Showing posts with label Candidate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candidate. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Chicago Mayoral Candidate Amara Enyia Says Kanye West is "Adopting Our Platform"

Kanye West is getting political, and we ain’t talking MAGA hats — Chicago mayoral candidate Amara Enyia says he’s supporting her with his time … and his money literally made her campaign possible.  Amara Enyia tells TMZ ……


Rhode Island AG Candidate Blasts Out N-Word at School Event

A candidate for Rhode Island Attorney General shocked a room full of students when he spelled the n-word out at ear-shattering levels during a high school event. Alan Gordon — a member of the Compassion Party — showed up at North Kingstown High…


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

FL Gov. Candidate Ron DeSantis Says "Monkey This Up" in Reference to Black Opponent

Florida’s gubernatorial race got seriously racial when Republican candidate Ron DeSantis dropped a “monkey” comment while talking about his Democratic opponent … who is black. DeSantis is fresh off winning the Republican primary, and while on Fox…


GOP Candidate for Governor Basically Calls Opponent a "Monkey"

Florida Man has struck again, folks.

However, this particular Florida man is different than most of the stories we write about the generic Florida Man.

Here is what we mean…

On Tuesday night, Ron DeSantis won the Republican primary for the Governorship of The Sunshine State.

On the opposite end of the political spectrum, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum won the Democratic primary for this same position.

The two candidates will square off in the general election this November, as voters are asked to choose between a very progressive, anti-Donald Trump candidate…

… and DeSantis, who earned an endorsement from the infamous Commander-in-Chief.

During an appearance on Fox News a few hours after his victory, DeSantis was talking about the upcoming race and made a remark that nearly everyone is interpreting as a reference to Gillum"s race.

Around the 34-second mark of the video featured here, DeSantis warns Floridians that “the last thing we need to do is monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda."

DeSantis is on one hand telling folks that they"d be stuck with an agenda backed by Democrats such as Bernie Sanders if Gillum is elected.

On the other hand, he"s… ummm… being totally racist?

Aside from simply inventing a phrase (people "muck" things up, yes, but no one says anyone "monkeys" anything up) that uses an insult that"s been hurled at African-Americans for centuries, DeSantis is being accused of employing offensive “dog whistles” in this interview.

Take note of when he says Gillum is an “articulate” speaker who “performed better” at the debates than his rivals.

DeSantis’ camp has said, in response to this controversy, that the candidate “was obviously talking about Florida not making the wrong decision to embrace the socialist policies that Andrew Gillum espouses.

"To characterize it as anything else is absurd.

"Florida’s economy has been on the move for the last eight years and the last thing we need is a far-left democrat trying to stop our success."


Just ignore that one racist word he used, okay?!? Unless, of course, it helps to emphasize the important differences between the candidates for you and will prompt you to vote for DeSantis.  

Watch the remark here and judge its intent for yourself.

Ron desantis republican candidate for governor basically calls b

Monday, August 27, 2018

Viola Davis Endorses NY Congressional Candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Viola Davis has one person in mind when it comes to improving race relations in the country — and she’s a new, young face in politics who could soon be in congress.  We got the ‘How to Get Away with Murder’ star Sunday at LAX and asked who…


Friday, January 26, 2018

Miss BumBum"s First Transgender Candidate is Paula Oliveira

Meet Paula Oliveira … the first transgender trying to win Miss BumBum 2018. Paula — who was born Vinicius Oliveira before her sex reassignment surgery 6 years ago — says she waited 2 years for her paperwork as Paula to finally come through.…


Monday, November 20, 2017

Candidate for Ohio Governor Defends Al Franken, Brags About Banging 50 Women

Bill O’Neill is an Ohio Supreme Court Justice. He’s also a candidate for Governor.

And, to hear him tell it, he has had sex with 50 “very attractive females” during his life. Which would be fine, if he hadn’t boasted about this on social media using information that might lead to some of those women being identified.

It’s a terrible political move. And yes, his campaign manager has quit. Wouldn’t you?

Bill O

Senator Al Franken apologized for groping and kissing a woman without her consent. But apologies don’t make things magically go away, and many are calling for him to resign.

Apparently, that didn’t sit right with Ohio gubernatorial candidate Bill O’Neill, as he posted this very cringe-worthy rant to Facebook.

“Now that the dogs of war are calling for the head of Senator Al Franken,” his post begins.

It’s already off to a rough start, because that does not describe the state of things.

(Some have called for his resignation, but a graceful retirement after a scandal is hardly the end of the world)

His post gets immediately worse:

“I believe it is time to speak up on behalf of all heterosexual males.”

Generally, people speak up on behalf of underdogs instead of on behalf of the demographic group that dominates every nation on Earth. But please, continue.

“As a candidate for Governor, let me save my opponents some research time.”

(Never a good idea; make them work for that dirt)

Bill O

“In the past 50 years, I was sexually intimate with approximately 50 very attractive females.”

One, that’s bragging and oversharing.

Two, don’t refer to women or girls as “females.” It tends to rub people the wrong way.

Anyway, his boastful post gets worse:

“It ranged from a gorgeous personal secretary to Senator Bob Taft (Senior) who was my first true love and we made passionate love in the hayloft of her parents barn in Gallipolis.”

That is way too much information.

Oh, O’Neill can tank his career by oversharing about his genital adventures all that he wants. But he should not have told so much about these women.

“… And ended with a drop dead gorgeous red head who was a senior adviser to Peter Lewis at Progressive Insurance in Cleveland.”

Then he talks about some pretty good policies:

“Now can we get back to discussing legalizing marijuana and opening the state hospital network to combat the opioid crisis.”

And then he promptly makes things worse again.

“I am sooooo disappointed by this national feeding frenzy about sexual indiscretions decades ago.”

So, in other words, he’s completely missed the point. Nobody’s talking about “indiscretions.” Sleep around all that you like.

The national conversation is about consent. it’s about sexual harassment and sexual assault. And Bill O’Neill should be ashamed of his post.

Bill O

At first, however, he defended making the post, saying that he opposes a “new standard” that, in his mind, means that:

“If you’re not absolutely pure you’re not eligible to run for office in America. That’s wrong.”

Apparently he failed to actually listen to the national conversation even once. Unless any of those 50 alleged hotties were underage or not consenting, then he didn’t have anything to worry about.

By the way, in the process of defending himself, Bill O’Neill also lamented that Roy Moore’s accusations of molestation are condemning him “without due process.”

That is literally not how due process works. Roy Moore can’t be imprisoned without evidence and a conviction. The presumption of innocence expands to the courtroom, not to hearts and minds. Or votes.

As we mentioned, Bill O’Neill’s campaign manager quit. Chris Clevenger announced his departure on Twitter:

“The comments made today by @BillForOhio were both disturbing and misguided. As a victim of sexual assault, I cannot in good faith remain a part of #TeamONeill.”

He followed that up with a tweet:

“Sexual harassment and assault is no laughing matter. The next Governor of Ohio must take it seriously to receive my vote.”

That’s a good policy to have.

Bill O

Finally, someone got through to Bill O’Neill, because he posted an apology on Sunday morning:

“There comes a time in everyone’s life when you have to admit you were wrong. It is Sunday morning and i am preparing to go to church and get right with God. But first I have to get right with my family, my friends, and the thousands of strangers who have been hurt by my insensitive remarks.”

Not to mention the two women whom he described a little too well.

“I am sorry. I have damaged the national debate on the very real subject of sexual harassment, abuse and unfortunately rape. It is not a laughing matter. It wasn’t when I prosecuted sexual misconduct for the State of Ohio, and it is not now.”

It’s good that he’s owning it fully.

“To my daughters, Katie Corrin O’Neill, Tiffany O’Neill Scullen, and my sisters Patricia O’Neill Sacha and Mary Kaye O’Neill, accomplished women all, please accept my public apology for dragging you into this matter.”

When a male politician screws up, everybody wants to know what the women in his family think.

“You deserved better treatment than this. I love you, respect you, and yes. I was wrong. Thank you for loving me enough to stand up to my departure from a loving life.

It’s still stunning that O’Neill was able to hear about all of these allegations of assault and harassment and see it as an opportunity to brag about his conquests. Gross.


Friday, November 10, 2017

Roy Moore: Alabama Senate Candidate Accused of Child Molestation

Former Alabama Supreme Court judge and current US Senate candidate Roy Moore has always been a controversial figure.

After all, this is a man whose homophobic, racist, and anti-Muslim views earned him a reputation as a bigot even by the standards of Alabama Republicans.

But despite being twice removed from the bench for ethical violations, Moore has risen through this party’s ranks to become a figure of national prominence.

In September, he defeated Trump-backed candidate Luther Strange in a run-off election and became the GOP’s nominee to fill the Senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

During his campaign, Moore brandished a gun onstage, blamed the Sandy Hook massacre on a lack of school prayer, and called for the impeachment of judges who have 

Astonishingly, it seems these views have only served to increase Moore’s popularity with his base.

But now, the 70-year-old finds himself at the heart of a scandal that may cost him the support of even his most fervent supporters.

The Washington Post has interviewed four women who say they were subjected to unwanted sexual advances by Moore in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when he was in his thirties and they were in their teens.

Leigh Corfman tells the newspaper she was just 14 when Moore groped her and forced her to touch his genitals at his home in rural Alabama.

“I wanted it over with — I wanted out,” she remembers thinking.

“Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over.”

Three women have independently claimed that Moore kissed them, inappropriately touched them, and plied them with alcohol when they were between the ages of 15 and 17.

Moore has denied the allegations in a statement issued by his campaign team:

“These allegations are completely false and are a desperate political attack by the National Democrat Party and the Washington Post on this campaign,” the statement reads.

Adopting the favorite counter-argument of Trump-era Republicans, a rep for Moore added, “This garbage is the very definition of fake news.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other prominent Republicans have stated that Moore should step aside if there’s any  truth to the allegations.

Others, however, have mounted absurd defenses of Moore, including Alabama state auditor Jim Ziegler, who went viral with this asinine argument:

“Take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus,” Ziegler told the Washington Examiner.

Currently, Moore has no plans to bring an end to his campaign.

He is set to face off against Democratic challenger Doug Jones in a special election on December 12.


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Greg Gianforte, Candidate for Congress, Body-Slams Reporter

Greg Gianforte, a Republican running for an open congressional seat in Montana, has been charged with misdemeanor assault following a confrontation on Wednesday with a reporter for The Guardian.

In the recording below, you can hear Ben Jacobs ask Gianforte about the Republican healthcare plan, which passed Congress a couple weeks ago and which will lead to 23 million American losing their insurance, according to a new non-partisan study.

The bill will soon be voting on by the Senate and Jacobs wanted Gianforte to respond to the latest Congressional Budget Office analysis of the proposal.

Agitated by the inquiry, Gianforte initially brushed it off and then appears to have turned violent once Jacobs continued to press for a response.

“I’m sick and tired of you guys!” Gianforte can be heard saying in the following video, which includes sounds of a physical struggle and a crash.

“The last time you came here you did the same thing," Gianforte adds. "Get the hell out of here. Get the hell out of here.”

“You just body-slammed me and broke my glasses," Jacobs replies, asking for the names of the staffers present and stating he plans to call the police.

A spokesperson for Gianforte does not dispute that an altercation took place.

But claims the candidate was provoked.

“After asking Jacobs to lower the recorder, Jacobs declined,” said Shane Scanlon, adding:

“Greg then attempted to grab the phone that was pushed in his face. Jacobs grabbed Greg’s wrist and spun away from Greg, pushing them both to the ground.”

Nowhere in the recording, however, does Gianforte request for any phone to be lowered.

Moreover, members of a Fox News television crew witnessed the encounter and did not back up this account.

In a statement on the Fox News website, one of the journalists described Gianforte as “punching the reporter” and, as Gianforte moved on top of Jacobs, they said he started yelling something to the effect of, "I"m sick and tired of this!"

To be clear, adds this Fox News statement, at no point did any of us who witnessed this assault see Jacobs show any form of physical aggression toward Gianforte, who left the area after giving statements to local sheriff"s deputies.

Local police said on Wednesday night it had completed its investigation and that Gianforte had been issued with a charge of misdemeanour assault.

If convicted, Gianforte faces up to a $ 500 fine, or six months in jail, or both.

Three newspapers, meanwhile, have withdrawn their endorsement of the candidate.

Listen to audio of this crazy incident below:

Greg gianforte republican candidate for congress body slams repo

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Dave Bautista -- THE ROCK 4 PREZ ... "Better Candidate Than F**king Trump" (VIDEO)

The Rock already has a major celebrity supporter if he REALLY decides to run for the White House — his old WWE buddy Dave Bautista … who says Rock is a “better candidate than f**king Trump!”


Friday, July 22, 2016

Ivanka Trump Wins RNC With Speech, Should Be Actual Candidate

During her speech at the Republican National Convention, Ivanka Trump made the case for her father, GOP nominee Donald Trump.

She argued that he would work hard in the best interests of women and working class Americans when and if he is elected president.

Whereas Donald Trump"s RNC speech, which immediately followed, was dark and Draconian, Ivanka"s was uplifting and inspirational.

One of the Republican candidate"s most trusted advisers, Ivanka made a softer appeal for a man seen by many as a hard candidate.

"He will fight for equal pay for equal work and I will fight for this too, right alongside of him," Ivanka said, regarding women in the workplace.

"American families need relief," she added. "Policies that allow women with children to thrive should not be novelties they should be the norm." 

Running against Hillary Clinton, the first female presidential nominee, Trump wants to show that he, too, supports equality for women.

To wit, Ivanka touched on issues such as equal pay, affordable child care, and ensuring that motherhood is not an obstacle to careers:

"As President, my father will change the labor laws that were put in place during a time in which women were not a significant part of the workforce."

President Trump, his 34-year-old daughter said, "will focus on making quality childcare affordable and accessible for all."

Beyond that, "my father values talent. He recognizes real knowledge and skill when he finds it. He is colorblind and gender-neutral."

"He hires the best person for the job, period."

Ivanka also sought to portray her fighter as a compassionate figure who stands for all, and who looks out for those suffering and hurting.

"Throughout my entire life, I have witnessed his empathy and generosity towards others, especially those who are suffering," she said.

"It"s just his way of being in your corner when you"re down."

"My father has not only the strength and ability necessary to be our next president, but also the kindness and compassion that will enable him to be the leader this country needs."

As for the fact that he"s been so divisive as a candidate?

Just wait and see, she says: "Politicians ask to be judged by their promises, not their results. I ask you to judge my father by his results."

"Judge his competency by the towers he"s built, the companies he"s founded and the tens of thousands of jobs he"s created," she said.

"Judge his values by those he"s instilled in his children."

Did she convince you? Watch her speech below:

Ivanka trump rnc speech

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Tennessee Congressional Candidate Busted for Growing A TON of Weed

Flo Matheson wants to be elected to the 6th District congressional seat in Tennessee.

She also wants to smoke a $ hit ton of marijuana.

So now the question raised by Matheson is this: Can she have it both ways?!?

On May 20, police officers in Crossville, Tennessee, raided the home of Matheson, a Democrat who is running in that state’s Congressional primary.

According to authorities, they became aware of an indoor pot-growing operation on Matheson’s property and therefore obtained a search warrant that covered her residence and a barn on her land.

The investigation turned up more than 180 marijuana plants and various kinds of equipment, says Steve Harrington, someone who lives on Matheson’s property and admitted to growing the drug.

Crossville cops confiscated guns, cash and the pot in their search.

Matheson and Harrington also say the police took a generator, weed eater, pressure washer, TVs, a computer, van and a four-wheeler off the property.

The New York Daily News reports that Harrington and Matheson have both been indicted for running a grow operation…

… but don’t think this means Matheson is dropping out of her race.

“I really don’t regret that this happened,” she told a local NBC affiliated, explaining:

“It’s been a life-changing experience for me in that it has made me more defiant and determined to try and get these laws changed.”

Matheson – who owned up to the two ounces of marijuana found inside her home, but who says she was unaware of the giant operation out back – added:

“I smoke marijuana. I’m guilty. I did it… I guess I would say I smoke it about two or three times a week.”

Tennessee’s congressional primaries are scheduled for August 4.

We know of at least a few celebrities who would vote for her if they could…

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Josh Duggar-Ted Cruz Connection: Is It a Problem For the Candidate?

Last year, Josh Duggar posted a photo on social media that showed him posing with Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

At the time, Josh was a lobbyist for the ultra-conservative Family Research Council and a hero to the evangelical right.

In the months since that photo was taken, Duggar and Cruz would both find themselves at the center of major national news stories, but for very different reasons.

The Josh Duggar sex scandals went from tabloid murmurs to the stuff of network news broadcasts overnight, eventually bringing an end to the Duggar empire as we knew it.

Cruz has been making headlines for very different reasons as the sole GOP presidential candidate to withstand the onslaught from Donald Trump’s bully pulpit.

In recent weeks, the Cruz campaign has been dodging a potential PR nightmare thanks to the National Enquirer‘s report that Cruz has engaged in five extramarital affairs during his time in the Senate. 

The tabloid went on to claim that Cruz cheated on his wife with Katrina Pierson – a former Tea Party activist who’s currently working for the Trump campaign.

Thus far, the Cruz team has been able to sweep the whole thing under the rug, and the proof promised by the editors of the Enquirer has yet to materialize.

But now more than ever, Cruz is probably very happy that he chose to severe ties with the Duggar family in the weeks following last year’s scandals.

With some already questioning the senator’s commitment to evangelical ideas, any reminder that he was once happy to be associated with a family whose name is now synonymous with hypocrisy could prove disastrous.

There was a time an endorsement from the Duggars could prove a major asset for a conservative political campaign.

The Duggar seal of approval was so sought-after at one point that Mike Huckabee continued to defend the family even after the allegations that Josh molested four of his sisters went public.

His rivals were sure to note remind potential Huckabee voters of this during the former Arkansas governor’s ill-fated campaign for the GOP nomination.

In hopes of avoiding a similar fate, you can be sure that Cruz will continue to do his best to keep his distance from the Duggars.

The Josh Duggar-Ted Cruz Connection: Is It a Problem For the Candidate?

Last year, Josh Duggar posted a photo on social media that showed him posing with Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

At the time, Josh was a lobbyist for the ultra-conservative Family Research Council and a hero to the evangelical right.

In the months since that photo was taken, Duggar and Cruz would both find themselves at the center of major national news stories, but for very different reasons.

The Josh Duggar sex scandals went from tabloid murmurs to the stuff of network news broadcasts overnight, eventually bringing an end to the Duggar empire as we knew it.

Cruz has been making headlines for very different reasons as the sole GOP presidential candidate to withstand the onslaught from Donald Trump’s bully pulpit.

In recent weeks, the Cruz campaign has been dodging a potential PR nightmare thanks to the National Enquirer‘s report that Cruz has engaged in five extramarital affairs during his time in the Senate. 

The tabloid went on to claim that Cruz cheated on his wife with Katrina Pierson – a former Tea Party activist who’s currently working for the Trump campaign.

Thus far, the Cruz team has been able to sweep the whole thing under the rug, and the proof promised by the editors of the Enquirer has yet to materialize.

But now more than ever, Cruz is probably very happy that he chose to severe ties with the Duggar family in the weeks following last year’s scandals.

With some already questioning the senator’s commitment to evangelical ideas, any reminder that he was once happy to be associated with a family whose name is now synonymous with hypocrisy could prove disastrous.

There was a time an endorsement from the Duggars could prove a major asset for a conservative political campaign.

The Duggar seal of approval was so sought-after at one point that Mike Huckabee continued to defend the family even after the allegations that Josh molested four of his sisters went public.

His rivals were sure to note remind potential Huckabee voters of this during the former Arkansas governor’s ill-fated campaign for the GOP nomination.

In hopes of avoiding a similar fate, you can be sure that Cruz will continue to do his best to keep his distance from the Duggars.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

GOP Candidate Ben Carson "Absolutely Would Not Agree With" America Ever Having A Muslim President

This is disgusting.

Ben Carson, a Republican party candidate for president, went on Meet The Press on Sunday morning and made some awful and flat-out ignorant comments about Islam and the presidency in the United States.

Related: Donald Trump Wants To Remove All Muslims From America

Answering a question during the broadcast, Carson alleged that a president’s faith ought to matter, and that it should reflect the values of Americans:

“I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.”

So much for that whole religious freedom thing, apparently.

Ibrahim Cooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said of Carson’s unbelievable comments:

“To me this really means he is not qualified to be president of the United States. You cannot hold these kinds of views and at the same time say you will represent all Americans, of all faiths and backgrounds.”

The Constitution of the United States, of course, specifically prohibits religious tests for public office, so what Carson is talking about is ridiculous, wrong, bigoted, and, oh yeah, blatantly unconstitutional.

What do U think??

[Image via Ben Carson/Twitter.]