Showing posts with label Owned. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Owned. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2018

Meghan Markle: How She Got Owned by The Queen on Her Wedding Day

According to a new report, someone out there thinks Meghan Markle has a pretty serious attitude problem.

And here’s the thing:

That someone is NOT Meghan Markle’s half-sister.

And it’s not Meghan Markle’s father, either.

An insider tells The Sun that Markle wanted to wear a tiara with emeralds on her big wedding day back in May, but she was told this was an unacceptable choice.

Meghan had her “heart set” on this accessory, writes Robert Jobson in his new book, and she “hit the roof” when the Palace denied the request.

“The provenance of the tiara could not be established. There were concerns it could have come from Russia originally,” explains a source on why Markle was unable to don the item.

This same source adds that Queen Elizabeth herself was none too pleased with her pending daughter-in-law’s reaction to the flap.

“There was a very heated exchange that prompted the Queen to speak to Harry,” claims this report.

“She said, ‘Meghan cannot have whatever she wants. She gets what tiara she’s given by me."”

This is how Markle ending up rocking a diamond and platinum bandeau tiara when she exchanged her vows on May 19.

The book goes on to detail how the Queen also wondered why Meghan needed a veil for the wedding, given it was to be her second marriage.

“The message from the Queen was very much Meghan needed to think about how she speaks to staff members and be careful to follow family protocols,” alleges this insider, who says Markle has been accused on numerous occasions of mistreating employees at the Palace:

“Meghan can be difficult. She has very high standards and is used to working in a Hollywood environment.”

Allow us to pause here and say: LOL!!!!!

The implication is somehow that the environment on the set of the USA Network drama Suits, on which Markle starred for seven seaons, was more professional/formal than the environment at Kensington Palace.

Throughout her time in the spotlight as Prince Harry’s girlfriend, fiance and now wife, Markle has mostly received rave reviews.

She seems very respectful and comes across as a very positive presence in general.

But she has run in to a few problems of late, from accusations that she sucks at bowing on a national stage to allegations that she far too often thumbs her nose Royal Protocol.

And her terrible relatives, of course, think she’s a phony liar.

Jobson’s book is titled “Charles at 70” and mostly focuses on the life of Prince Charles.

But it does touch on the relationship between the Queen and Markle and says while they clash on occasion, as documented above, they get along at other times because they both love dogs.

That’s pretty cute to note, isn’t it?


Monday, May 21, 2018

Janet Jackson Just Totally Owned the Billboard Music Awards

Yup. She"s still got it, folks.

On Sunday night at the 2018 Billboard Music Awards, Janet Jackson was honored with a career achivement tropy.

Prior to accepting the ICON award, however, the legendary artist got up on stage for her first performance in nine years, as well as her first performance ever as a mother.

(Jackson gave birth in early 2017. At the age of 50.)

After being introduced by Bruno Mars, Jackson took to the Las Vegas stage in a sparkling gold sweatshirt dress and shiny gold thigh-high shoes.

She opened her medley of beloved hits with “Nasty,” as her mother Katherine and other family members, including nephew Prince Michael, smiled from the crowd.

Janet then launched into her 1993 song “Throb," reminding everyone of just how long she"s been on the scene and just how many hits are in her catalog.

But it wasn"t just Jackson"s singing and dancing that brought attendees to their feet.

It was her sage and beautiful words afterward.

Upon accepting her well-earned award, Jackson praised the ongoing #MeToo movement, talking at length about this moment in our culture and in society.

“I’m deeply humbled and grateful for this award," she said, adding:

"I believe that for all the challenges… we live a great moment in history. It’s a moment that at long last women have made it clear that we will not be controlled, manipulated or abused.

"I stand with those women and those men.”

The 52-year-old became black woman to receive this distinction at the Billboard Music Awards.

But we can only hope she will not be the last.

Previous winners included Cher, Celine Dion, Prince, Jennifer Lopez and Neil Diamond.

"Our public discourse is loud and harsh," continued Janet.

"My prayer is that weary of such noise, we will turn back to the source of all calmness, that source is God.

"Everything we lack, God has in abundance: compassion, sensitivity, patience and boundless love.

"Again I want to thank all of you for this honor and I thank God for giving me the precious energy that lets me live my life as an artist who every day seeks to expand my capacity to love.”

Watch both Janet"s performance AND her speech below.

Just prepare to get up out of your seat and cheer when it"s all over…

Janet jackson performs at billboard music awards supports number

Monday, May 7, 2018

Janelle Monae Just Totally and Completely Owned Kanye West

Over the past several days, quite a large number of think pieces have been written about Kanye West.

Pretty much anyone with an Internet account has tried to analyze the rapper and his recent run of verbal diarrhea, highlighted last week by his claim that slavery was a “choice.”

You remember that remark, right?

You remember how Kanye visited the TMZ newsroom and ranted about how African-Americans were held captive by white people for “400 years” and, therefore, simply had to have chosen to remain enslaved?

As a refresher, this is what he said:

You hear about slavery for 400 years. For 400 years? That sounds like a choice. Like, that was there for 400 years and it’s all of y’all?

It’s like, we’re mentally in prison.

Even Kanye eventually realized he had maybe crossed a line with this line of thought, sort of backtracking later on via social media, as you can see below:

During the court of his discussion on race with TMZ, West wondered why he was being attacked when he was simply being a “free thinker.”

He later said folks just couldn’t handle his “new ideas.”

The musician is either off his mental rocker or willing to say absolutely anything in order to promote his upcoming album.

Either way, however, Janelle Monae was not about to let his comments slide.

During a radio interview with LA’s Power 106 late last week, the singer voiced her disappointment in Kanye and shared her thoughts on the whole slavery situation.

“I come from love. I try not to listen to things to just respond or clap back but really listen to understand,” she said, adding:

“I think we just have to be patient with each other. I don’t agree [with Kanye’s comments], and I’ve been very vocal about that.”

And then she got more vocal, using Kanye’s own (stupid) words against him as follows:

“I’m a free thinker and here’s a free thought:

“I think that if free thinking is rooted in the oppression of minorities, LBGTQ, immigrants and women, then I don’t fuck with your free thoughts. I just think there has to be some balance.

“I mean, slave masters also thought freely, and where did we get with that?”

And there it is. There’s all that really has to be said on this subject.

Anyone is free to think however anyone wants.

But once you verbalize those thoughts, and said verbalizing has an actual effect on society, well… that changes everything.

Just look at how Donald Trump is taking advantage of Kanye’s endorsement on the campaign trail:

According to one report, Kim Kardashian is considering a divorce in light of Kanye’s recent string of idiocy.

Yet others are sticking up for the rapper.

“Notice that a week ago the world was silent about Kanye. Now the entire world is in uproar over things he has said or done for the world to see,” The Game told Billboard via email.

He added:

“Don’t think for a minute that his actions and plan weren’t well thought out and set up for his goal to reach his maximum potential.

“Kanye will always be a friend of mine & although I might not necessarily agree with his views on certain topics, that is what separate us as individuals.”

Based on this logic, one can say anything one wants as long as it keeps one in the news and there’s nothing to criticize because, hey, it’s all about “freedom of thought,” right?!?


People can be so not very smart sometimes.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Hank Baskett Hints at Kendra Wilkinson Reunion, Gets Owned on Twitter

Hank Baskett played wide receiver for parts of seven NFL seasons.

But he isn’t best known these days for having great hands.

He’s instead best known for having received a hand job from a transgender model back in 2014.

Yes, Baskett was also married to Kendra Wilkinson for nine years and helped create two small human beings with the former Playmate, a son named Hank IV and a daughter named Alijah.

But Hank’s celebrity gossip legacy will always revert to what he admits transpired in a hotel room over three years ago.

As Kendra on Top viewers are likely well aware of, Hank has confessed on camera to meeting someone named Ava London back in the day…

… and then unexpectedly having his penis massaged by her, all the way to orgasm

It’s true: Baskett has even talked about how he went to the aforementioned hotel room to purchase marijuana and then, somehow, ended up being fondled to completion by London instead.

It’s one of the most unusual stories of infidelity — and we bring it up now for a reason.

Earlier this month, Kendra filed for divorce from Baskett.

She made it clear in the days leading up to this announcement that trust had simply eroded between the stars and that the love between them was no longer enough.

However, Hank was asked on April 13 by TMZ whether the relationship was truly over and he responded as follows:

“You always leave the door open for that, always.”

Would a reconciliation be under consideration due to the presence of the ex-couple’s two kids? Or because of the feelings that still exist between Baskett and Wilkinson?

“I would say both,” Baskett replied.

But this is not what Twitter would say.

In a nutshell, Twitter would instead say: LOL!!!!!!

One Internet user scoffed at Baskett’s response, saying he would only return to Kendra as part of a new “reality TV” deal, saying the “plan all along” for the twosome was to create enough drama for a network to try and work with them.

Another user, meanwhile, simply relied on NeNe Leakes to sum up how she feels about this reunion possibility:

no hank

But one other user takes the reactionary cake.

“Classic love story,” this person wrote in response to this report, adding:

“Boy meets girl. Boy married girl. Boy cheats on girl with granny. Girl takes boy back. Girl eventually files for divorce.”

This individual may want to hire a lawyer pretty soon… because he or she just straight up murdered Hank Baskett!

ouch hank

The day she filed for divorce, meanwhile, Kendra shared a selfie with Hank on Instagram and wrote along with it a very moving caption.

It read:

I will forever love Hank and be open but for now we have chosen to go our own ways.

I’m beyond sad and heartbroken because i did believe in forever, that’s why i said yes but unfortunately too much fear has gotten in the way.

We are both amazing parents and our kids will be happy n never know the difference other than seeing mama smile. Sometimes love looks funny.

We certainly do with Hank and Kendra the very best.


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Tom Benson Dies, Owned New Orleans Saints, Pelicans

Billionaire businessman Tom Benson — who owned the New Orleans Saints and Pelicans — has died, his family has confirmed.  The 90-year-old passed away peacefully Thursday at Ochsner Medical Center in Louisiana with his wife Gayle Marie Benson…


Monday, March 12, 2018

Chris Brown Just Got Owned by Vanessa Carlton

Chris Brown paid tribute to the opposite sex last Thursday on International Women’s Day.

In what manner?

As difficult as it was for the violent singer, he actually refrained from bludgeoning the face of any female, which is significant progress for someone who ought to be in jail for what he did to Rihanna.

We’re just kidding.

(Well, we’re serious: Brown did not beat any women up last week, as far as we know.)

In actuality, Brown celebrated the aforementioned occasion by posting a video set to Vanessa Carlton’s “A Thousand Miles,” a classic and uplifting pop track which opens follows:

Making my way downtown walking fast/Faces pass and I’m home bound/Staring blankly ahead just making my way/Making a way through the crowd…

But while anyone familiar with this track is likely nodding his or her to the beat right about now, a certain someone out there was doing the exact opposite upon learning Brown shared the snippet:

Vanessa Carlton herself.

She responded to this misguided use of the track by shaking her head and writing in response:

“Today Chris Brown posted my video. I am now being repeatedly tagged to his account. Being that today is International Women’s Day I feel compelled to draw a linr.

“I support survivors not perpetrators of domestic violence. I do not want to be associated with an artist that has assaulted women on a day like today.

“Thank you. #internationalwomensday.”

Carlton, of course, is referring to Brown’s highly publicized assault of then-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009, as well as further allegations of violence that have recurred throughout his career.

The artist is a ticking time bomb of rage who has shown no remorse for his actions and has repeatedly proven himself to be an angry abuser.

As a result, we figured Brown would fly off the proverbial handle upon being scolded by Carlton.

But he instead replied in relatively tame and fair fashion, simply tagging Carlton in a post that reads:

“I posted a song that was and still is a great song and the artist felt she was doing her duty as a WOMAN to continue to spread this kind of hatred today.

“I won’t keep it up long. I just hope she knows she is loved and her song is great.”

Passive aggressive and with a clear tinge of disdain, but Chris Brown is always graded on a scale.

If he didn’t bloody her lip, we consider it an impressive response on his part.

Brown, meanwhile, also proved himself to be a somewhat loving father over the weekend, sharing a picture of his young daughter Royalty and including the following caption:

Flyest 3year old On EARTH.

The image has since been Liked over 1.5 million times.

For whatever reason, Brown still has a strong and passionate fan base.

It’s perhaps the most perplexing and annoying development in all of Hollywood because, it case we didn’t make it clear above, the guy is an unabashed woman beater.

But he does have a cute daughter.

It’s not her fault that her dad sucks.

For Royalty’s sake, we hope she never has to learn what kind of man planted his seed in her mother. We hope she grows up blissfully ignorant.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Piers Morgan Slams Emily Ratajkowski as "Global Bimbo," Gets OWNED by Model

Piers Morgan has chosen the wrong woman to go after.

And definitely the wrong time during which to do it.

To open today’s broadcast of Good Morning Britain, Piers Morgan set his sights on Emily Ratajkowski and the model’s latest risque photo shoot.

It was for Love Magazine and it featured Ratajkowski wearing more strands of spaghetti than layers of clothing.

And Morgan simply was NOT having it!

“I don’t know quite what she is. She’s a global bimbo,” Morgan said bluntly on air, adding:

“She’s posted something on Instagram about how what we are watching now is unbelievably empowering to feminists…

“For goodness sake – get some clothes on and get yourself a proper job.

On Twitter, meanwhile, Morgan shared a collage of images from the pictorial in question and wrote:

“This is Emily Ratajkowski ‘promoting feminism’. Somewhere, Emmeline Pankhurst just vomited.”

For the record, Ratajkowski never said a word about this particular shoot “promoting feminism,” as Morgan asserts.

But she has wondered in the past why there’s a double standard applied to beautiful women… versus men or more average looking women.

“When Lena Dunham takes her clothes off, she gets flak, but it’s also considered brave,” Ratajkowski previously told Harper’s Bazaar.

“When Justin Bieber takes his shirt off, he’s a grown-up. But when a woman who is sexual takes off her top, it plays into something.”

Ratajkowski seems to be missing the general critique about her: that she is only known for posing nearly naked, while the other stars she cites above rely on their talent to earn fortune and fame.

Yet Ratajkowski does not miss the mark in any way, shape or form in responding to Morgan’s harsh criticism.

She totally owns the smarmy anchor.

“Lol never said my love video was a feminist statement,” Ratajkowski Tweeted in response, elaborating perfectly as follows:

“But now it’s worth saying that telling women what to do with their bodies & sexuality is actually just classic sexism.

“I can have opinions about feminism & also do sexy photo shoots k thanks.”

Pretty great point, isn’t it?

What is more sexist, flaunting a body one is proud of… or insulting a woman for doing so?

Citing the allegations against Harvey Weinstein, and really the entire #MeToo movement in general, Ratajkowski added via Twitter:

I’m tired of having to consider how I might be perceived by men if I wear the short skirt or post a sexy Instagram. I want to do what I want to do.

Feminism isn’t about adjusting, it’s about freedom and choice

Previously, addresses critics of her scantily-clad photos by saying:

“To me, female sexuality and sexiness, no matter how conditioned it may be by a patriarchal ideal, can be incredibly empowering for a woman if she feels it is empowering to her.

“The way I dress, act, flirt, dance, have sex – those are my decisions and they shouldn’t be impacted by men. Being sexy is fun and I like it.

“I should never have to apologize for that.”

Your move, Piers Morgan.

Go ahead and try to think of a comeback.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

14 Sassy Parents Who Just OWNED Their Kids

Sometimes, kids are in need of tough love.

Tough, hilarious love that is left for them in note form from either mom or dad.

What do we mean, exactly?

Scroll down for a look at various messages left for sons and daughters by the people who love them most. And who also get irritated by them most…

1. Hugs, Kisses… and Cuts

Hugs kisses and cuts

Not very deep ones, but you’ll feel them!

2. They Change the Password Everyday?!?

They change the password everyday

That. Is. Genius.

3. Pray for Me

Pray for me

Also, don’t mess up the kitchen.

4. #DadFact

Number dadfact

It’s true. Eat up, kids.

5. Plug In?

Plug in

More like… butt out!

6. And Even If You Do Mind?

And even if you do mind

Well… tough!

View Slideshow

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Cat Deeley Lashes Out at Restaurant, Gets Owned by Waiter

Cat Deeley sent a message to Los Angeles eatery Tom George this week.

And the message went something like:

So… you think you can serve food well?!?

Very, very, very, VERY unhappy with her service at the restaurant over the weekend, the reality show host shared a screenshot of the Italian establishment’s Google profile on Sunday.

She wrote as a caption:

“The worst featuring! Worst food! As for the manager?????? Moron!!!!!

“The most disgusting restaurant, terribly run, by a manager – who can only be described as an amateur. Avoid at all costs. #tomgeorge.”

That’s perfectly fair, right?

We can’t speak on exactly what transpired between Deeley and the manager, or anyone inside the restaurant, but there’s nothing wrong with voicing one’s opinion on social media in this sort of circumstance.

cat d tweet

When her Twitter followers asked Deeley what the heck happened, she replied that she was served “terrible food” and it was “absolutely awful.”

She then proceeded to bash the crap out of the Italian restaurant in numerous follow-up messages, telling one follower:

“I give it 3 months.”

Again: Cool. Fine. All good. Whatever.

This is her Twitter account and her prerogative.

But things then turned dicey for Deeley, as her Tweet storm actually caught the attention of her waiter at Tom George.

And he actually responded!

With a damning accusation aimed at Deeley’s response to her awful dining experience.

First, he explained that Tom George comped part of her meal.

Then, he wrote the following:

“Cat, as your server at TomGeorge I am hurt by your response to free food. I gave you respect, and I served you with love.”

The waiter included with this Tweet a photo of the British TV host’s alleged receipt, showing that she received $ 123 off her $ 200 bill, and gave the server no tip.

no tip

Yikes! Game, set, match, random waiter, right?

Deeley got a pretty sweet deal at the eatery and didn’t leave a penny for the poor guy serving her courses (and likely listening to all of her complaints) ?

“The food was terrible and your manager was unhelpful and rude. Respect and love should be shown to all, attention to detail is necessary too!” Deeley Tweeted in reply, adding:

“And as I respectfully told you, the catalogue of errors were not your fault. However the mistakes were repeatedly not correctly rectified.”

Deeley concluded her rant by saying she had to send her food back five times.

“Just to be clear. Our order arrived at the table incorrectly FIVE times!” she wrote. “Then one of my guests dishes was inedible. There was zero service.”

Wait a second, Cat: Was it the waiter’s fault or not?

You appear to have changed your story after being called out.

It’s one thing to slam a restaurant for a shoddy experience.

But unless you personally witnessed your waiter spit on your food, there’s really no excuse for stiffing him (completely) on a tip.

Tom George, meanwhile, responded on Facebook with its side of the story … and even invited Deeley back for another meal.

“We are listening to any feedback because we need to provide the best service … In this case we couldn’t do anything,” the eatery wrote.

“She didn’t like the food so we comped all of the food items, then she tweeted a lot of inappropriate tweet[s] although we tried to ease her ‘pain.’ But she’s still very welcome in our restaurant again if she gives us any chance to prove to her, the lot of good reviews are for a reason.”

We’re just gonna go ahead and and offer two free pieces of advice to all celebrities here:

  1. Always tip your waiter.

  2. Never complain in public about your meal at a very expensive restaurant.

We think Deeley and her reputation are about to learn these lessons the hard way.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2017 Grammys: Who Owned the Night?

Adele stood and sang.

Bruno Mars made like Prince.

And Beyonce earned the admiration of every single person in attendance by belting out a pair of ballads while pregnant with twins.

But these weren"t the only artists who took to the stage at the 2017 Grammy Awards.

Scroll down and click PLAY a bunch of times to watch the best performances from the ceremony and then select your favorite:

1. Adele Says "Hello" to 2017 Grammy Awards

Adele says hello to 2017 grammy awards

Adele opened the 2017 Grammy Awards in typical Adele fashion. Watch this performance and see what we mean.

2. Beyonce, Baby Bump Put on Powerful Performance at 2017 Grammys

Beyonce baby bump put on powerful performance at 2017 grammys

Beyonce – and her TWINS! – put on an incredible performance in front of all Grammy viewers. Stop and watch every second of it here.

3. Katy Perry Makes Political Statement with New Single at 2017 Grammys

Katy perry makes political statement with new single at 2017 gra

Katy Perry took the stage at the 2017 Grammys with a powerful statement in mind, along with a new single. Watch her sing the latter and make the former now.

4. Bruno Mars Pays Moving Tribute to Prince at 2017 Grammys

Bruno mars pays moving tribute to prince at 2017 grammys

Bruno Mars, everyone! The singer dressed up like Prince and paid amazing homage to the late singer with this performance at the Grammys.

5. Daft Punk, The Weeknd Grammy Performance Was as Futuristic as You’d Think

Daft punk the weeknd grammy performance was as futuristic as you

Everyone’s favorite robot musicians were back, with an assist from The Weeknd, at the 2017 Grammy Awards on Sunday night.

6. Beyonce Reacts to Adele Acceptance Speech

Beyonce reacts to adele acceptance speech

Beyonce handled it very well after Adele won Album of the Year. Watch this video to see what we mean.

View Slideshow

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Mariah Carey Gets Owned by a Coyote in a Leotard

Mariah Carey just got totally owned.

By a coyote in a leotard.

On the heels of her humiliating New Year"s Eve performance, Carey has heard it from nearly every corner of the Internet.

The trolls are out on force, although it"s hard to blame them when you click on the link above and see the sort of ridiculous "performance" this legendary artist put on last Saturday night.

Due to technical difficulties, she was unable lip sync a handful of her classic tracks, eventually giving up and talking mostly jibberish to the crowd in an attempt to stall and/or distract.

Carey"s team then tried to blame the show"s producers for setting her up to fail.

It"s been a pretty terrible few days for Carey, and it was only made worse this week when the mascot for the San Antonio Spurs used a break in the action to walk out to center court.

He was dressed in a similar outfit as the one Mariah donned in Times Square and he started to "sing" the smash hit "Emotion," only for his microphone to suddenly go out.

This made him very confused and annoyed.

It also made us laugh very hard.

See the Mariah mockery for yourself below and then sound off:

Is this fair or foul? Has Carey suffered enough for her snafu? Should folks just let it go?

Or does the diva deserve all of this embarrassment for how little effort she clearly puts in for her live performances?

Spurs mascot mocks mariah carey flubs live performance

Saturday, December 31, 2016

8 Reasons Why Selena Gomez Totally Owned 2016

All hail Selena Gomez.

The singer proved more popular than ever in 2016, finishing the year as the person with the most Likes on all of Instagram.

But that"s not all. Selena doesn"t just have over 100 million followers.

When it comes to the most-Liked photos on this social media service over the past 12 months, she also has the honor of being included…. many times over.

Below, we countdown the 10 most popular pics on Instagram in 2016…

10. On Her Revival Tour

On her revival tour

This photo garnered 3.2 million Likes.

9. Cristiano Ronaldo Hugs the EuroCup

Cristiano ronaldo hugs the eurocup

Ronaldo and his suave good looks earned 3.2. million Likes for this photo.

8. Selena for Vogue

Selena for vogue

“My first @vogueaustralia cover came out -thank you so much! So grateful,” Gomez wrote as a caption to this image. It brought in 3.3 million Likes.

7. Still on Tour

Still on tour

This concert photo earned 3.6 million Likes for Selena.

6. He Loves That Trophy!

He loves that trophy

And people love Cristiano Ronaldo! (3.6 million Likes)

5. Just Chillin in Japan

Just chillin in japan

Not much to see here, but 3.9 million people still Liked this one of Gomez.

View Slideshow

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Good, The Bad, The Lord: 23 Times Scott Disick Owned Reality TV

Scott Disick is reality TV gold.  And while it pains us to see him and Kourtney Kardashian separate, we find comfort in the moments he"s shared with family and friends on camera.

You"ll laugh, you"ll cry, you may even see the Kardashians through Scott"s eyes.

Stranger things have happened.

1. Why Isn’t This An App Yet?

Scott disick auntie kris its me its todd kraines gif

Because teasing Kris Jenner will never, ever get old.

2. It’s Not Makeup If The Word "Moisturizer" Is In It

Scott explains to kourtney that he uses tinted moisturizer

Can’t a man take beauty into his own hands?

3. Free Stuff!

Scott disick mocks kim kardashians free yoga membership gif

These are hard times…for other people.

4. This One Warms The Heart

Scott and penelop disick cuddling gif

All the cuddles.

5. We Shouldn’t Laugh Because It’s Serious

Scott disick makes a joke meme

But we did anyway.

6. Scott Leaves Kim To It

Scott disick wishes kim luck before her wedding gif

You’ve done this before right?

View Slideshow