Showing posts with label Rescue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rescue. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Anthony Anderson Drops Diamond in Drain ... Ghetto MacGyver to the Rescue!!!

Anthony Anderson really coulda used a Swiss Army Knife after dropping a diamond in a shower drain, but since he dubbed himself “Ghetto MacGyver” … Q-tips, dental floss and a broken comb were all he needed for the mission.
The “Black-ish” star is in Rome, where he ...
Anthony Anderson Drops Diamond in Drain ... Ghetto MacGyver to the Rescue!!!

Friday, November 2, 2018

DJ Khaled Helps Rescue Friend Who Fell Off Jet Ski in Miami

DJ Khaled just auditioned for the upcoming ‘Bad Boys’ trilogy, sort of … because the music mogul helped save his buddy who fell off a Jet Ski.   The wild water rescue went down Thursday in Miami, when Khaled and co-producer Ayo Juan…


Sunday, August 19, 2018

"Bachelorette" Star Colton Underwood"s Rescue Dog Arrives Home, Chows on Chicken

Colton Underwood’s been united with his furry new roomie, Thor … and the good boy’s already making himself at home. TMZ got video of the 2-year-old German Shepherd inside the ‘Bachelorette’ star’s house Saturday … hesitantly learning to go down…


Friday, August 3, 2018

Hayden Panettiere Swarmed by Photogs, Guy Friend Comes to Her Rescue

Hayden Panettiere took a heated, sticky situation and turned it into a dancing, happy one within a matter of minutes — but, she got a helping hand from her knight in shining … ball cap. We got Hayden on her way out of Craig’s in WeHo Thursday…


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Dan Rather Says Thai Cave Rescue is a Feel-Good Break from the World"s BS

Dan Rather says he can handle a little Hollywood interference to make a Thailand cave rescue movie, because the story is just that great. We got the CBS News legend Tuesday in NYC hours after it was announced that all 12 boys from a youth soccer…


Dan Rather Says Thai Cave Rescue is a Feel-Good Break from the World"s BS

Dan Rather says he can handle a little Hollywood interference to make a Thailand cave rescue movie, because the story is just that great. We got the CBS News legend Tuesday in NYC hours after it was announced that all 12 boys from a youth soccer…


Rescue Mission Successful! Entire Thai Soccer Team Evacuated from Cave

THEY’RE ALL OUT!!! The Thai Navy SEALs have safely rescued all 12 boys and their soccer coach from a flooded cave in Northern Thailand where they’ve been trapped since June 23.  Thai officials made the announcement Tuesday — confirming the…


Monday, May 28, 2018

Hero "Spiderman" Granted French Citizenship After Amazing Child Rescue

The 22-year-old undocumented immigrant who risked his life to save a young child in Paris is not only a national hero … he’s about to become an official French citizen. Mamoudou Gassama became a worldwide sensation this weekend after climbing 4…


Monday, April 16, 2018

Lakers Player Josh Hart Comes to the Rescue for "This Is Us" Star Sterling K. Brown!

Could you imagine getting on an airplane … WITHOUT YOUR PHONE?!  Nightmare, right?!  Well, that’s ALMOST what happened to “This Is Us” star Sterling K. Brown … if not for the heroic actions of Lakers rookie Josh Hart!  Brown…


Lakers Player Josh Hart Comes to the Rescue for "This Is Us" Star Sterling K. Brown!

Could you imagine getting on an airplane … WITHOUT YOUR PHONE?!  Nightmare, right?!  Well, that’s ALMOST what happened to “This Is Us” star Sterling K. Brown … if not for the heroic actions of Lakers rookie Josh Hart!  Brown…


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Oprah Meets Rescue Dogs Helping Search for Missing from Montecito Mudslides

Oprah met with some of the heroes going out and searching for the missing in her community after devastating mudslides this week … including a few 4-legged ones. O posted a vid talking to search and rescue workers in Montecito Saturday, which…


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Woman Drops iPhone Out Window, Tweets Traumatic Rescue

A woman named Liz Bertorelli has gone viral for overcoming a legitimate personal crisis this month:

She dropped her iPhone out her apartment window and watched helplessly as it lay on her neighbor"s balcony… for days.

Why was she unable to retrieve it? Why couldn"t her neighbors simply help out? How did she put one foot in front of the other and go on with her life following such a traumatic event?

Thankfully, Liz Tweeted a majority of this harrowing tale in real time.

Scroll down for a story of tragedy and then eventual triumph…

1. What Did I Do?!?

What did i do

Follow-up question: What do I do now?!?

2. Phew. It Will Be Okay Now, Right?

Phew it will be okay now right

They’ll see the note and contact me and this nightmare will be over soon…



And what will happen to the phone if it rains?!?

4. I’m Batman

Im batman

Or I will be if need be.

5. I Did Watch MagGyver One Time

I did watch maggyver one time

Maybe I can do this.

6. No.


Have you ever seen Romeo and Juliet?

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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Audrey Roloff: Postpartum Symptoms Revealed, but Tori Roloff to the Rescue!

Audrey Roloff’s mastitis is no joke, but that’s not the only health problem that she’s facing after welcoming Ember Jean into the world.

As it turns out, that is just a small part of a larger complication that Audrey is having after giving birth.

The one bright side is that Audrey has loving relatives to pitch in and help out, including Tori Roloff. What else is family for?

We had already heard about Audrey’s mastitis.

As you can probably guess from the word, Audrey’s experienced painful breast-swelling linked to lactation. But breast-feeding is supposed to help relieve symptoms and resolve it.

So we’d all hoped that Audrey’s post-partum issues would resolve themselves.

Instead, we learned through an Instagram post of Audrey’s that things are so much harder on her than she’d imagined.

The post starts off positive, though.

“Our little Ember is two weeks old today! She’s likes cuddling on our chests, swaying, and when her daddy sings to her.”

That is so nice to hear! But … obviously, it’s not all good news.

“While I am overflowing with love for my daughter and husband, I won’t sugar coat it… these past two weeks have been HARD.”

Becoming a new parent is never easy, but Audrey’s experience is above and beyond what’s normal.

“The first 24 hours with Ember were bliss, but after that it was as if I went back into labor again… I was well prepared for the pain and suffering that comes with childbirth, but I was not prepared for the pain and suffering that comes afterwards.”

Okay, so those are postpartum contractions. Basically, she’s having hormonal imbalances after giving birth that are giving her a slew of problems.

“I got all the things… the common ‘TMI’ postpartum hurts, along with severe engorgement, too much milk, not enough milk, blisters, bruises, clogged ducts, and mastitis.”

What your health class probably never mentioned is that there is a huge amount of bleeding after childbirth and a high chance for various types of tearing.

Plus, you know, childbirth itself is such an ordeal under the best of circumstances.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the pain that I’ve experienced while breast feeding has been comparable to unmedicated labor contractions. Inevitably, all of this has left me feeling like I am failing my baby, frustrated, discouraged, and heart ached.”

She’s not failing Ember and she knows that, but knowing and feeling something are different experiences.

“But even though the tearful sleepless nights persist, so will I. I will continue to pour myself out in sacrificial love for this baby girl who makes every hurt worth enduring.”

As you might imagine, Audrey is drawing upon her particular religious faith in this crisis.

“And not by my strength or striving, but in Christ alone. I’ve been humming the these lyrics while I nurse and pump through the nights, ‘Lord, I come, I confess, Bowing here I find my rest, Without You I fall apart, You’re the One that guides my heart, Lord I need you oh I need you, Every hour I need you, My one defense, my righteousness, Oh God, how I need you…"” 

I’ve never heard that one, but I’m glad that she’s finding comfort.

“Motherhood is already refining me so much and I am blessed.”

Tori Roloff just gave birth herself — four months ago. She left a supportive comment under that post:

“You’re a warrior mama! Love you so much, sister!”

Tori also shared via her Instagram story that she’s baking lactation cookies for Audrey.

Before your mind goes to a dark place, human breast milk is not a standard ingredient in lactation cookies. They just have specific yeasts or whatever that are designed to encourage lactation.

We hope that they help!


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Chiefs Legend Neil Smith: Play-By-Play of Pregnant Woman Flood Rescue

Chiefs legend Neil Smith rescued a pregnant woman stuck in a severe flood earlier this week … and now he’s walking us through the harrowing experience. Smith — who played 13 seasons in the NFL, made 6 Pro Bowls and won 2 Super Bowls –…


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Lisa Vanderpump & Husband Sued for Alleged Assault On Dog Rescue Exec

Lisa Vanderpump’s husband assaulted a dog rescue’s executive for not playing ball — so claims the rescue operation in a new lawsuit, but Lisa says the allegation’s all bark … no bite. Spot Rescue is suing Ken Todd, Lisa and the Vanderpump Dog…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

TMZ Live: Justin Bieber: Dad To The Rescue!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Anthony Scaramucci: I’m Not Gone Yet! Mariah Carey: Daughter’s Singing Debut! Kathy Griffin Goes Bald R. Kelly Tour Dates Canceled!


Friday, June 30, 2017

Internet Comes to Rescue of Bullied 9-Year Old: Read the Moving Birthday Tweets!

Twitter can be a wonderful place.

Unfortunately, there"s no place safe from bullies, and Twitter is just as full of vicious trolls as everywhere else. (And no, we don"t just mean the current President of the United States and his infamous tweets)

That"s why it is so, so nice to see Twitter used as a powerful force for good — even if the only person being directly helped is a British 9-year-old.

See, Ollie has one of those almost over-the-top bullies, as many 9-year-olds do, who wants to impress upon him that nothing that he does for his birthday could possibly measure up to the bully"s own celebrations.

We all know how that goes — some little kid wants to make another little kid feel like he can"t measure up. It"s the exact same motivation behind why adults are nasty to each other, basically.

So, Ollie"s dad Christopher took to Twitter to ask for people to ask any celebrities, major or minor, to send a pleasant birthday message in Ollie"s direction to give the 9-year-old a much-needed boost.

That"s not unreasonable — there are grown-ass adults who tweet at celebrities to ask for a birthday shout-out. This seems a great deal worthier, you know?

But Christopher and his wife Natalie clearly never expected the kind of response that they received. Take a look at these tweets, and know that we saved the best — or, at least, the most famous — for last.



1. Christopher’s tweets

Christophers tweet

These tweets by Ollie’s father, Christopher, are what started it all.

2. Stormzy’s tweet

Gsaps tweet

Rapper Stormzy tweeted this out. The guy whose first album is “Gang Signs and Prayer” might not sound like the person you imagine would fight childhood bullying, but you’d clearly be wrong.

3. Regina Looby’s tweet

Regina loobys tweet

Regina Looby is a radio and television producer.

4. England’s tweet

Englands tweet

To be clear, this is England the sportsball team, not England the entire country.

5. Chase Masterson’s tweet

Chase mastersons tweet

Chase Masterson is a fairly well-known actress whose credits include The Flash, Star Trek, and the UK’s favorite timey-wimey nonsense, Doctor Who. Also she’s worked to combat bullying, so this is really no surprise.

6. Tom Bosworth’s first tweet

Tom bosworths first tweet

Tom Bosworth is clearly humble, but he’s a British racewalker who holds records for a ridiculous number of different lengths of race. And, you know, he’s an Olympian.

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Monday, June 5, 2017

Jon Gosselin Saves Woman From House Fire in Daring Rescue!

Jon Gosselin’s life hasn’t gone exactly as planned. The guy’s a household name, but his latest job is working as a stripper.

That job can bring a good income, but it can’t be what he’d imagined for himself.

But now he’s saved a woman’s life — and both of her dogs!

Despite what his reputation in recent years might suggest, Jon Gosselin isn’t completely worthless.

As reported by RadarOnline, “Jon saw a house on fire in his neighborhood and called 911.”

Just making the call is pretty standard fare, but still more than what some people would do.

The story doesn’t end there, though.

“But that’s not all — he banged on the door and got the woman out and then went back in to get her two dogs, too!”

If there’s one thing that America loves more than a total underdog hero, it’s actual literal dogs.

America also loves modesty, and apparently Jon’s being all kinds of bashful when asked about his heroics.

“Thanks but I’m not a hero. I’m sure it was just circumstance and any one of us would have done the same thing.”

That might be true — knocking on the door to alert someone isn’t quite a superhuman feat.

But plenty of folks would consider it above-and-beyond.

You have to wonder why he couldn’t get his life together enough to rescue his own kids from the human equivalent of a housefire that reigns over them.

We’ve known for a long time that Kate Gosselin is an absolute monster, so this can’t have been news to him at any point.

Maybe, in the beginning, he thought that their show would mellow her out, if simply because cameras were watching.

The couple’s been divorced now for ages, but it’s clear that things haven’t really changed.

Kate’s controlling grip over her children is alarming and continues to this day.

We guess, though, that — like the rest of us — Jon isn’t really in a position to change that.

And while we can only imagine how powerless he must feel, maybe being able to help this woman and her dogs gave him a little boost for his own emotional well-being.

It’s too bad that he can’t do anything for his own family.

But maybe some day, circumstances will change.


Kim Kardashian"s Uncle Came to Brandy"s Rescue on Delta flight

Brandy took a pill after boarding a Delta flight from L.A. to NYC and then just passed out cold — so claims a passenger who was sitting next to her. TMZ broke the story … Brandy fell into unconsciousness as the plane was taxiing to the runway,…


Kim Kardashian"s Uncle Came to Brandy"s Rescue on Delta flight

Brandy took a pill after boarding a Delta flight from L.A. to NYC and then just passed out cold — so claims a passenger who was sitting next to her. TMZ broke the story … Brandy fell into unconsciousness as the plane was taxiing to the runway,…
