Showing posts with label 9/11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 9/11. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Final 9/11 Rescue Dog Dies: Goodbye, Bretagne…

The animal kingdom has suffered a great loss.

The entire world has suffered a great loss, really.

Bretagne (pronounced Brittany), a 16-year old search and rescue dog, had to be put down this week.

She was the last search and rescue dog alive who helped search through the rubble of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

Join us in honoring her memory below…

1. Near Ground Zero

Near ground zero

Denise Corliss, an electrical engineer from Texas, and a then-two-year-old Bretagne were deployed to the area around the World Trade Center a week after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

2. Long, Hard, Important Work

Long hard important work

Bretagne was one of approximately 300 dogs working after 9/11. She and her handler worked 12-hour shifts together for 10 days .

3. End of the Heroic Line

End of the heroic line

On June 6, just a few months shy of her 17th birthday, Bretagne had to be put to sleep. Her owner said she could no longer climb stairs at home and was experiencing kidney failure.

4. A Hero Until the End

A hero until the end

Up until her health failed, the caine was spending time at a a local elementary school as a dog that children could read to in order to practice their reading skills.

5. A Trip to Remember

A trip to remember

In 2014, Bretagne made her first trip visit back to New York since the attacks, visiting One World Trade Center.

6. A Sweet 16

A sweet 16

For her 16th birthday party, BarkPost threw Bretagne a party that brought her back to New York for festivities that included food, games and presents.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Donald Trump Confuses 9/11 with 7-Eleven: WATCH!

Donald Trump has said many cringe-worthy things during the past several months of his Presidential campaign.

But the Republican front-runner just lowered the bar to a nearly incomprehensible level… even for Donald Trump.

During a rally in the beautiful city of Buffalo on Monday night, one day before the key New York Primary, Trump was addressing rival Ted Cruz"s previous insult that The Donald has "New York values."

"I wrote this out, and it"s very close to my heart," Trump tells the crowd in the following clip, adding:

"Because I was down there and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down. And I saw the greatest people I"ve ever seen in action."

Yes, he said 7/11. No, he did not correct himself.

People misspeak all the time, of course.

However, can you ever recall a politician mixing up the most tragic date in American history… with the name of a convenience store chain?

According to various reports, Trump also effed up the outset of his speech.

While thanking Buffalo Bills coach Rex Ryan for introducing him (Editor"s Note: Come on, Rex!), he mistakenly congratulated the former Jets coach on winning championships in New York.

Ryan has won nothing of substance as a head coach.

Level-headed people around the country are hoping Trump will possess a similar type of resume after this election is over.

Donald trump refers 9 slash 11 as 7 slash 11 at rally in new yor

Friday, February 19, 2016

Spencer Pratt Likens Cancelation of The Hills to 9/11

Spencer Pratt may want to crawl back into the hole we assume he’s been living in for the past six years or so.

The former reality star and celebrity gossip magnate is back in the news this week due to an interview he just gave to Vice’s Broadly.

Pratt tells the publication about life as a cast member on MTV’s The Hills, which catapulted him and girlfriend-turned-wife Heidi Montag into random sensations for multiple years back in the early 2000s.

“We were fame whores, getting literally a million plus a year in photos and being hated for it,” Pratt says to Broadly. “It’s frustrating for me that people don’t recognize that this was genius.

“This was innovating!”

He’s not totally mistaken.

Unlike Kim Kardashian, Pratt did not need to make a sex tape in order to become rich and famous without having any talent.

(Although Montag did spread a rumor about frenemy Lauren Conrad having a sex tape and it led to a lot of drama and… really… you should go watch The Hills. It was great.)

According to the interview, Pratty spent $ 3,000 per day on his hair and makeup budget, while also enjoying the occasional $ 30,000 shopping sprees.

Pratt estimates he was making “upwards of a million dollars a year” from MTV, paparazzi deals and hosting gigs.

“Sh-t, we knew how good the Jersey Shore was because we were super fans,” Pratt told the outlet.

“So I personally was like, ‘I need to be nutso at this point, like holding crystals to my head."”

Indeed, according to Spencer and Heidi, they once spent $ 70,000 on a crystal to add to their growing collection.

After six seasons, however, MTV ran out of storylines to concoct for the series and pulled the plug.

Needless to say, it was tough on Pratt.

“[The Hills getting cancelled] was our 9/11,” Pratt said, comparing the moment to America’s most devastating terrorist attack in what have been a mistaken, slight exaggeration.

But we won’t make too much fun of Pratt for saying such an insensitive thing.

Why kick the guy when he’s down?

Spencer says, after all, that he and Montag are now worth $ 10. Total.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner Slammed by Husband of 9/11 Hero: Find Out Why

The husband of a woman who sprung into action in order save lives on September 11, 2001 has come out with a scathing assessment of Caitlyn Jenner.

NYPD officer Moira Smith died in the line of duty on that fateful day after helping to evacuate those who were trapped inside Tower Two of the World Trade Center.

She was given a posthumous Woman of the Year Award by Glamour Magazine for her heroic actions.

Fast forward well over a decade later, however, and Moira’s husband (James Smith, also a NYPD officer) has now returned said award.

In an open letter on Facebook, James explained that his decision was due to the “slap in the face” of Caitlyn Jenner being given the same award this year by Glamour.

“Was there no woman in America, or the rest of the world, more deserving than this man?” James asks, continuing:

“At a time when we have women in the armed forces fighting and dying for our country, heroic doctors fighting deadly diseases, women police officers and firefighters putting their lives on the line for total strangers, brave women overcoming life-threatening diseases…

“The list of possibilities goes in…is this the best you could do?”

This is not the first time coverage of a member of the Kardashian-Jenner family has earned a rebuke.

Back in August, someone lamented why the second woman to earn a Silver Medal since World War II is less famous than Kim Kardashian.

Jenner was among several females feted at Carnegie Hall last week, including Oscar-winner Reese Witherspoon, tennis star Billie Jean King and former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham.

In response to Smith’s critique, a spokesperson for Glamour has said:

“We were proud to honor his wife . . . in 2001, and we stand by our decision to honor Caitlyn Jenner. Glamour’s Women of the Year Awards recognize women with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.”

Friday, October 30, 2015

American Airlines Passenger Subdued, Flight Diverted After 9/11 Rant

An American Airlines passenger who went on a bizarre rant referencing the 9/11 attacks was subdued by his fellow passengers yesterday.

The flight was diverted to Phoenix en route from L.A. to Philadelphia.

Shortly after the left LAX, the man walked to the front of First Class.

There, he started shouting about government corruption and psychological warfare. According to witnesses, he ominously told them:

"We will all see the truth, and I will be famous today."

Two men who appeared to be regular passengers, impressively jumped up and restrained the man, wrapping a belt around his fists.

At that point, he grew angrier, shouting that he had a gun, yelling about September 11 and pointing "finger guns" at people nearby.

While this was going on, the airline pilot circled for more than an hour to burn off fuel, before diverting to Phoenix and getting him out.

Homeland Security Officers came aboard and removed the suspect, seen in this video moving slowly down the aisle with his hands up.

Passengers were worried about his luggage and what could be in it, but the crew removed it before the flight continued on to Philly.

American airlines passenger subdued flight diverted after 9 slas

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Steve Rannazzisi -- Comedy Central Airs Show Despite 9/11 Lie



Steve Rannazzi got a slice of good news in the wake of his 9/11 lie admission … Comedy Central aired his special.

The network hedged after Steve disclosed he was not in one of the twin towers during the attack … a story he propagated in vivid detail for years.

The special — “Breaking Dad” — aired Saturday night.

“The League” star wasn’t as lucky with his lucrative Buffalo Wild Wings commercial, which was yanked off the air after he fessed up.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

SNL Star Pete Davidson — Who Lost His Dad In 9/11 — Confronts The League"s Steve Rannazzisi Over His Lie! But The Result May Surprise You!

We still can’t believe that someone would lie about this!

The League star Steve Rannazzisi was busted recently over a tall tale he’s been telling for years that he escaped from the second tower of the World Trade Center during the September 11 attacks.

We were pretty disgusted when we heard it was all just a lie.

Related: Adrian Grenier Under Fire After Posting Then Deleting Controversial 9/11 Message!

But Pete Davidson, who recently joined the cast of Saturday Night Live, took special offense as he had lost his firefighter father on 9/11.

After hearing about the dishonesty, he tweeted sarcastically at Steve:

Steve clearly didn’t get the sarcasm because he responded:

To which Pete replied:

Steve must have figured it out because he then quickly deleted his tweet.

But the most interesting thing was what happened afterward, not in the public eye — because a bit later Pete tweeted:

Pete must have believed in the sincerity of Steve’s apology to turn around like that.

Here’s how Steve apologized to the public on Twitter:

Can YOU forgive Steve like Pete apparently has??

[Image via Twitter/Brian To/Bridow/WENN.]

"League" Star Steve Rannazzisi -- I Lied About Escaping Twin Towers During 9/11


breaking news

The League” star Steve Rannazzisi has pulled a Brian Williams … he’s been lying for years about narrowly escaping from the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

Rannazzisi was forced to admit he made the whole story up after the New York Times put the heat on him. Rannazzisi now says, “I don’t know why I said this. This was inexcusable. I am truly, truly sorry.”

Rannazzisi’s tale was that he was working for Merrill Lynch on the 54th floor of the south tower when the first plane struck the north tower. He said he escaped before the second plane hit. He says it was a life-changing moment and decided to pursue his dream … a career in Hollywood. 

The comedian is featured in commercials for the restaurant chain Buffalo Wild Wings. The company told the Times they’re re-evaluating their relationship with him. As for “The League” … it’s a moot point — the show is in its last season. 


Steve Rannazzisi: The League Star Admits to Lying About 9/11 Escape

Steve Rannazzisi is best known for his role as Kevin MacArthur on the FXX sitcom The League.

After today, however, he might be better known as the character actor who never got work again after the world learned that he lied about nearly dying in the 9/11 attacks for an astonishing 14 years.

Over the course of his career, Rannazzisi has frequently told reporters that he had been working for Merrill Lynch in an office in the Twin Towers on the day of the attacks, and his narrow escape inspired him to move to Los Angeles to pursue acting.

“I was there and then the first tower got hit and we were like jostled all over the place,” he said, recalling the attacks in detail in a 2009 interview.

He claimed to have fled the building just minutes before the second plane struck.

Earlier this week, The New York Times confronted Rannazissi about the various holes in his story (Merrill Lynch never employed Rannazzisi or had an office in the World Trade Center), and yesterday, the actor finally admitted that he’d made it all up.

“I was not at the Trade Center on that day,” the actor said in a statement issued by his publicist. “I don’t know why I said this. This was inexcusable. I am truly, truly sorry.”

Rannazzisi has declined requests for interviews, but his statement offers a weak explanation for his actions:

“For many years, more than anything, I have wished that, with silence, I could somehow erase a story told by an immature young man,” the statement reads. “It only made me more ashamed. How could I tell my children to be honest when I hadn’t come clean about this?”

Many have pointed out that, far from “a story told by an immature young man,” the incident has become a major part of Rannazzisi’s public persona, and he has publicly recounted the tale as recently as 2012.

The actor’s inexplicable fabrication brings to mind Brian Williams lies about his involvement in the Iraq War, which he was forced to apologize for earlier this year.

It remains to be seen if the consequences for Rannazzisi will be as severe. The League is currently airing its final season, but it’s likely that the actor will be fired from his job as a spokesman for Buffalo Wild Wings.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Devo Co-Founder -- 9/11 Themed Wedding ... Box-Cutters Anyone?



0914-casal-devo-wedding-TMZ-01The co-founder of Devo and his bride hung their faces off a Twin Towers cake to celebrate their marriage with the most bizarre, and possibly offensive, wedding reception … EVER.

Jerry Casale — Devo’s singer and bassist — married Krista Napp on Friday at Michael’s Restaurant in Santa Monica. Of course, Friday marked the 14th anniversary of the September 11th attacks … a fact the bride and groom made sure their guests would never forget.

Fact 1: Their cake was the World Trade Center, with their images on top of each tower.

Fact 2:  Guests got real box cutters as party favors.

Fact 3: Their table setting cards had an image of a “Gerald & Krista” engraved box cutter.

0914-SUB-casal-devo-wedding-TMZ-01If it seems outrageous and offensive to make the murder of 2,977 people the centerpiece of your wedding — we’re told Jerry and Krista’s friends weren’t the least bit fazed because they both have a dark and strange sense of humor.

As one guest put it … Jerry has “real heart as an artist, and is a super sweet guy.”

