Showing posts with label Monae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monae. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2018

Janelle Monáe Tells Off President Trump Amid Border Crisis

Janelle Monáe didn’t mince words while voicing her displeasure with President Trump’s treatment of children at the border.   We got the singer/actress leaving Mr Chow Sunday night in Bev Hills, and she went off when we…


Monday, May 7, 2018

Janelle Monae Just Totally and Completely Owned Kanye West

Over the past several days, quite a large number of think pieces have been written about Kanye West.

Pretty much anyone with an Internet account has tried to analyze the rapper and his recent run of verbal diarrhea, highlighted last week by his claim that slavery was a “choice.”

You remember that remark, right?

You remember how Kanye visited the TMZ newsroom and ranted about how African-Americans were held captive by white people for “400 years” and, therefore, simply had to have chosen to remain enslaved?

As a refresher, this is what he said:

You hear about slavery for 400 years. For 400 years? That sounds like a choice. Like, that was there for 400 years and it’s all of y’all?

It’s like, we’re mentally in prison.

Even Kanye eventually realized he had maybe crossed a line with this line of thought, sort of backtracking later on via social media, as you can see below:

During the court of his discussion on race with TMZ, West wondered why he was being attacked when he was simply being a “free thinker.”

He later said folks just couldn’t handle his “new ideas.”

The musician is either off his mental rocker or willing to say absolutely anything in order to promote his upcoming album.

Either way, however, Janelle Monae was not about to let his comments slide.

During a radio interview with LA’s Power 106 late last week, the singer voiced her disappointment in Kanye and shared her thoughts on the whole slavery situation.

“I come from love. I try not to listen to things to just respond or clap back but really listen to understand,” she said, adding:

“I think we just have to be patient with each other. I don’t agree [with Kanye’s comments], and I’ve been very vocal about that.”

And then she got more vocal, using Kanye’s own (stupid) words against him as follows:

“I’m a free thinker and here’s a free thought:

“I think that if free thinking is rooted in the oppression of minorities, LBGTQ, immigrants and women, then I don’t fuck with your free thoughts. I just think there has to be some balance.

“I mean, slave masters also thought freely, and where did we get with that?”

And there it is. There’s all that really has to be said on this subject.

Anyone is free to think however anyone wants.

But once you verbalize those thoughts, and said verbalizing has an actual effect on society, well… that changes everything.

Just look at how Donald Trump is taking advantage of Kanye’s endorsement on the campaign trail:

According to one report, Kim Kardashian is considering a divorce in light of Kanye’s recent string of idiocy.

Yet others are sticking up for the rapper.

“Notice that a week ago the world was silent about Kanye. Now the entire world is in uproar over things he has said or done for the world to see,” The Game told Billboard via email.

He added:

“Don’t think for a minute that his actions and plan weren’t well thought out and set up for his goal to reach his maximum potential.

“Kanye will always be a friend of mine & although I might not necessarily agree with his views on certain topics, that is what separate us as individuals.”

Based on this logic, one can say anything one wants as long as it keeps one in the news and there’s nothing to criticize because, hey, it’s all about “freedom of thought,” right?!?


People can be so not very smart sometimes.


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Janelle Monáe Comes Out as Pansexual

Let the rumors be true.

So sings Janelle Monáe on her brand new album.

And so says Janelle Monáe, basically, in the latest issue of Rolling Stone.

The singer opens up about her sexuality for the first time in an extended chat with the national publication.

“Being a queer black woman in America, someone who has been in relationships with both men and women, I consider myself to be a free-ass motherf-cker,” says the artist in this cover story.

She first identified as bisexual, Monáe explains, “but then later I read about pansexuality and was like, ‘Oh, these are things that I identify with, too.

“I’m open to learning more about who I am.”

As defined by Wikipedia, pansexuality (also referred to sometimes as “omnisexuality”) is the “sexual, romantic or emotional attraction towards people regardless of their sex or gender identity.”

This admission should not come as a major surprise to anyone who has been following the life and/or career of Monáe.

Monáe has been linked to actress Tessa Thompson for awhile now, yet she refused to discuss her dating life with Rolling Stone.

She didn’t want to get into any specifics.

The singer, though, says she’s never gone out of her way to hide her sexuality; that she never was trying to keep it some big secret.

“If you listen to my albums, it’s there,” she says.

Has she had a big talk with her loved ones about this side of her personal life? No.

Will she? Maybe.

“I literally do not have time to hold a town-hall meeting with my big-ass family and be like, ‘Hey, news flash!"” she tells the magazine.

The veteran singer said she’s concerned they’ll bring it up when she visits her home town of Kansas City.

“There are people in my life that love me and they have questions,” Monáe explains. “And I guess when I get there, I’ll have to answer those questions.”

She will now, yes.

Monáe’s new album comes out tomorrow and the singer says she hopes it will serve as an inspiration to everyone who gives it a listen.

“I want young girls, young boys, nonbinary, gay, straight, queer people who are having a hard time dealing with their sexuality, dealing with feeling ostracized or bullied for just being their unique selves, to know that I see you,” she tells Rolling Stone.

She then concludes:

“This album is for you. Be proud.”


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Janelle Monae Encourages Global Sex Strike, Believes "Respect" for "The Vagina" Has Been Lost

Janelle Monae has a way with words.

But, if it were up to the singer and actress, no man on the planet would have his way with the body of any woman until society undergoes some much-needed changes.

In a cover story of this month’s issue of Marie Claire, the Hidden Figures star makes quite the bold statement:

She encourages those who share her gender to withhold their most private part from members of the opposite gender as a form of protest.

“People have to start respecting the vagina,” Monae told Marie Claire, explaining:

“Until every man is fighting for our rights, we should consider stopping having sex. I love men. But evil men? I will not tolerate that. You don’t deserve to be in my presence.”

This would explain why Melania Trump has not slept with Donald Trump in about a decade.

In all seriousness, however, this idea may sound ludicrous.

But if ALL women around the globe really did agree to close their legs for ALL men… you just know there would be equal pay laws on every book in about two-and-a-half days.

Monae acknowledges the facts.

She talks openly about the lack of female leadership around the country.

She figures that if voters won’t put a woman in the White House, for example, then women themselves need to take their own kind of unique stance in order to demand change.

“If you’re going to own this world and this is how you’re going to rule this world, I am not going to contribute anymore until you change it,” she says, addressing men in power and adding:

“We have to realize our power and our magic. Because I am all about black-girl magic, even though I’m standing with all women. But this year?

“This year, I am so carefree black girl.”

Monae also elaborated on what “sexy” means in her view, stressing the significance of embracing one’s individuality.

“Women automatically are told that this is how you should look. This is how you should get a man. This is how you should get a woman,” she told the magazine.

“You need to fit into all these boxes to be accepted. I don’t subscribe to that way of thinking. I don’t think we all have to take the same coordinates to reach the same destination.

“I believe in embracing what makes you unique even if it makes others uncomfortable.”

Amen, right?!?

In closing, the actress reminded readers just how important it is to stay true to themselves.

“I believe in embracing what makes you unique even if it makes others uncomfortable. I have learned there is power in saying no. I have agency. I get to decide.”

And, if it’s up to Monae, men won’t get to decide on the next time they have sex until they take a long, hard look in the mirror and realize:

I’ll never get long and hard in bed again unless I do some things differently!


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Janelle Monae, Jamie Dornan and Crew Hit Up Pre-Oscars Party (PHOTO GALLERY)

Tons of stars showed up Saturday night for a pre-Oscars bash. Janelle Monae, Jamie Dornan, Nicole Kidman, Michael Keaton, Naomi Watts, Hailee Steinfeld, Oliver Stone, Rachel Zoe and others hit up the Charles Finch and Chanel party at Madeo…


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Janelle Monae Prays Hollywood"s Finally Waking Up (VIDEO)

Janelle Monae’s giving Hollywood props … for belatedly listening. The “Moonlight” and “Hidden Figures” star arrived at LAX Wednesday and we asked if the Oscars were on the mark this year. Check it out … Janelle — who played major roles in both…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Janelle Monae Says Kim Burrell Won"t Be on "Ellen" After Homophobic Rant (VIDEO)

Janelle Monae says gospel singer Kim Burrell has been 86d from “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” in the wake of her homophobic rant. Janelle told our photog at LAX Burrell sunk herself with an anti-gay church sermon last week. Kim did a duet with…
