Showing posts with label Sassy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sassy. Show all posts

Monday, July 16, 2018

Guess Who This Sassy Girl Turned Into!

Before this quirky gal was a well known artist making money moves, she was just another dressed up cutie growing up in The Bronx. Can you guess who she is?


Friday, March 9, 2018

Guess Who This Sassy Sweetheart Turned Into!

Before this floral female was a well-known women’s rights activist, she was just another girl rocking bangs in Philadelphia, PA. Can you guess who she is?


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

14 Sassy Parents Who Just OWNED Their Kids

Sometimes, kids are in need of tough love.

Tough, hilarious love that is left for them in note form from either mom or dad.

What do we mean, exactly?

Scroll down for a look at various messages left for sons and daughters by the people who love them most. And who also get irritated by them most…

1. Hugs, Kisses… and Cuts

Hugs kisses and cuts

Not very deep ones, but you’ll feel them!

2. They Change the Password Everyday?!?

They change the password everyday

That. Is. Genius.

3. Pray for Me

Pray for me

Also, don’t mess up the kitchen.

4. #DadFact

Number dadfact

It’s true. Eat up, kids.

5. Plug In?

Plug in

More like… butt out!

6. And Even If You Do Mind?

And even if you do mind

Well… tough!

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