seeking comfort with some family time, as she and her eight-year-old son, Hank Baskett IV, hit the slopes in snowboarding gear.

And the Playboy Bunny turned reality star decided to share her blissful experience on social media.

Instagram stories are fleeting by their nature, but gifs are forever.

Take a look.

Hank Baskett IV is one hell of a snowboarder for an eight-year-old, don’t you think?

(At least, he’s certainly better and more confident at it than I would have been at his age. Or at any age)

Kendra also tweeted her happiness about their chilly adventures while hitting the slopes, writing:

“And now it’s a happy day. My boy went off a jump for the first time.”

That’s so cool!

We’re glad that she’s letting him go at his own pace, but you can feel the pride in that tweet.

Vacations are designed to help people get away from it all, and Kendra has a lot of sadness to escape.

Recently, she shared her heartbreak on social media:

“10 years. I did everything I could, it wasn’t good enough.”

There’s no one secret to make a marriage last forever.

“I will always love him and my heart will always remain open for him.”

That does sound like a farewell, doesn’t it?

“I believed in forever. I really did.”

Kendra says that she’s focusing on what’s important:

“Guess it’s just not meant to be. I’m so scared but I have to get strong for my kids. I will.”

Kendra also gave her thanks to people who care about her.

“Thank you to all my friends and family for supporting me at the moment. Every little ounce of love helps. Thank you.”

But she says that she never anticipated that things with Hank would be over.

“I never thought I’d see the day, really.”

She didn’t limit her emotional, revealing posts to Instagram.

“Today will be the saddest, scariest day of my life. Today I will have to be the strongest I’ve ever been. Today, my rebirth begins.”

So it sounds like a snow day with her son was exactly what she needed.

And it might be what he needed, too.

Kendra and Hank’s kids may be blaming themselves or fearing for their future as they see their parents part ways, but Kendra and Hank will always put their children first.

And this vacation demonstrates pretty clearly that life after heartbreak can still be full of fun and of family time.


Monday, March 12, 2018

Heather Locklear Will Escape Felony Charge in Domestic Violence Arrest

Heather Locklear has dodged a bullet, because TMZ has learned she will NOT be charged with felony domestic violence in connection with the fight she had with her boyfriend that landed her in jail.  We broke the story … Heather was…


Friday, March 2, 2018

Heather Locklear"s Daughter Ava and Richie Sambora Escape to Hawaii after Arrest

Heather Locklear’s daughter has gotten out of dodge after her mom’s arrest … and we’re told she’s very upset. Ava took off for the Big Island of Hawaii Wednesday night with her dad, Richie Sambora. The 2 are extremely tight, and he’s been very…


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Flash Season 4 Episode 13 Recap: The Great Escape

Amunet continued to cause some trouble on The Flash Season 4 Episode 13 as she made her decision about Barry and the other metahumans holed up inside Iron Heights. 

When the episode got underway, Cecile still had mind-reading abilities as a result of recent events and heard all about the warden’s plan to get rid of the metahumans and make a quick buck. 

Thanks to Cisco, Ralph learned that he was able to shape-shift into anybody, but involved a whole lot of concentration. This gave Team Flash the leverage they needed to try and get something done about Barry. 

Ralph tried to bring the deal between the warden and Amunet to a grinding halt, but things took a wild turn, and his likeness to the warden started to waver. 

His failure only served to make Ralph question everything, and a chat with a former friend made him wonder whether leaving his life of crime behind was really the best foot forward. 

Back inside the prison, Barry managed to escape from his cell after things got a little too convenient for him. The warden then dished to the others that Barry is the Flash. 

While a debate ensued about who could really be trusted, DeVoe appeared and tried to take down everyone. However, he managed to take on the form of someone Barry grew close to. 

Poor Becky.

Cisco and Killer Frost made their way to the scene of the crime and attempted to get Barry out of jail once and for all, but the fastest man alive was not ready to leave the life behind bars. 

All was right, however, because Cecile went to the courthouse to appeal the ruling and she was greeted by none other than DeVoe. In reality, Ralph had taken on the appearance of the villain. 

The judge is blindsided, but there’s nothing else that can be done, and Barry is officially let out of his jail cell, but will it be for good?

Marlize was not impressed with the way things were going, and DeVoe took notice of it. He didn’t want anyone to ruin their plans, so he slipped some drugs into her drink. 

Yes, The Flash is trying to be a daytime soap opera, and we’re all for it. If it ups the ante, then who are we to judge? 

While Team Flash celebrated their small victory, Barry got thinking about what was going to come next from the villain because it all seemed a little too easy. 

The episode closed with Barry wondering if The Thinker is going to do something to Ralph. Worse than that, Ralph could have already been compromised. 

And so, the big win became a great paranoia for some of the characters. 

What did you think of the episode?

Hit the comments below!

The Flash continues Tuesday nights on The CW!


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Meghan Markle Will Receive Hostage Training, How to Alert and Escape

Meghan Markle’s gonna get trained on how to escape being held hostage … and it’ll be focused on alerting and escaping. After marrying Prince Harry – who’s a trained combat vet himself — Meghan will undergo military training from the…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Justin Bieber"s Religion Is His Escape, Chance to Be "Regular"

Justin Bieber’s religious lifestyle is the complete opposite of his life on the road … and that’s why he chose it over the Purpose tour … TMZ has learned. Sources at Hillsong Church tell us Justin worships in total peace, and at least feels he’s…


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Mischa Barton Says She Couldn"t Escape Abusive Sex Tape Partner (VIDEO)

Mischa Barton is ripping the ex-bf behind the sex tape that’s being shopped around, and says he’s more interested in destroying her emotionally than financially. Mischa went on ‘Dr. Phil’ and revealed the exact moment she found out about the…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Kardashians Can"t Escape U.S. Customs After Costa Rica Trip (PHOTOS)

The Kardashians got a knock from a narc before officially touching US soil. Kourtney, Kris, Kylie and Tyga returned after a short trip in Costa Rica but had to deal with U.S. Customs agents getting a look inside before getting the all-clear. It’s…


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Greg Jennings Says Aaron Rodgers Uses Football To Escape Family Drama (VIDEO)

Aaron Rodgers’ family drama won’t bleed over onto the playing field this weekend … ‘cause he’s an expert at tuning out off-the-field drama … so says his ex-teammate Greg Jennings. Aaron’s family been all over the news after his father came out…


Monday, October 24, 2016

Brianne Muller, Mom of 5, Dies After Fatal Car Jump to Escape Abusive Husband

Brianne Muller, just 33 years old, died this past week after head trauma when she jumped out of a moving vehicle operated by her husband, Michael Muller. 

Fox 59 reported that Muller ejected herself from the moving car on an interstate in Oklahoma to escape her abusive husband. 

Friends of Muller’s came forward after the news, and said that Muller’s husband, Michael has been “abusive for years.” 

The news station also reported that Michael Muller had varying domestic violence and child abuse charges against him, and was arrested on an outstanding felony warrant. 

Local authorities consider Brianne’s death “suspicious,” but have declined to state whether or not her husband would be charged. 

Several of Brianne’s friends came forward after her death to acknowledge that she was continuously victimized by her husband. 

A long-time friend of Brianne’s told the network that her friend “had a big heart,” and that she was “always smiling.”

“We were her family,” Samantha Searle continued. 

In a statement to the late Muller’s husband, Searle continued, “Whether she jumped from the car or you pushed her, she’s dead because of you.” 

The friend continued that the couple’s children considered their father’s abuse against their mother to be “normal.” 

“[Her] babies talk about how their daddy hurt their mommy, like it’s a normal part of life that’s supposed to happen,” Searle lamented. 

“I watched him smash her face against a wall, causing three of her teeth to loosen, and one to fall out.” 

“We concocted plan after plan after plan to get her and those kids out of [that] situation,” she continued. 

“I just wish there would have been some way to break her [away] from him,” another friend, Jennifer Morgan, added. 

“She told us lots of times she was going to die.” 

“She was afraid,” the friend admitted. 

A GoFundMe page was set up to defer funeral costs for Muller’s funeral. 

At this time, it’s reached over half its goal – $ 975 of the $ 1934 goal needed to meet the Muller’s final expenses. 

The page read, “Brianne was a mother of five, who died tragically at the young age of 33 after a head injury.”

“The family is not prepared to pay for a funeral, so we are depending on the kindness of others to help cover the costs to give her a proper burial,” the statement concluded. 

What a heartbreaking story, and if this SOB is in any way involved – which he is; as Muller’s friend said, it didn’t matter whether she jumped or he pushed her – he is, in some way, responsible for the death of his wife, and his children’s loss of their mother. 


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Canadian Dating Site Helps Americans Escape Donald Trump

A Donald Trump presidency.

There was a time when that phrase would’ve earned you a hearty laugh or a withering glare of contempt, depending on your company.

It wasn’t that long ago when even his most ardent supporters didn’t think the Donald would ever get the chance to outfit the Lincoln bedroom suite with solid gold toilets, but now that he’s the GOP’s presumptive nominee (and soon to toss that pesky modifier in the trash) there’s a good chance that an idea that was once so absurd it was skewered by The Simpsons could become a reality:

Of course, polls indicate that Trump remains the least-liked presidential candidate in US history.

(It could be his hair, or it might have something to do with his apparent hatred of women and minorities. Who knows?)

As a result, lots of Americans are already announcing their plans to seek asylum elsewhere if Trump wins in November, and not surprisingly, they’re looking to our neighbors to the north with regard to scouting out new homes.

But even with a nation as friendly as Canada, the immigration process isn’t all Timbits and Labatt’s.

Most Americans are free to visit Canada anytime they please, but taking up permanent residence is a different story.

That’s where Maple Match comes in:

Maple Match Ad

According to its recently launched Twitter page, Maple Match is a dating service that seeks to set Americans up with Canucks.

The hope is that the relationships will lead to dual-residency marriages that will allow US citizens to move north and find gainful employment as Zamboni drivers, ice skate sharpeners, poutine vendors at Leafs games – you name it!

“Try  and find a meaningful partner to save you from a @realDonaldTrump presidency! #MapleMatch,” the company tweeted yesterday.

The site isn’t up and running yet, but founder Joe Goldman promises the venture is 100% serious.

Of course, if you find yourself frequently awakening from nightmares about giant walls, but cold weather doesn’t suit your fancy, you could always move to Mexico.

We hear they have the best taco bowls.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Steve Rannazzisi: The League Star Admits to Lying About 9/11 Escape

Steve Rannazzisi is best known for his role as Kevin MacArthur on the FXX sitcom The League.

After today, however, he might be better known as the character actor who never got work again after the world learned that he lied about nearly dying in the 9/11 attacks for an astonishing 14 years.

Over the course of his career, Rannazzisi has frequently told reporters that he had been working for Merrill Lynch in an office in the Twin Towers on the day of the attacks, and his narrow escape inspired him to move to Los Angeles to pursue acting.

“I was there and then the first tower got hit and we were like jostled all over the place,” he said, recalling the attacks in detail in a 2009 interview.

He claimed to have fled the building just minutes before the second plane struck.

Earlier this week, The New York Times confronted Rannazissi about the various holes in his story (Merrill Lynch never employed Rannazzisi or had an office in the World Trade Center), and yesterday, the actor finally admitted that he’d made it all up.

“I was not at the Trade Center on that day,” the actor said in a statement issued by his publicist. “I don’t know why I said this. This was inexcusable. I am truly, truly sorry.”

Rannazzisi has declined requests for interviews, but his statement offers a weak explanation for his actions:

“For many years, more than anything, I have wished that, with silence, I could somehow erase a story told by an immature young man,” the statement reads. “It only made me more ashamed. How could I tell my children to be honest when I hadn’t come clean about this?”

Many have pointed out that, far from “a story told by an immature young man,” the incident has become a major part of Rannazzisi’s public persona, and he has publicly recounted the tale as recently as 2012.

The actor’s inexplicable fabrication brings to mind Brian Williams lies about his involvement in the Iraq War, which he was forced to apologize for earlier this year.

It remains to be seen if the consequences for Rannazzisi will be as severe. The League is currently airing its final season, but it’s likely that the actor will be fired from his job as a spokesman for Buffalo Wild Wings.