Showing posts with label LiveTweets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LiveTweets. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2018

Chrissy Teigen Perfectly Live-Tweets Jesus Christ Superstar

Jesus Christ Superstar is a decades-old musical (specifically, a rock opera).

The latest iteration of the trend of networks big, star-studded live performances of famous musicals was NBC putting on this show, which depicts the final weeks of Jesus" life, as an Easter special.

While Jesus Christ Superstar is sometimes controversial, particularly for its depiction of Judas as a tragic and even sympathetic character, the musical enjoys a great deal of popularity among both Christian and non-Christian audiences.

For this show, the titular role of Jesus fell to the phenomenal John Legend.

His wife, Chrissy Teigen, has been tweeting about this for weeks. Naturally, she livetweeted the entire show.

As always, her tweets are absolutely golden.

1. Chrissy Teigen was hyped, folks

Chrissy teigen superstar livetweet 01

She is also very straightforward about how little she knows about the story of Jesus.

2. Most of the show is music, with very little spoken dialogue

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So there are a lot of songs for her to find exciting.

3. Chrissy can be a little mean sometimes

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No one deserves to be compared to Milo.

4. Oh no, someone found him

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No offense but … she’s right.

5. Ah, a birkenstocks joke

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Though the show is traditionally full of anachronisms (part of the fun of musical theater), they are all wearing sandals.

6. Chrissy wasn’t super familiar with the plot

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But that’s okay — watching any show for the first time can be an eye-opening experience.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Chrissy Teigen Livetweets 8-Hour Flight From LAX to ... LAX

Chrissy Teigen livetweeted her eight hour flight that took her absolutely nowhere.

The whole adventure is a wild ride from start to finish, and should make you glad that social media exists.

See, she and John Legend were on their way to Tokyo, which is where they plan to welcome in the New Year. Good for them.

Chrissy is pregnant with baby #2, if you"ll recall. New Year"s is a pretty different experience when you can"t drink, but Chrissy opted for sushi, which sounds like a great plan.

Unfortunately, her plane got turned around while over the Pacific … and the eight hour journey ended exactly where they"d started. Why? Allegedly over one passenger who seemed to be 

And the "adventure" wasn"t over yet.

Chrissy, being an absolute treasure, livetweeted her experience, turning a massive inconvenience for 150 into a source of entertainment for millions.


1. Here’s how it started

Teigen lax tweet 01

Few things make a plane turn around 4 hours into a flight, and people STILL have questions about what happened.

2. As you can imagine, there was some confusion.

Teigen lax tweet 02

She meant to write “neither do they.”

3. Here’s what that flight path looked like

Teigen lax tweet 03

LAX to Tokyo became LAX to LAX. Yikes.

4. Chrissy Teigen shared the map with fans

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It can be frightening when you don’t know what’s going on with your own flight.

5. Such a huge waste of time

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Well, Gran Torino was a better film before we knew as much as we now do about Clint Eastwood’s personal life.

6. One passenger didn’t belong there

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Chrissy Teigen will elaborate, but it seems puzzling that one passenger out of place would make the whole plane turn around instead of just, like, nabbing them at the Tokyo airport and sending them back on a plane to LAX.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Coffee Shop Patron Live-Tweets A True Love Story

Sometimes, when you got into a coffee shop, an angry customer is ranting against white discrimination.

Other times when you go into a coffee shop, however, you bear witness to an encounter that is so unexpected and so romantic that you simply must live-Tweet its every detail for your 1,188 followers.

This is what happened to Twitter user @notjerryclayton.

His string of descriptions regarding a barista and a fellow employee inside of an establishment at which he was the only patron has gone viral…

… and you"re about to see why!

1. The love story begins…

The love story begins

Typical tale, really: Guy meets overpriced latte. Girl admits a crush to another Guy. The first Guy gets excited to tell Twitter all about it.

2. Might this be more than a mere crush?

Might this be more than a mere crush

Six months?!? That’s somewhere between a crush and true love.


Six months

Whoa. He made a run for it?!? And never returned? Or to ponder his return romantic gesture? Keep reading to find out!

4. What to do… What to do…

What to do what to do

There’s a possible wedding and kids and grandkids at stake here… but sometimes a guy just needs a refill!

5. Phew. One problem solved.

Phew one problem solved

But another is still awaiting an answer.

6. He’s back! And…

Hes back and

HOLY $ HIT, indeed! It is true love!

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