Friday, May 6, 2016

Adele Likens Beyonce to "Jesus F-ckin Christ"

We"re sorry to break this to you, but it"s a fact:

You are not the biggest Beyonce fan on the planet. You"re just not.

We can say this with confidence because that honor very clearly falls to Adele.

During her latest concert stop in Denmark, Adele made a point to reference Beyonce, her new album and her all-around awesomeness.

"How is it even possible that she only ever gets better? How is that possible?" Adele asked her audience.

"She is Jesus f-cking Christ, Jesus f-cking Christ. Beyoncé is the sickest artist around in the whole entire world; it"s unbelievable.

"I"ve been listening to her for 17 years, and she"s still making music that blows my mind."

This is not the first time Adele has gushed over Beyonce.

The beloved artist spent the first week after the latter released Lemonade just trying to process it.

"I"m not late on this I"ve just been speechless," Adele wrote on Instagram.

Last year, there was a rumor going around that alleged Adele had turned down an invitation from Beyonce to record a duet. But that most definitely never happened, Adele says.

“I would never disrespect her like that,” Adele told radio host Zane Lowe.

“I’m such a fan, oh my God… Obviously, Queen Bey to the day I die.”

During another interview, with Time, Adele emphasized her stance once again:

“Whoever started that rumor must have been having a laugh because anyone who knows me knows that my main priority in life outside of my child is Beyonce.”

Man, Adele is the best.

Even if she thinks Beyonce is the best.

Watch her show love for the Queen below:

Adele likens beyonce to jesus f ckin christ