Showing posts with label Daring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daring. Show all posts

Monday, June 5, 2017

Jon Gosselin Saves Woman From House Fire in Daring Rescue!

Jon Gosselin’s life hasn’t gone exactly as planned. The guy’s a household name, but his latest job is working as a stripper.

That job can bring a good income, but it can’t be what he’d imagined for himself.

But now he’s saved a woman’s life — and both of her dogs!

Despite what his reputation in recent years might suggest, Jon Gosselin isn’t completely worthless.

As reported by RadarOnline, “Jon saw a house on fire in his neighborhood and called 911.”

Just making the call is pretty standard fare, but still more than what some people would do.

The story doesn’t end there, though.

“But that’s not all — he banged on the door and got the woman out and then went back in to get her two dogs, too!”

If there’s one thing that America loves more than a total underdog hero, it’s actual literal dogs.

America also loves modesty, and apparently Jon’s being all kinds of bashful when asked about his heroics.

“Thanks but I’m not a hero. I’m sure it was just circumstance and any one of us would have done the same thing.”

That might be true — knocking on the door to alert someone isn’t quite a superhuman feat.

But plenty of folks would consider it above-and-beyond.

You have to wonder why he couldn’t get his life together enough to rescue his own kids from the human equivalent of a housefire that reigns over them.

We’ve known for a long time that Kate Gosselin is an absolute monster, so this can’t have been news to him at any point.

Maybe, in the beginning, he thought that their show would mellow her out, if simply because cameras were watching.

The couple’s been divorced now for ages, but it’s clear that things haven’t really changed.

Kate’s controlling grip over her children is alarming and continues to this day.

We guess, though, that — like the rest of us — Jon isn’t really in a position to change that.

And while we can only imagine how powerless he must feel, maybe being able to help this woman and her dogs gave him a little boost for his own emotional well-being.

It’s too bad that he can’t do anything for his own family.

But maybe some day, circumstances will change.
