Showing posts with label 7Eleven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 7Eleven. Show all posts

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Justin Bieber Goes Shirtless for 7-Eleven Run

Justin Bieber always marches to the beat of his own drum, and that beat’s telling him to free his nipples … in convenience stores … apparently. Justin looked like your typical teenager in Arizona or Florida when he hit up a 7-Eleven Saturday…


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Donald Trump Confuses 9/11 with 7-Eleven: WATCH!

Donald Trump has said many cringe-worthy things during the past several months of his Presidential campaign.

But the Republican front-runner just lowered the bar to a nearly incomprehensible level… even for Donald Trump.

During a rally in the beautiful city of Buffalo on Monday night, one day before the key New York Primary, Trump was addressing rival Ted Cruz"s previous insult that The Donald has "New York values."

"I wrote this out, and it"s very close to my heart," Trump tells the crowd in the following clip, adding:

"Because I was down there and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down. And I saw the greatest people I"ve ever seen in action."

Yes, he said 7/11. No, he did not correct himself.

People misspeak all the time, of course.

However, can you ever recall a politician mixing up the most tragic date in American history… with the name of a convenience store chain?

According to various reports, Trump also effed up the outset of his speech.

While thanking Buffalo Bills coach Rex Ryan for introducing him (Editor"s Note: Come on, Rex!), he mistakenly congratulated the former Jets coach on winning championships in New York.

Ryan has won nothing of substance as a head coach.

Level-headed people around the country are hoping Trump will possess a similar type of resume after this election is over.

Donald trump refers 9 slash 11 as 7 slash 11 at rally in new yor