Showing posts with label Grimes'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grimes'. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2018

The Walking Dead Recap: Did Rick Grimes Die?

The Walking Dead said goodbye to an original star on Sunday night. 

And no, we’re not talking about one of the recurring players here. We’re talking about the character who kickstarted the franchise on the series premiere, Rick Grimes!

If you watch The Walking Dead online, you know that Rick was injured at the close of last week’s episode after trying to lure two herds of walkers away from his comrades. 

With Rick going in and out of consciousness, he met a lot of his fallen friends, and one of them was Shane aka the man who got jiggy with Rick’s wife, Lori while he was in a coma. 

It was a surprising scene because it took Rick all the way back to his days as a police officer, patrolling the streets of Atlanta with his BFF. 

It didn’t last long, however, and Rick found himself back in the present and a walker about to kill him. He managed to fight it and escaped with his horse. 

Yes, it may seem like Rick is invincible, but he has been fighting these zombies for several years, so it makes sense … kind of. 

Another ghost from the past Rick met was Hershel who told Rick it was okay for him to let go, and that Maggie was growing as a leader every single day. 

All of these visions seemed to want Rick to know that he could die and everyone would be able to move on if they had to. 

The most striking vision was Rick on a huge landscape filled with bodies, but the bodies were of everyone Rick’s ever been close to. 

It was harrowing for sure, but there was a beacon of hope in the form of the dearly departed Sasha. 

“’Cause you did your part like I did mine… like the others did before us,” she said.

“They gave us the strength that we needed to do what we had to do for the others, and the others draw strength from us. We make each other better, and it never ends.”

“It crosses over toward the brave and loving.” 

With that, Rick woke back up and was saved by Michonne and his friends, but he was not out of the woods. As he prepared to die, his girlfriend had some words for him. 

It’s not over,” she said. “We don’t die.”

That’s when we learned that Rick was still unconscious and he imagined the reunion. He continued to try and take the zombies away from his friends. 

Rick found dynamite on the bridge with the walkers who were about to make their way to the other communities, so he blew the bridge up.

Everyone was stunned by the loss of Rick, noting that he died a hero. However, he was well and truly alive down the river. 

Anne appeared and claimed she was going to save Rick from this horrible world.  

“It’s not a trick, not anymore. I’m trying to save a friend who saved me,” she claimed to the people on the walkie-talkie.

“I have something for you now. We have a deal?”

Rick and Anne were picked up by the chopper and taken well and truly away from the danger zone. 

What the eff just happened? As if that big twist was not bad enough, we were thrown straight into the future to meet a much older Judith who was leading the charge on a rescue mission. 

What are your thoughts on Rick’s last stand?

Hit the comments below. 


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Azealia Banks: Elon Musk Is a Druggie and Grimes Is White Trash!

Folks, as you probably know, it’s been quite a big news week.

No, we’re not talking about the fact that Trump supporters are getting locked up at such an alarming rate that you’d think they were black teens with half a gram of marijuana in their glove compartment.

We’re talking about the excitement of yet another Azealia Banks beef!

As you may recall, Ms. Banks is a gifted rapper and singer who keeps torpedoing her own career, largely by engaging in ugly high-profile feuds with better-known celebs.

Though she’s emerged victorious on multiple occasions (see: Azealia Banks vs. Iggy Azalea), generally the one to suffer most in the aftermath is Banks herself.

Whether that’s the result of her being treated unfairly in the press or simply a consequence of continually throwing shots at powerful and influential people is still a matter for debate.

What’s not up for argument, however, is the fact that picking a fight with a budding supervillain who seems hell-bent on being the first man to conquer space probably isn’t the best decision Azealia ever made.

As you may know, Elon Musk is currently dating Grimes, a Canadian singer who apparently knows Banks in a professional capacity.

Grimes recently invited Banks to Musk’s mansion to discuss a collaboration, and based on Azealia’s social media updates on the situation, we think it’s safe to say the visit didn’t go according to plan.

Banks compared the situation to the movie Get Out and claimed that Musk used LSD and steroids in her presence.

Azealia on Elon

She even claimed that the Tesla CEO tweeted important news about his company while in the throes of an acid trip.

She went on to describe Musk as “a giant d—k” and accused him of using “a fake made up accent.”

Banks wasn’t much kinder to Grimes, whom she described as “white trash” and “a pathological liar.” 

So that was last week.

This week, the feud was re-ignited by Banks’ claims that Musk stole her phone in order to “delete evidence” of their bizarre encounter.

Azealia Banks-Elon Musk-Grimes

Attorneys for Musk responded with a statement reading in part:

“Elon doesn’t know Azealia Banks. He doesn’t have her phone and neither do his lawyers.”

“Azealia Banks might be a lot of things, but one thing I am not is a liar. I’m not gonna be made to look like I’m some f—king crazed fan,” Banks fired back.

Azealia doubled down on her comments yesterday, writing in an Instagram story that she “didn’t come to L.A. to [have] some f—king alien orgy and some other crazy s—t.” 

Musk has yet to respond, but we expect he’ll announce plans to launch Azealia Banks into orbit sometime this afternoon.


Friday, July 13, 2018

Grimes Gets Restraining Order on Strange Man Wearing Cape in Her Backyard

Grimes had a bizarre, unwanted visitor show up in her backyard — wearing a cape, no less — and now the man’s been ordered to stay away from her. According to new legal docs … the singer and reported girlfriend of Elon Musk had an intruder at her…


Monday, February 26, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 9 Recap: Farewell, Carl Grimes!

Carl Grimes is out!

On The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 9, we finally said goodbye to another member of the Grimes family, and boy, it was emotional. 

We picked up with Carl assessing the fatal wound he had thanks to the walkers invading Alexandria. Carl was told about Michonne making her way to the Sanctuary, and she left him a note. 

The note gave Carl the guts to realize his time in the world was coming to a close, and he decided to write letters to his nearest and dearest. 

This kid has had a profound effect on all of the characters, so it made sense that his death would be such a big deal. Carl wasted no time in taking one last picture with Judith. 

He subsequently left both of their handprints in front of the house. Yeah, this episode was a real tearjerker, but it’s difficult to say goodbye to a long-serving cast member. 

Elsewhere, Morgan found himself in a difficult situation because the walkers were essentially gone, and he had to decide what was the best course of action. 

Carol was on hand to help hide some of the Kingdommers, and she returned to help Ezekiel make his way out of a deadly situation. 

The next big gut punch came when Carl revealed all about his bite to Rick and Michonne. Siddiq proved he was a good egg by offering to help care for Carl as his time ran out. 

That’s when Siddiq revealed that he was a medical resident. At that moment, he became useful to the rest of the team. They needed someone to help with medical instances. 

Carl continued to see Alexandria in the future, but Michonne wanted to get the kid to Hilltop to say his goodbyes and make sure he had the best care out there. 

Back above ground, Carol and Dwight continued to try and save Ezekiel from a certain death. They went to extreme measures and dispatched of Gavin’s friends. 

But Gavin made a getaway, and Morgan was mad. Morgan had to run for dear life to try and find the villain before it was too late. 

Back underground, Carl said goodbye to Michonne and admitted that she was his best friend. Carl said to Rick that the world could go back to normal and they could strive for change. 

Carl then told both of them to let him kill himself when the time was right. Carl killed himself, and Rick and Michonne got ready to bury the kid. 

That’s when we were treated to another flashforward, but this one showed Negan and Judith in the same scene. It looks like the villain is not going to be dying anytime soon. 


What did you think of Carl’s final episode?

Hit the comments below. 

The Walking Dead continues Sundays on AMC.


Monday, October 30, 2017

"The Orville" Star Scott Grimes" Wife Files for Divorce

Actor Scott Grimes may get laughs on “The Orville,” but there’s nothing comedic about his wife’s new project — she’s filing for divorce … TMZ has learned.  Megan Grimes filed legal divorce docs Friday after 5 years and 10 months of…
