Showing posts with label Bretagne…. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bretagne…. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Final 9/11 Rescue Dog Dies: Goodbye, Bretagne…

The animal kingdom has suffered a great loss.

The entire world has suffered a great loss, really.

Bretagne (pronounced Brittany), a 16-year old search and rescue dog, had to be put down this week.

She was the last search and rescue dog alive who helped search through the rubble of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

Join us in honoring her memory below…

1. Near Ground Zero

Near ground zero

Denise Corliss, an electrical engineer from Texas, and a then-two-year-old Bretagne were deployed to the area around the World Trade Center a week after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

2. Long, Hard, Important Work

Long hard important work

Bretagne was one of approximately 300 dogs working after 9/11. She and her handler worked 12-hour shifts together for 10 days .

3. End of the Heroic Line

End of the heroic line

On June 6, just a few months shy of her 17th birthday, Bretagne had to be put to sleep. Her owner said she could no longer climb stairs at home and was experiencing kidney failure.

4. A Hero Until the End

A hero until the end

Up until her health failed, the caine was spending time at a a local elementary school as a dog that children could read to in order to practice their reading skills.

5. A Trip to Remember

A trip to remember

In 2014, Bretagne made her first trip visit back to New York since the attacks, visiting One World Trade Center.

6. A Sweet 16

A sweet 16

For her 16th birthday party, BarkPost threw Bretagne a party that brought her back to New York for festivities that included food, games and presents.

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