Showing posts with label Druggie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Druggie. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Demi Lovato: Leaving LA to Escape "Druggie Friends" [Report]

These days, Demi Lovato is still in rehab after suffering an overdose that nearly claimed her life back in July.

Sources close to the singer say she’s fully devoted herself to the hard work of recovery, dividing her time between an in-patient treatment facility in Arizona and a Chicago psychiatric hospital where she consults with the experts who helped her get sober the first time.

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to put one’s life on hold for a month or more in order to attend to one’s health — especially when you’re the head of a multimillion-dollar media empire.

And so, while she attempts to get to the root of her relapse and battle the demons that stand between her and a long, healthy life Demi also has to deal with the headaches of the outside world.

And of course, she must do all of this while formulating a plan for re-entry into everyday life that will allow her to put into practice the lessons she learned in treatment.

That next step was complicated this week by news that Demi is losing control of certain aspects of her life while in rehab.

Several media outlets reported that Lovato’s bodyguards have taken up residence in her $ 9.4 million Beverly Hills mansion.

Sources claimed the employees have multiple women living in the house with them and have become a nuisance to neighbors.

Now, according to Radar Online, Lovato and her team have reached the decision to sell the house, partially due to the bodyguard situation, and partially because doing so will allow the pop icon to make a clean break with her past.

“They do not want her druggie friends knowing where she lives anymore,” one insider tells Radar.

“They know that the house will be a trigger for her when she gets out, too”

Insiders say that although Demi has a profound sentimental attachment to the home, she’ll be happy to be rid of it, as it’s been a frequent source of aggravation over the years.

In addition to the wild parties that took place there, the property itself has caused a fair bit of drama.

Last year, Demi was forced to evacuate the home after mudslides put it in danger of falling off a cliff.

Sounds like if the sale goes through as planned, Demi will have one less major headache to cope with when she finally leaves treatment, a step she’ll reportedly take sometime before the end of 2018.


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Azealia Banks: Elon Musk Is a Druggie and Grimes Is White Trash!

Folks, as you probably know, it’s been quite a big news week.

No, we’re not talking about the fact that Trump supporters are getting locked up at such an alarming rate that you’d think they were black teens with half a gram of marijuana in their glove compartment.

We’re talking about the excitement of yet another Azealia Banks beef!

As you may recall, Ms. Banks is a gifted rapper and singer who keeps torpedoing her own career, largely by engaging in ugly high-profile feuds with better-known celebs.

Though she’s emerged victorious on multiple occasions (see: Azealia Banks vs. Iggy Azalea), generally the one to suffer most in the aftermath is Banks herself.

Whether that’s the result of her being treated unfairly in the press or simply a consequence of continually throwing shots at powerful and influential people is still a matter for debate.

What’s not up for argument, however, is the fact that picking a fight with a budding supervillain who seems hell-bent on being the first man to conquer space probably isn’t the best decision Azealia ever made.

As you may know, Elon Musk is currently dating Grimes, a Canadian singer who apparently knows Banks in a professional capacity.

Grimes recently invited Banks to Musk’s mansion to discuss a collaboration, and based on Azealia’s social media updates on the situation, we think it’s safe to say the visit didn’t go according to plan.

Banks compared the situation to the movie Get Out and claimed that Musk used LSD and steroids in her presence.

Azealia on Elon

She even claimed that the Tesla CEO tweeted important news about his company while in the throes of an acid trip.

She went on to describe Musk as “a giant d—k” and accused him of using “a fake made up accent.”

Banks wasn’t much kinder to Grimes, whom she described as “white trash” and “a pathological liar.” 

So that was last week.

This week, the feud was re-ignited by Banks’ claims that Musk stole her phone in order to “delete evidence” of their bizarre encounter.

Azealia Banks-Elon Musk-Grimes

Attorneys for Musk responded with a statement reading in part:

“Elon doesn’t know Azealia Banks. He doesn’t have her phone and neither do his lawyers.”

“Azealia Banks might be a lot of things, but one thing I am not is a liar. I’m not gonna be made to look like I’m some f—king crazed fan,” Banks fired back.

Azealia doubled down on her comments yesterday, writing in an Instagram story that she “didn’t come to L.A. to [have] some f—king alien orgy and some other crazy s—t.” 

Musk has yet to respond, but we expect he’ll announce plans to launch Azealia Banks into orbit sometime this afternoon.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Debra Danielsen: Farrah Abraham"s Dad Is a Cheating Druggie!

It’s hard to imagine a more perfect reality TV star than Farrah Abraham.

We know what you’re thinking, and you’re absolutely right–Farrah is unintelligent, rude to the point of cruelty, delusional, and almost impossibly self-centered.

And that’s exactly what makes her such a great fit for reality television.

If you’re unfamiliar with Farrah, you might watch an episode of Teen Mom OG and wonder where such a person comes from.

Fortunately, we have the answer.

You see, Farrah is the product of two profoundly effed-up individuals.

There’s her mother, Debra Danielsen, who’s basically what Farrah will be like in 20 years if she figures out how to get Xanax prescriptions from three different doctors.

Then there’s her father, Michael Abraham, who’s basically Ned Flanders if he were driven quietly insane by the knowledge that his daughter became a gosh-dang-diddily porn star, even though she doesn’t need the money.

You may think that the world has all the Deb and Michael it needs thanks to their frequent appearances on TMOG, but apparently Deb disagrees.

She’s penned a memoir with the curious title of Vapor, and in it, she reveals that Mike was a straight-up d-bag during their marriage:

“The big problem in our relationship was that Michael felt disconnected from me because I refused to take illegal drugs that he enjoyed taking,” Danielsen writes.

Now, the book is light on specifics, so it’s possible that she’s talking about something as innocent as smoking weed, which would really damage her street cred, and possibly bring an end to Deb’s rap career.

But she goes on to claim that Michael would get all hopped on goofballs and then run out and cheat on her.

“I demanded fidelity in our relationship,” Danielsen writes.

“Michael could no longer deal with either one of these positions, which I hold dear to my heart.”

The Abraham family doesn’t have the greatest history when it comes to honesty, but Deb says she can corroborate her claims with letters written to her by a repentant Michael:

“Michael told me he was sorry for his affairs,” Deb says.

“He asked for my forgiveness and begged me to reconsider, but I just couldn’t do it anymore. He has been involved in countless affairs.”

Deb also claims that she “worked out every day for 15 years” in order to keep Mike happy, but it wasn’t enough.

For his part, Michael denies the affairs, and claims he never once commented on his ex-wife’s weight.

“I’m a very intelligent man,” Abraham says.

“You never talk about a woman’s age or weight. Debra is a very beautiful woman.”

Sounds like we’re gonna need a response memoir from Mike!

You might think you’re sick of these two, but if Farrah really gets fired by MTV, you’ll be fiending for more Mike and Deb in no time!

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on the gloriously messed-up Abraham clan.


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Nathan Griffith Calls Jenelle Evans a Fat Druggie on Teen Mom 2 Reunion

We knew the Teen Mom 2 reunion was going to get ugly, but we didn"t realize it"d be this bad.

Earlier today, we reported that Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith totally went off on each other on camera, and now we have the clip.

The reunion was filmed before the pair had reached a custody agreement for one-year-old son Kaiser, and the animosity between them was at an all-time high.

In the clip, Jenelle and Nathan trade insults as host Dr. Drew Pinsky sits back and lets them have at it.

"You are totally unstable with all these medical ‘illnesses,’ all these drug abuse problems, all these mental aspects,” Nathan starts.

"Just like your lawyer wrote on the complaint that my sex was painful, what does that have to do with Kaiser?" Jenelle shoots back.

"You probably shouldn"t be talking about your sex life on national television," responded Nathan.

Really, these two could be politicians the way they dodge questions and simply bring up unrelated zingers to hurl at the other.

"I"m sorry if it bothers you if I talk about my sex life," Jenelle replies. "Sorry, I"m not with you anymore."

Nathan then responded like a 12-year-old Neanderthal POS and took an irrelevant dig at his ex"s weight.

"I don"t want you to be with me," said Nathan.

"I mean, how much [sic] pounds did you gain, you gained like 30 or 40 pounds." 

Um, wow. I mean, Jenelle isn"t exactly the model citizen but fat-shaming her only makes Nathan look like a total d*ck.

Not as if that was hard to do.

The clip ends with Jenelle looking rightfully pissed, but perhaps she clapped back with something about how Nathan"s steroid abuse must be causing roid rage.

Jenelle recently shared a bikini pic amid rumors that she was pregnant again.

She clarified that she was not pregnant and that the weight gain was "healthy weight," the product of a happy relationship.

Check it out the Jenelle-Nathan battle below:




Nathan griffith calls jenelle evans a fat druggie on teen mom 2

Nathan Griffith Calls Jenelle Evans a Fat Druggie on Teen Mom 2 Reunion

We knew the Teen Mom 2 reunion was going to get ugly, but we didn"t realize it"d be this bad.

Earlier today, we reported that Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith totally went off on each other on camera, and now we have the clip.

The reunion was filmed before the pair had reached a custody agreement for one-year-old son Kaiser, and the animosity between them was at an all-time high.

In the clip, Jenelle and Nathan trade insults as host Dr. Drew Pinsky sits back and lets them have at it.

"You are totally unstable with all these medical ‘illnesses,’ all these drug abuse problems, all these mental aspects,” Nathan starts.

"Just like your lawyer wrote on the complaint that my sex was painful, what does that have to do with Kaiser?" Jenelle shoots back.

"You probably shouldn"t be talking about your sex life on national television," responded Nathan.

Really, these two could be politicians the way they dodge questions and simply bring up unrelated zingers to hurl at the other.

"I"m sorry if it bothers you if I talk about my sex life," Jenelle replies. "Sorry, I"m not with you anymore."

Nathan then responded like a 12-year-old Neanderthal POS and took an irrelevant dig at his ex"s weight.

"I don"t want you to be with me," said Nathan.

"I mean, how much [sic] pounds did you gain, you gained like 30 or 40 pounds." 

Um, wow. I mean, Jenelle isn"t exactly the model citizen but fat-shaming her only makes Nathan look like a total d*ck.

Not as if that was hard to do.

The clip ends with Jenelle looking rightfully pissed, but perhaps she clapped back with something about how Nathan"s steroid abuse must be causing roid rage.

Jenelle recently shared a bikini pic amid rumors that she was pregnant again.

She clarified that she was not pregnant and that the weight gain was "healthy weight," the product of a happy relationship.

Check it out the Jenelle-Nathan battle below:




Nathan griffith calls jenelle evans a fat druggie on teen mom 2