Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2018

Chrissy Teigen Perfectly Live-Tweets Jesus Christ Superstar

Jesus Christ Superstar is a decades-old musical (specifically, a rock opera).

The latest iteration of the trend of networks big, star-studded live performances of famous musicals was NBC putting on this show, which depicts the final weeks of Jesus" life, as an Easter special.

While Jesus Christ Superstar is sometimes controversial, particularly for its depiction of Judas as a tragic and even sympathetic character, the musical enjoys a great deal of popularity among both Christian and non-Christian audiences.

For this show, the titular role of Jesus fell to the phenomenal John Legend.

His wife, Chrissy Teigen, has been tweeting about this for weeks. Naturally, she livetweeted the entire show.

As always, her tweets are absolutely golden.

1. Chrissy Teigen was hyped, folks

Chrissy teigen superstar livetweet 01

She is also very straightforward about how little she knows about the story of Jesus.

2. Most of the show is music, with very little spoken dialogue

Chrissy teigen superstar livetweet 02

So there are a lot of songs for her to find exciting.

3. Chrissy can be a little mean sometimes

Chrissy teigen superstar livetweet 03

No one deserves to be compared to Milo.

4. Oh no, someone found him

Chrissy teigen superstar livetweet 04

No offense but … she’s right.

5. Ah, a birkenstocks joke

Chrissy teigen superstar livetweet 05

Though the show is traditionally full of anachronisms (part of the fun of musical theater), they are all wearing sandals.

6. Chrissy wasn’t super familiar with the plot

Chrissy teigen superstar livetweet 06

But that’s okay — watching any show for the first time can be an eye-opening experience.

View Slideshow

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Mel Gibson Remains Tight-Lipped About "Passion of the Christ" Sequel

Mel Gibson’s not dishing out any details about the reported upcoming sequel to “The Passion of the Christ” … even if everyone else can’t shut up about it. We got the ‘Passion’ director leaving E. Baldi restaurant Wednesday and asked if the big…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Justin Bieber Canceled His Tour Because of Christ

Justin Bieber pulled the plug on his Purpose tour because he “rededicated his life to Christ” … sources connected to Hillsong Church tell TMZ. Bieber’s decision seemed to come out of the blue, but our sources say it was squarely based on what…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Audrey Roloff Explains Her Love for Jesus Christ

Audrey Roloff has once again shared a photo of her beautiful and growing baby bump.

But this time the Little People, Big World star has added a twist to her Instagram post.

Along with the above photo of herself on the beach near sunset, the wife of Jeremy Roloff and expecting mother of As-Yet-Unnamed-Adorable-Baby-Girl-Roloff quoted a bible verse.

Romans 8:37, to be exact.

She made it clear in the process just how grateful she is to be pregnant, just how excited she was to be a mother and just why the Lord and Savior means so very much to her.

“As I get closer to meeting our precious baby girl, I am more and more in need of the reminded that the SAME POWER that conquered the grave lives inside of me!” Audrey wrote.

She continued as follows:

“And guess what? If you have received Him as your savior and submit to Him as Lord, you have access to that same powers too! If you let Him fill you and fuel you, He will ALWAYS empower you with MORE strength, energy, power, perservernce, creativity, ability, and love than you could ever muster up on your own. “

And then she added:

“Don’t measure your ability and energy levels against the challenges ahead of you. Instead, put your confidence in the strength that Christ WILL empower you.

“Then you will be ready to face your challenges with boldness and be MORE than conquerors!”

Roloff has been keeping followers well apprised of her pregnancy ever since announcing it to the world this spring.

Look, for example, here’s a photo of Audrey at 30 weeks.

And here is one of Audrey at 29 weeks.

With each snapshot, the TLC star waxes poetic about various aspects of her life, often gushing over husband Jeremy and even more often giving thanks to Jesus.

In this latest case, she went on to quote Ephesians 3:12.

Whatever you’re going through, you have access to MORE power by faith in Christ who is in you!

By FAITH, you have the power and strength to heal from mourning, conquer challenges, trust God through hardships, seek God in the unknowns, or for me… recieve the peace and perseverance of Christ throughout pregnancy and during labor;)

God will equip you and me with abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine – #alwaysmore

We simply must place our faith and trust in Him wholeheartedly.

Little People, Big World wrapped up its 13th season this past Tuesday night.

And it did so in very special fashion, as Zach and Tori Roloff welcomed a son into the world.

When the series returns with new episodes in September, it will be Audrey and Jeremy’s turn.

Look for fall installments to focus primarily on this pregnancy and for Season 14 to likely concludes with an inside look at Audrey’s birth.

We cannot wait to meet her precious bundle of joy!

To get extra excited for this blessed event, go ahead and click through photos of Audrey and her siblings as children in the photo gallery below.

We wonder if her impending little girl will look more like her or Jeremy…


Friday, May 6, 2016

Adele Likens Beyonce to "Jesus F-ckin Christ"

We"re sorry to break this to you, but it"s a fact:

You are not the biggest Beyonce fan on the planet. You"re just not.

We can say this with confidence because that honor very clearly falls to Adele.

During her latest concert stop in Denmark, Adele made a point to reference Beyonce, her new album and her all-around awesomeness.

"How is it even possible that she only ever gets better? How is that possible?" Adele asked her audience.

"She is Jesus f-cking Christ, Jesus f-cking Christ. Beyoncé is the sickest artist around in the whole entire world; it"s unbelievable.

"I"ve been listening to her for 17 years, and she"s still making music that blows my mind."

This is not the first time Adele has gushed over Beyonce.

The beloved artist spent the first week after the latter released Lemonade just trying to process it.

"I"m not late on this I"ve just been speechless," Adele wrote on Instagram.

Last year, there was a rumor going around that alleged Adele had turned down an invitation from Beyonce to record a duet. But that most definitely never happened, Adele says.

“I would never disrespect her like that,” Adele told radio host Zane Lowe.

“I’m such a fan, oh my God… Obviously, Queen Bey to the day I die.”

During another interview, with Time, Adele emphasized her stance once again:

“Whoever started that rumor must have been having a laugh because anyone who knows me knows that my main priority in life outside of my child is Beyonce.”

Man, Adele is the best.

Even if she thinks Beyonce is the best.

Watch her show love for the Queen below:

Adele likens beyonce to jesus f ckin christ