Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Chrissy Teigen Livetweets 8-Hour Flight From LAX to ... LAX

Chrissy Teigen livetweeted her eight hour flight that took her absolutely nowhere.

The whole adventure is a wild ride from start to finish, and should make you glad that social media exists.

See, she and John Legend were on their way to Tokyo, which is where they plan to welcome in the New Year. Good for them.

Chrissy is pregnant with baby #2, if you"ll recall. New Year"s is a pretty different experience when you can"t drink, but Chrissy opted for sushi, which sounds like a great plan.

Unfortunately, her plane got turned around while over the Pacific … and the eight hour journey ended exactly where they"d started. Why? Allegedly over one passenger who seemed to be 

And the "adventure" wasn"t over yet.

Chrissy, being an absolute treasure, livetweeted her experience, turning a massive inconvenience for 150 into a source of entertainment for millions.


1. Here’s how it started

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Few things make a plane turn around 4 hours into a flight, and people STILL have questions about what happened.

2. As you can imagine, there was some confusion.

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She meant to write “neither do they.”

3. Here’s what that flight path looked like

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LAX to Tokyo became LAX to LAX. Yikes.

4. Chrissy Teigen shared the map with fans

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It can be frightening when you don’t know what’s going on with your own flight.

5. Such a huge waste of time

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Well, Gran Torino was a better film before we knew as much as we now do about Clint Eastwood’s personal life.

6. One passenger didn’t belong there

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Chrissy Teigen will elaborate, but it seems puzzling that one passenger out of place would make the whole plane turn around instead of just, like, nabbing them at the Tokyo airport and sending them back on a plane to LAX.

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