Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Canadian Dating Site Helps Americans Escape Donald Trump

A Donald Trump presidency.

There was a time when that phrase would’ve earned you a hearty laugh or a withering glare of contempt, depending on your company.

It wasn’t that long ago when even his most ardent supporters didn’t think the Donald would ever get the chance to outfit the Lincoln bedroom suite with solid gold toilets, but now that he’s the GOP’s presumptive nominee (and soon to toss that pesky modifier in the trash) there’s a good chance that an idea that was once so absurd it was skewered by The Simpsons could become a reality:

Of course, polls indicate that Trump remains the least-liked presidential candidate in US history.

(It could be his hair, or it might have something to do with his apparent hatred of women and minorities. Who knows?)

As a result, lots of Americans are already announcing their plans to seek asylum elsewhere if Trump wins in November, and not surprisingly, they’re looking to our neighbors to the north with regard to scouting out new homes.

But even with a nation as friendly as Canada, the immigration process isn’t all Timbits and Labatt’s.

Most Americans are free to visit Canada anytime they please, but taking up permanent residence is a different story.

That’s where Maple Match comes in:

Maple Match Ad

According to its recently launched Twitter page, Maple Match is a dating service that seeks to set Americans up with Canucks.

The hope is that the relationships will lead to dual-residency marriages that will allow US citizens to move north and find gainful employment as Zamboni drivers, ice skate sharpeners, poutine vendors at Leafs games – you name it!

“Try  and find a meaningful partner to save you from a @realDonaldTrump presidency! #MapleMatch,” the company tweeted yesterday.

The site isn’t up and running yet, but founder Joe Goldman promises the venture is 100% serious.

Of course, if you find yourself frequently awakening from nightmares about giant walls, but cold weather doesn’t suit your fancy, you could always move to Mexico.

We hear they have the best taco bowls.