Showing posts with label Likens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Likens. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Kristen Stewart Likens Heterosexuality to Grilled Cheese

Kristen Stewart is no longer at the center of the celebrity gossip universe, certainly not in the way she once was back when she was dating Robert Pattinson.

But the actress is likely at the center of many male fantasies, considering she’s dating a woman and … well… lots of guys like the thought of girl-on-girl action.

In a new interview with Harper’s Bazaar UK, however, Stewart says she may very well go back to dating men at some point… she hasn’t closed her legs entirely to them.

“Some people know that they like grilled cheese and they’ll eat it every day for the rest of their lives. I want to try everything,” she says by way of an interesting metaphor.

“If I have grilled cheese once I’m like, ‘That was cool, what’s next?’”

In this comparison, is Pattinson a boring old grilled cheese sandwich?

And is Stewart saying she was in the market for something more exciting and captivating after the two broke up?

Sort of, we guess. One could certainly interpret her quote to be an insult.

But we don’t think she meant it that way.

In another excerpt from the interview, Stewart – who has moved in with girlfriend Stella Maxwell – said she’s “been deeply in love with everyone I’ve dated.”

She even grew a little snippy at any suggestions to the contrary.

“Did you think I was faking it?” she asked the interviewer.

No, here at THG, we definitely did not.

Say what you want about Kristen Stewart, but she’s one of the least fake people in Hollywood.

She seems to have such trouble even pretending to be happy that she smiles only about twice per year.

“I’ve always really embraced a duality,” Stewart tells the magazine. “And really, truly, believed in it and never felt confused or struggling. I just didn’t like getting made fun of.”

Elsewhere in the Harper’s interview, Stewart confesses she was teased for being a “total tomboy” in her younger days, which “really hurt [her] feelings.”

She’s come a long way since then.

In some ways.

In other ways, she has clear memories of that painful experience and can still relate to it now; it’s not as though her life as a famous person has been criticism-free.

“I remember being in the sixth grade and [people would say] ‘Kristen looks like a man. You’re a boy’, or whatever, and I was so offended, horrified and embarrassed,” she says, adding:

“Now I look back on it and I’m like, ‘Girl, be proud of that!’

This issue of Harper’s Bazaar UK will go on sale on August 4. It will also be available as a digital edition.


Friday, May 27, 2016

Audrey Roloff: Little People Star Likens Marriage to War, Doles Out INSANE Advice on Sex

If you’re married, you’ve basically committed yourself to a lifelong war, says Audrey Roloff, star of Little People, Big World.

And that’s not the only bananas thing she says in a controversial blog post published yesterday.

“Every day, your marriage enters a battlefield,” writes the Christian reality star.

“What are you doing to protect your marriage against the dangers of, porn, workaholism, worry, pride, stress, fear, loss, addiction, comparison, social media, emotional cheating, that girl at the gym, in-laws, hormones, or idolizing your kids?”

She then added, in large, bold font:

“To win a war, you have to know you’re in one.”


She goes on to dole out advice (why is she qualified?) on how to protect your marriage, and eventually brings up sex.

To describe the physical union between a husband a wife, she borrows a Bible passage from 1 Corinthians 7:4.

“For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise, the husband does not have authority over his own body but the wife does.”

Sooo, I own your body and you own mine? Wait, who’s moving my arm?

She tries to explain:

“Our bodies are no longer our own, we are now one.”

Wow. That’s like, deep stuff and stuff, man. Wow.

Finally, she sums it up with a statement that could’ve just stood on its own without all the other mystical teachings.

“We should desire to sexually please our spouse regularly. So get naked;)”

Totally. That makes sense. Sex is important, for sure. But every now and then someone’s going to have a headache or really bad gas or something and it just ain’t gonna happen.

But, hey, if our bodies are “one,” both parties would get that. Right?

Friday, May 6, 2016

Adele Likens Beyonce to "Jesus F-ckin Christ"

We"re sorry to break this to you, but it"s a fact:

You are not the biggest Beyonce fan on the planet. You"re just not.

We can say this with confidence because that honor very clearly falls to Adele.

During her latest concert stop in Denmark, Adele made a point to reference Beyonce, her new album and her all-around awesomeness.

"How is it even possible that she only ever gets better? How is that possible?" Adele asked her audience.

"She is Jesus f-cking Christ, Jesus f-cking Christ. Beyoncé is the sickest artist around in the whole entire world; it"s unbelievable.

"I"ve been listening to her for 17 years, and she"s still making music that blows my mind."

This is not the first time Adele has gushed over Beyonce.

The beloved artist spent the first week after the latter released Lemonade just trying to process it.

"I"m not late on this I"ve just been speechless," Adele wrote on Instagram.

Last year, there was a rumor going around that alleged Adele had turned down an invitation from Beyonce to record a duet. But that most definitely never happened, Adele says.

“I would never disrespect her like that,” Adele told radio host Zane Lowe.

“I’m such a fan, oh my God… Obviously, Queen Bey to the day I die.”

During another interview, with Time, Adele emphasized her stance once again:

“Whoever started that rumor must have been having a laugh because anyone who knows me knows that my main priority in life outside of my child is Beyonce.”

Man, Adele is the best.

Even if she thinks Beyonce is the best.

Watch her show love for the Queen below:

Adele likens beyonce to jesus f ckin christ

Friday, February 19, 2016

Spencer Pratt Likens Cancelation of The Hills to 9/11

Spencer Pratt may want to crawl back into the hole we assume he’s been living in for the past six years or so.

The former reality star and celebrity gossip magnate is back in the news this week due to an interview he just gave to Vice’s Broadly.

Pratt tells the publication about life as a cast member on MTV’s The Hills, which catapulted him and girlfriend-turned-wife Heidi Montag into random sensations for multiple years back in the early 2000s.

“We were fame whores, getting literally a million plus a year in photos and being hated for it,” Pratt says to Broadly. “It’s frustrating for me that people don’t recognize that this was genius.

“This was innovating!”

He’s not totally mistaken.

Unlike Kim Kardashian, Pratt did not need to make a sex tape in order to become rich and famous without having any talent.

(Although Montag did spread a rumor about frenemy Lauren Conrad having a sex tape and it led to a lot of drama and… really… you should go watch The Hills. It was great.)

According to the interview, Pratty spent $ 3,000 per day on his hair and makeup budget, while also enjoying the occasional $ 30,000 shopping sprees.

Pratt estimates he was making “upwards of a million dollars a year” from MTV, paparazzi deals and hosting gigs.

“Sh-t, we knew how good the Jersey Shore was because we were super fans,” Pratt told the outlet.

“So I personally was like, ‘I need to be nutso at this point, like holding crystals to my head."”

Indeed, according to Spencer and Heidi, they once spent $ 70,000 on a crystal to add to their growing collection.

After six seasons, however, MTV ran out of storylines to concoct for the series and pulled the plug.

Needless to say, it was tough on Pratt.

“[The Hills getting cancelled] was our 9/11,” Pratt said, comparing the moment to America’s most devastating terrorist attack in what have been a mistaken, slight exaggeration.

But we won’t make too much fun of Pratt for saying such an insensitive thing.

Why kick the guy when he’s down?

Spencer says, after all, that he and Montag are now worth $ 10. Total.