Showing posts with label Diverted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diverted. Show all posts

Friday, October 30, 2015

American Airlines Passenger Subdued, Flight Diverted After 9/11 Rant

An American Airlines passenger who went on a bizarre rant referencing the 9/11 attacks was subdued by his fellow passengers yesterday.

The flight was diverted to Phoenix en route from L.A. to Philadelphia.

Shortly after the left LAX, the man walked to the front of First Class.

There, he started shouting about government corruption and psychological warfare. According to witnesses, he ominously told them:

"We will all see the truth, and I will be famous today."

Two men who appeared to be regular passengers, impressively jumped up and restrained the man, wrapping a belt around his fists.

At that point, he grew angrier, shouting that he had a gun, yelling about September 11 and pointing "finger guns" at people nearby.

While this was going on, the airline pilot circled for more than an hour to burn off fuel, before diverting to Phoenix and getting him out.

Homeland Security Officers came aboard and removed the suspect, seen in this video moving slowly down the aisle with his hands up.

Passengers were worried about his luggage and what could be in it, but the crew removed it before the flight continued on to Philly.

American airlines passenger subdued flight diverted after 9 slas