Showing posts with label Cancelation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cancelation. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Kris Jenner Fights to Stop Keeping Up With The Kardashians Cancelation

15 seasons isn’t enough for Kris Jenner. She wants 25 or more.

But she may be in for a rude awakening, because Keeping Up With The Kardashians‘ ratings have been getting stomped.

Is the show that made her family a household name on its last leg? Or will it go on forever?

RadarOnline reports that Kris is prepared to fight for Keeping Up With The Kardashians to continue.

“Kris says all the time she wants the show to go on for ten more seasons,” an insider reports.

Can you imagine?

“And,” the source continues. “If she had her way she’d do the show until she dies.”

Bold of this insider to imply that Kris Jenner is capable of dying.

Kris is eternal.

Kris is reportedly looking to secure a new contract that guarantees multiple seasons.

In the mean time, however, it looks like her brood has grown too successful for the show that made them stars.

“Kim is already moving on to produce new projects of her own,” the insider notes.

Kim has her own products, her video game from a few years ago was massively lucrative.

She’s a model and a mogul.

“And,” the source says. “The rest of the girls have terrific footholds in modeling and merchandising.”

Kylie Jenner is poised to become a billionaire, but none of Kris’ daughters are hurting for cash.

And it doesn’t look like they care about KUWTK as much as they once did.

“Of the family,” the insider reports. “Only Kris is for keeping the show on the air the #1 priority.”

Well, all of her children except for Kendall are parents, now. Priorities change.

“And the network has already given up on their once lucrative business of creating spinoffs of the show,” the source adds.

Yeah. No more Kocktails with Khloe for us.

“Even Ryan Seacrest, who is still as involved as he can be, has other things he’s working on”

“and leaves Kim to her own devices in terms of keeping the show relevant”

We would joke that Ryan Seacrest is too busy dealing with the serious accusations of sexual assault from his former stylist.

The woman had multiple witnesses to her allegations.

But it doesn’t look like Seacrest is too bothered. Like too many others, his career seems unscathed by the horrible #MeToo story about him.

Unfortunately, Kris has felt discouraged by some of those closest to her.

“It doesn’t help that pretty much the only advice people give Kris about all this,” the insider begins.

The source continues: “Is that she — and the kids — should quit ‘KUWTK’ before they get fired!”

It’s understandable that friends would suggest something like this.

Better to cancel a show with dignity, they reason, than to end up getting canceled.

But the insider says: “That’s just not where her heart is at all!”

It’s true that Season 15’s ratings weren’t as good as Season 14’s, and were certainly worse than what KUWTK saw years ago.

But isn’t part of that just a result of people changing how they watch television?

The Kardashians still rake in a sizable share of the market — enough that Kris can probably talk her way into renewal for years to come.

Maybe her friends are right. Maybe she should quit with her head held high before, one day, E! makes that choice for her.

But we kind of hope that she doesn’t. We’d miss the show.

And so would a lot of people.


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Roseanne Barr Breaks Silence on Sitcom Cancelation, Tweets Up a Storm Once Again

Less than 24 hours after claiming she was leaving Twitter, Roseanne Barr has returned to Twitter.

This time, however, the controversial comedian has fewer racist “jokes” to make at the expense of African-Americans.

On Tuesday morning, Roseanne wrote that former Barack Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett was what would happen if the “Muslim brotherhood [and] planet of the apes had a baby.”

The actress eventually deleted this horrible insult, but not before it spread around the Internet and ABC reacted by canceling her sitcom.

In a statement, ABC Presidence Channing Dungey said that the huge ratings for Season 10 of the rebooted series no longer warranted a Season 11, not when the show’s star had expressed such inappropriate views.

“Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” said Dungey.

This network decision has been applauded all non-racists around the globe.

Roseanne, meanwhile, issued an apology shortly after garnering an extreme amount of backlash online, Tweeting:

I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks. I should have known better. Forgive me – my joke as in bad taste.

Few folks are forgiving Barr, however, considering her history of being an awful person.

Now, in the wake of this controversy, Roseanne has walked back her claim that she was leaving social media and commented at length on her show’s cancelation.

“Don’t feel sorry for me, guys!!-I just want to apologize to the hundreds of people,and wonderful writers (all liberal) and talented actors who lost their jobs on my show due to my stupid tweet,” Barr wrote, adding:

“I will be on Joe Rogan’s podcast friday.”

She was far from done, however.

“I did something unforgiveable so do not defend me,” she added, prior to making an excuse for her racism:

“It was 2 in the morning and I was ambien tweeting-it was memorial day too-i went 2 far & do not want it defended-it was egregious Indefensible [sic].

“I made a mistake I wish I hadn’t but…don’t defend it please.”

Aside from the lame ambien defense, this may sound all well and good to some.

Roseanne is clearly sorry, right?

Except she has since re-Tweeted a large number of Conversative voices who have, indeed, defended her position and her opinions and think this is yet another Liberal conspiracy.

To wit:

Roseanne Barr RTs

In a now-deleted tweet, Barr also wrote an apology to Jarrett once again, addressing President Obama’s close friend as follows:

“@ValerieJarrett I want to apologize to you. I am very sorry to have hurt you. I hope you can accept this sincere apology!”

Jarrett, meanwhile, has mostly taken the high road in response to her name randomly and terribly being bantered about in this fashion.

“I think we have to turn it into a teaching moment,” she said yesterday in response, adding that Roseanne’s remarks reflect a greater issue in society than her hurt feeling:

“I’m fine. I’m worried about all the people out there who don’t have a circle of friends and followers who come right to their defense.

“The person who is walking down the street minding their own business and they see somebody cling to their purse, or run across the street, or every black parent I know who has a boy who has to sit down and have a conversation — the talk — as we call it.

“As you say, those ordinary examples of racism that happen every single day.”

barr stuff

But back to Barr:

In a series of other Tweets she has since erased, Barr repeats the stance of one follower who thinks ABC is acting in a hypocritical manner.

“I’m calling on @ABCNetwork @Disney to uphold their “standards” by firing @JoyVBehar for calling Christians mentally ill,” this person (and Roseanne) wrote.

“You can’t treat @therealroseanne one way because she supports @realDonaldTrump & allow Joy Behar to remain employed. #BoycottABC #StandWithRoseanne #Roseanne.”

But then after this, Roseanne said:

Please don’t start all of that boycott abc stuff-I’m not a censor and they have the right to do what they wish. It’ all ok. thanks tho guys.

Roseanne was the number-one scripted series of last season with a 6.4 rating among 18-49-year olds, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The Wrap reports that Paramount Network, TV Land and CMT have pulled all reruns of the series.

Based on her Twitter spree last night, it’s very possible that Roseanne really was on ambien when she originally Tweeted about Jarrett and was also on ambien in these rambling responses to the scandal.

But plenty of celebrities take sleeping pills and/or other types of medication.

It says something about Roseanne’s personal beliefs that when she does so, this filth comes out of her virtual mouth.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Roseanne Gets All Racist on Twitter, Prompts Sitcom Cancelation

Roseanne Barr is at it again.

Although the comedian/actress claims she’ll never be at it ever again after this.

Allow us to explain…

The controversial star, whose rebooted sitcom dominated the ratings this fall and which has already been renewed for Season 11, caused quite an uproar on Twitter today after responding to a comment about Valerie Jarrett.

Jarrett is a close friend of former President Barack Obama and worked as a top-level White House advisor to the ex-Commander-in-Chief.

Using Jarrett’s initials in a message to her followers, Roseanne wrote early on Tuesday that Jarrett is the result of what would happen is the “Muslim brotherhood [and] planet of the apes had a baby.”

We should note here that Jarrett is African-America.

Barr sucks

Shortly after spewing this racist nonsense to the world, Roseanne claimed she is quitting social media and offered an apology that reads as follows:

“I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks. I should have known better. Forgive me – my joke as in bad taste.”

This Mea Culpa has largely fell on deaf ears, however.

Ever since returning to the public eye with her popular sitcom, Roseanne has been saying cruel things, spreading Conservative conspiracy theories and generally acting like… Roseanne.

She once said Hillary Clinton should commit suicide and that Democrats were involved in a child sex-trafficking ring based out of a New York City pizzeria.

A movement to boycott her show cropped up in March as a result of Barr’s past Nazi remarks.

Roseanne Bar tweet

Roseanne has also feuded with adult film star Stormy Daniels over the topic of anal sex.

We really wish we were making that up, trust us.

In the wake of Roseanne’s latest racist insult, veteran comedian Wanda Sykes resigned as a writer on the sitcom.

Many other celebrities have also had their voices heard on the topic.

There was this from Don Cheadle:

you can take @RoseanneOnABC out of racism but you can’t take the racism out of @therealroseanne …

And this from Roseanne actress Sara Gilbert:

Roseanne’s recent comments about Valerie Jarrett, and so much more, are abhorrent and do not reflect the beliefs of our cast and crew or anyone associated with our show.

I am disappointed in her actions to say the least.

UPDATE: Wow, ABC has just announced that Season 11 of Roseanne has actually been scrapped.

In a statement, Channing Dungey, president of ABC statement said the following:

“Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show.”

Doesn’t get much more straightforward than that.

Expect television viewers, along with folks from both sides of the political aisle, to have a lot to say over this decision.

Where do YOU stand on it?


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Duggar Family: Facing Cancelation AGAIN?!

The Duggar family’s reality shows are not unlike cockroaches.

Before you get offended, note that we’re applying that analogy to the Duggars’ TV series, not to the members of the family themselves. 

And while that’s certainly not a compliment, it’s not quite an insult, either. Hear us out:

Back in July of 2015, 19 Kids and Counting was canceled by TLC in response to growing outrage over the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

Astonishingly, the decision didn’t come until two months after the world learned that Josh had molested five young girls, and even then, it took the loss of advertising revenue for network execs to finally act.

At the time, Duggar fans and detractors alike assumed that was the family’s time as a television staple had come to an end.

After all, surely viewers wouldn’t be quick to forget crimes so egregious and a cover-up so corrupt as the one perpetrated by Josh’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle, right?

Well, as it turns out the morals of the Duggar faithful proved to be more malleable than we would have thought.

To be fair, Jim Bob and Michelle did make the concession of assuring fans that Josh Duggar would never appear on their new show, Counting On.

In fact, the show was pitched as a limited-run documentary series that would focus on the couple’s then-newlywed daughters, a premise reflected in the series’ original title, Jill and Jessa: Counting On.

Ratings-wise, the show struggled from the start, and it has yet to hit the same heights of popularity as its predecessor, 19 Kids.

In season two, producers made the decision to broaden the focus and feature the entire family–except, of course, for Josh.

It seems most fans assumed that Jim Bob would eventually leap back into the spotlight, but many were surprised that he made the move quite so quickly.

As several industry analysts predicted, the change proved to be a misstep, and the show’s ratings continued their slow decline,

On October 23, the sixth season of Counting On came to a close with little fanfare.

Tellingly, TLC has yet to announce that the show has been picked up for a seventh season.

In a rare move, even the Duggars are admitting that the future of the series is in question.

Or at least the “close family friends” who operate The Original Duggar Family Fan Blog are admitting it:

“As of right now, a new season has not been announced,” the webmasters known only as Lily and Ellie wrote recently.

“But we will let you know as soon as it is.”

Obviously, it’s not a full-blown cancelation announcement, but it’s the closest the Duggars have come to admitting TLC might be having second thoughts about keeping the Duggars on the air.

This is hardly the first time that rumors of Counting On being canceled have circulated online, but it is the first time that sources close to the Duggars have publicly admitted the show might not be back.

And it’s tough to imagine that the Duggar media empire could survive a second cancelation.

Of course, like so many others, we predicted their demise the first time they went off the air, as well.

But like everyone’s least-favorite pestilential insect, Duggar TV ventures are nigh-impossible to kill.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, October 23, 2017

Counting On: Are The Duggars Facing Cancelation Due to Plummeting Ratings?

At this point, the Duggars oversee a multi-faceted business empire with controlling interests in fields as wide-ranging as social media influence peddling and used car sales.

In other words, despite Jim Bob’s alleged hoarding and an ever-growing number of mouths to feed, the Duggars will be just fine financially for the foreseeable future.

But despite their considerable wealth, it doesn’t appear to have made the Duggars reckless with their spending.

Quite the opposite, in fact, as the Duggars seem to be forever in search of the next profitable venture, whether legitimate (Tontitown locals say Jim Bob is always buying up new property to “flip”) or otherwise (Jill and Derick Dillard’s donation requests have drawn the ire of fans and gotten the couple kicked off of fundraising sites).

But while their sights are always set on the next investment, the Duggars are said to be ever mindful of where it all began and all too aware that they’d likely be in dire financial straits, were it not for their involvement in the world of reality television.

Things started off modestly, of course, with a one-off TLC special entitled 17 Kids and Counting.

As public interest in the Duggars grew, so did the family, with 19 Kids and Counting eventually becoming one of the most talked about reality series on TV.

But the Duggars time at the top was short-lived, and the revelation that eldest son Josh Duggar had molested five young girls and been aided by his parents in hiding his crimes from authorities.

The show began to hemorrhage viewers and advertisers until TLC was finally forced to cancel its highest-rated series.

But in a move that surprised no one who’s familiar with either the cutthroat nature of the television industry or Jim Bob’s relentless  quest for a buck, the Duggars were granted a second shot at reality fame on the condition that they agree to never again feature Josh on camera.

It was an inevitable compromise, and perhaps so was its failure.

TLC and the Duggars both overplayed their hands and underestimated the extent to which the public was appalled at the charges against Josh.

Counting On was launched too soon, its cynical ambitions too apparent to even the most naïve viewers.

As a result, despite the fact that the Duggars were already a proven property, the show started with a smaller audience than 19 Kids, and that viewership has been in steady decline almost from day one.

Now, as another season of Counting On draws to a close, the powers that be at TLC have yet to announce a renewal–and many fans are beginning to fret that the Duggars time on television has finally come to a close.

Of course, the Duggars have filmed in secret in the past, but that’s when the show was in its infancy and producers didn’t want to attract negative attention to the set.

This time, the likeliest explanation is that TLC execs are weighing their options and considering if a show with a minute share of the key demographic is worth such constant PR nightmares.

It remains possible that the Duggars will be renewed for another (likely final) season.

But even if that turns out to be the case, we now know that it won’t be a decision their network arrived at easily.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Life of Kylie: Headed For Cancelation ALREADY?!

It’s hard to believe now, but there was a time when Keeping Up With the Kardashians was one of the most buzzed-about reality shows on TV.

These days, the ladies of the Kard clan are as famous as ever, but the series that helped to make them household names is a mostly-forgotten basic cable dinosaur buried in the glut of “peak TV” programming.

But network execs are notoriously slow to pick on changing viewership trends, and as such, the Kardashians are still treated like walking ratings magnets.

So the spinoff series keep coming … but they seldom last very long.

The latest victim is Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna’s imaginatively titled Rob & Chyna, which was canceled after just one season.

Prior to that, Caitlyn Jenner’s “docu-series,” I Am Cait, was canceled after two seasons of lackluster ratings.

The list of short-lived Kardashian spinoffs is getting too long to keep track of (Kocktails With Khloe, we hardly knew ye.), but both the family and the E! network seemed convinced that Kylie Jenner would be able to turn the tide.

Life of Kylie was supposed to be the spinoff that made the Kardashians relevant to TV audiences again.

By some measures, Kylie is the most popular Kardashian (the Jenner last name is really just a technicality), and a series about the marketing of her wildly popular cosmetics brand seemed the ideal way to remind young people of the family’s enduring popularity.

Instead, the show has had the opposite effect, reminding Kylie and her sisters of just how fickle public opinion can be.

Slow from the start and getting worse by the week, Life of Kylie‘s ratings have failed to rise even to the level of Rob & Chyna at its most popular.

At this point, it seems a foregone conclusion that the show will be a one-and-done – and Kylie is reportedly devastated.

“Kylie is beginning to see that fans don’t care about her as much as she thinks, and is devastated by the show’s reception,” a source close to the family tells Radar Online.

The insider adds that momager Kris Jenner is pulling out all the stops in order to save the show from an early death.

“Kris ordered Kim, Kourtney and Khloe to help by promoting ‘Life of Kylie’ on their social media,” the source says.

“She is even going so far as to try to add newly filmed footage to the show’s existing edit.”

Unfortunately, it seems Kris’ efforts will amount to too little, too late.

Life of Kylie drew in less than 700,000 for the second week in a row last week.

Worse, the show is struggling in the all-important 18-49 demographic.

It seems Kylie is learning the same lesson as a so many upstart social media figures have in recent years:

Popularity on the internet rarely translates to other media.

But hey, at least she’ll have her massive online following and near-billion dollar cosmetics empire to fall back on.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Twitter Offers #PrayersForBieber in Wake of Tour Cancelation

Justin Bieber has canceled the remainder of his world tour.

Sources close to the singer say he"s just "super exhausted" and simply unable to continue to perform for his very loyal fans.

In response to this stunning turn of events, Twitter is wondering whether Bieber is okay and whether he"ll survive without some help from Above.

That"s right, the hashtag "#PrayersForBieber" is now trending, with users torn on whether it"s sarcastic or deadly serious. See what we mean below…

1. We Need a Miracle, Folks

We need a miracle folks

This is NOT a laughing matter. Take it seriously, everyone.

2. Eff You, TMZ

Eff you tmz

Focus a little more on having some heart instead of having a big bank account, you selfish website!

3. You Deserve It, Biebs

You deserve it biebs

You’ve acted in such a selfless, non-spoiled manner for so long.

4. Third Graders Can Barely Function Right Now

Third graders can barely function right now

We really wish we were joking.

5. Not Bronchitis!!!!!

Not bronchitis

Please, God. Please help him.

6. Parents Are Getting Involved

Parents are getting involved

We need EVERYone to team up on this one, folks.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Tim Allen: Stunned, Irate Over Last Man Standing Cancelation

Tim Allen has broken his silence over the cancelation of Last Man Standing.

And he isn’t very happy about it.

Earlier this week, ABC announced that it was giving the axe to the long-running sitcom, which has helped anchor its Friday night block of comedic programming for years.

For six years, to be exact. Last Man Standing was canceled after six seasons.

This is far more time on the air than most programs get to enjoy, yet a controversy has broken out over the reasons why ABC decided not to bring the series back.

Some believe the choice was made due to Allen being one of the few outspoken Republicans in Hollywood.

In March, remember, the actor told Jimmy Kimmel that being conservative in Hollywood was akin to living in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

“You’ve gotta be real careful around here,” he said as a guest on the talk show, explaining why as follows:

“You get beat up if you don’t believe what everybody believes. This is like ’30s Germany.

“I don’t know what happened. If you’re not part of the group, you know, ‘What we believe is right!’ I go, ‘Well I might have a problem with that.’ I’m a comedian, I like going on both sides.”

This reference did NOT go over well.

In response to the cancelation of the sitcom, meanwhile, a petition, which calls for a boycott of ABC, has garnered more than 170,000 signatures.

“Last Man Standing is one of the only shows on broadcast television, and the only sitcom, that is not constantly shoving liberal ideals down the throats of the viewers,” the petition reads.

“And sadly, that is likely the real reason the show has been cancelled.”

Is Allen discouraging this mindset?

Not really.

On Tuesday afternoon, he reacted as follows on Twitter:

Stunned and blindsided by the network I called home for the last six years. #lastmanstanding

Tim Allen tweet

Allen, of course, doesn’t directly mention any sort of political agenda in that Tweet.

But he’s clearly aware of the controversy and is not-so-subtly doing his best to stoke the angry flames.

Earlier on Tuesday, during a conference call with reporters, ABC entertainment president Channing Dungey defended her decision to cancel the show.

She acknowledged the ratings have been decent, but said the network simply chose to go in a dramatic direction Fridays this fall.

“A large part of these jobs are managing failure and we’ve made the tough calls and canceled shows that we’d otherwise love to stay on the air,” Dungey said, adding:

“That’s the job. I canceled Last Man Standing for the same business and scheduling reasons that I canceled Dr. Ken, The Real O’Neals, The Catch and American Crime.

“And Last Man Standing was a challenging one for me because it was a steady performer in the ratings, but once we made the decision not to continue with comedies on Fridays, that was where we landed.”

Will this explanation satisfy those threatening to boycott ABC?

We don’t know.

Do people out there truly believe that a network would employ an actor for six seasons on a series that brought in a lot of money… and then suddenly think of non-business, political partisan reasons to fire that actor?

Yes, evidently they do.

Leave a comment below with your thoughts on Last Man Standing and click around above for more scoop from ABC this week.

(Yes, The Bachelor really is getting a spinoff!)


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Kim Kardashian Scores HUGE Bonus as KUWTK Faces Cancelation

If you watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online, then you know the show’s most recent episode didn’t exactly deliver in the drama department.

After months of teasing the show’s most “epic” (E!’s word, not ours) season to date, the KUWTK Season 13 premiere was a a lackluster affair that devoted way too much of its runtime to the sisters’ Dash clothing boutiques.

Yes, the Dash stores are apparently still a thing.

Anyway, with the amount of drama the Kard clan has endured in recent months (Kim getting robbed at gunpoint, trouble with the Kimye,  Kylie’s continued transformation into Kim’s mini-me …) fans can’t be blamed for expecting more fireworks from the premiere.

And considering KUWTK is very much on the bubble these days, it may have been wise for Kris and company to deliver.

We get that they want to save something for the honeymoon so to speak, but there’s been talk about E! canceling the Kardashians for months now, and a premiere that does little to draw viewers back in probably won’t help matters.

All of this comes at a time when the show’s most important cast member is reportedly growing weary of spending a significant portion of her time surrounded by camera crews.

Yes, according to Radar Online, in order to Kim to return for the show’s 13th season, Kris had to negotiate a massive bonus.

Adding to her general weariness with the production schedule is the fact that Kim’s not crazy about the idea of her recent difficulties playing out in front of millions of viewers:

“Kim and Kris both seem to think that their fans only really care about seeing Kanye’s breakdown and the aftermath of Kim’s robbery in Paris,” a source close to the family tells Radar.

But those who know the 36-year-old best say that as much as she thinks she’d like to part ways with the show, it’s likely a situation in which Kim won’t know what she’s got til it’s gone:

“Kim knows that she has to get people to tune in and if the ratings are not good, the show could be on the chopping block,” the insider says. 

“As much as Kim wants people to think that she is over the fame and does not need the show, the truth is that she cannot live without being famous.”

It’s entirely possible that truer words have literally never been spoken.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Duggars Facing Cancelation as Fans Complain About Jinger Courtship

TLC’s decision to offer the Duggar family a second shot at reality TV stardom was viewed by may within the industry as a massive gamble.

Sure, the family has delivered consistent ratings in the past, but in the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandal, it was hard to imagine that viewers – and advertisers – would be quick to embrace the controversial clan.

Unfortunately for the network, the first two seasons of Counting On have proven the nay-sayers 100% right:

Not only have the show’s ratings been steadily declining, more than a dozen advertisers have cut ties with TLC after finding out their commercials were aired during Counting On

The most obvious reason for all of this backlash is that both potential viewers and corporations looking to spend their advertising dollars are simply unwilling to forget the fact that the Duggars helped hide Josh’s sex crimes from authorities.

However, the declining numbers indicate that there’s a sizable ch of the Duggars’ fan base who was eager to forgive when the show first returned, but then jumped ship at some point this season.

The family’s viewers have proven time and again that they’re as entrenched and loyal-to-a-fault as Trump voters, so we can’t help but wonder what might have finally caused them to pull their support.

The leading theory posited by several media outlets is that the family’s dip in popularity has little to do with its recent controversies.

Rather, they’ve simply fallen victim to the classic scourge of reality stars in that people are simply bored with watching their uneventful lives and fed up with their staged and scripted antics.

In the case of the Duggars, it seems there’s one storyline in particular that has fans at their wits’ end:

Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo’s courtship has been the central focus on the ensemble series this season.

Producers seemed to think the relationship would be a surefire ratings boon, but they seem to have overplayed their hand.

For starters, even though fans knew that Jinger and Jeremy had gotten engaged before the season even started, the show decided to tease the moment for months, before finally airing a scene in which Jeremy popped the question.

On top of that, fans were highly critical of the manner in which Jinger’s parents responded to her new relationship.

In addition to the fact that Jim Bob was often downright rude to Jeremy and seemed to treat the courtship as a creepy competition for his daughter’s affection, Michelle often complained of Jinger and Jeremy breaking the rules of courtship.

If you watch Counting On online, you know that the Duggars have strict guidelines regarding the courtship process that their kids must endure before indulging in any sort of physical contact with their siblings.

The fact that the Duggars seem to be more strict about these guidelines in the wake of revelations that they turned a blind eye to the fact that their eldest son molested four of his sisters is the most appalling kind of hypocrisy.

And it looks like fans of the family may have finally had enough.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Jinger Duggar Engagement, Jessa Duggar Pregnancy Announcement: Timed to Prevent Cancelation?!

At first glance, it looks as though the Duggars are different from your typical reality TV family.

But on closer inspection, the Counting On clan has more in common with the Kardashians than they’d probably care to admit.

For as much as the Dugz talk about their religious beliefs and moral rectitude, there have been plenty of indications that their number one concern is the family business.

And the family business, of course, is fame.

In particular, reality television is the Duggars’ bread and butter, and business hasn’t exactly been booming lately.

In addition to its mediocre ratings, Counting On has proven to be a public relations nightmare for TLC.

Several advertisers have not only pulled out of the show, they’ve cut ties with the network altogether in direct response to the controversy surrounding the Duggars.

Ratings have rebounded slightly in recent weeks, and it seems there are two main factors driving the resurgence:

First, news that Jinger Duggar is engaged to Jeremy Vuolo prompted an uptick in media coverage of the beleaguered family.

Shortly thereafter, reports that Jessa Duggar is pregnant with her second child seemed to trigger a slight increase in viewership.

These developments were incredibly fortuitous in their timing, and now many fans are wondering if that’s no accident…

No one is saying that TV ratings were Jinger’s sole motivation for getting engaged, or Jessa’s only reason for getting pregnant.

But maybe the timing of the events has been orchestrated to give the Duggars a much-needed popularity boost, just as TLC execs are weighing their options with regard to the show’s third season.

Part of the speculation from fans has been prompted by the way in which the engagement and pregnancy were teased and “drawn out” over the course of the season.

We’ve known for months that Jinger plans to marry Jeremy, but the proposal wasn’t shown until several weeks into the show’s current season.

At one point, producers even hinted that Jeremy would pop the question on the next episode, only to pull a shameless bait-and-switch and hit viewers with an “engagement special” clip show instead.

Similarly, Jessa hid her pregnancy from fans for as long as possible, even going so far as to post old photos of herself on Instagram, so that fans wouldn’t take notice of her absence.

It’s not unusual for pregnant women to avoid talking about their pregnancies in the first trimester, but Jessa took these precautions well after her bump was showing, and she spoke about being knocked up in episodes of Counting On that taped several months ago.

So is all this a coincidence, or are the Duggars truly living their lives for the cameras?

We may never know, and frankly, it seems their fans don’t really care.


Monday, July 18, 2016

The Real Housewives Of New Jersey: Do Ratings Signal Cancelation?!?

Is The Real Housewives of New Jersey getting a bit long in the tooth?

The veteran reality series returned to the air after a lengthy hiatus to 1.7 million viewers. 

That figure marks a record low for a season premiere.

Producers were no doubt betting big on having Teresa Giudice’s return from the slammer as a focal point of the premiere, so the figures have to be a little discouraging. 

Teresa has been part of the some of the craziest moments of the entire franchise, so she really was their best chance at hitting ratings gold. 

It just didn’t work out the way they hoped it would. 

Season 6 of the show premiered to 2.1 million viewers back in 2014, so this is a pretty steep drop, but could increased DVR usage recoup some of the losses?

It sure seems that way!

The only additional figures for the premiere thus far are the first three days that people caught up with the show on DVR. 

In that measure, the numbers swelled to 2.6 million total viewers. 

That sort of makes up for the losses. Cable networks tend to focus on the ratings the show receives after the original air date in renewal decisions.

Being off the air for almost two years was always going to be a gamble.

People obviously don’t view the show as appointment television any longer, but there’s evidently still interest in the show. 

It happens, but you should not be getting ready to say goodbye to The Real Housewives of New Jersey just yet. 

It will be around for at least another few years if the ratings stay around the same level. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you’ll know that Teresa is trying to integrate back into her old life with her friends and family in the aftermath of her stint in prison. 

It’s actually pretty entertaining. 

What do you think about all of this?

Is it time for the show to go?

Hit the comments.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Duggar Family Launches Social Media Campaign to Save Reality Show From Cancelation

When TLC announced that the Duggars would be returning to television with a full season of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, execs likely assumed they had another hit on their hands.

After all, prior to the Josh Duggar sex scandals that forced its cancelation, 19 Kids and Counting was a reliable ratings juggernaut for ten seasons.

Unfortunately, it seems the folks at TLC underestimated the public’s ongoing outrage over Josh Duggar’s numerous transgressions.

Ratings for Counting On were decent (though they never reached the heights of 19 Kids at its peak), but the show faced a different problem as a result of the ongoing controversy surrounding the Duggar clan.

Advertisers began pulling their support shortly after the first episode aired, with many of them issuing statements publicly condemning TLC and the Duggars.

Now, nearly a month after the show’s first season finale, TLC has yet to renew Counting On, and industry insiders believe the network may have reached the decision that the Duggars are simply not worth the hassle.

Of course, it would be tough to support such a large (and ever-expanding) clan without those sweet reality TV checks rolling in, so the Duggars have enlisted their fans to help them save the family cash cow.

The hashtag “#BringtheDuggarsBack” started popping up on various social media platforms earlier this week, and the campaign to convince TLC to bankroll another season of Counting On was reportedly launched by the Duggars themselves.

It makes sense that Jim Bob and company would be masterminding the whole thing.

After all, is the casual Duggar fan even aware that Counting On is facing cancelation? We doubt it.

Unfortunately for the Duggars, the tag doesn’t seem to be gaining traction.

After several days in circulation, “#BringtheDuggarsBack” has failed to trend on either Twitter or Facebook.

So now it looks like the Duggars may have two major PR problems on their hands:

Angry advertisers – and apathetic fans.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Duggar Family Compared to Zika Virus as Cancelation Threatens Another Reality Series

Last month, we reported that the the Duggar family’s latest reality series, Jill & Jessa: Counting On, is facing cancelation thanks to  advertisers who made it clear to TLC that they want nothing to do with the controversial show.

In the weeks that followed, more advertisers pulled out of Counting On, and the it’s becoming increasingly difficult for execs to keep the popular spinoff afloat.

In fact, one expert has compared the family’s rising public profile and declining profitability to the situation surrounding a notorious moqsuito-borne illness:

“There is no way TLC can keep this on the air,” said marketing guru David Johnson in a recent interview.

“TLC may think the family is ratings gold, but to advertisers, they’re more like the Zika virus!”

The comparison was likely inspired by the controversy surrounding Jill and Derick Dillard’s decision to stay in Central America despite the growing threat of Zika.

Johnson believes it’s a foregone conclusion that Counting On will be canceled, as the Duggar family remains “tainted” by the Josh Duggar sex scandal, as well as more recent lesser controversies, such as Derick’s poorly-received jokes about Zika.

“People will see that this new show is just a desperate ploy by the Duggars to reclaim the spotlight and hopefully make some dollars off the public,” Johnson said.

Yes, the Duggars may still be counting on for now, but it sounds like their days on television are numbered.