Sunday, September 20, 2015

GOP Candidate Ben Carson "Absolutely Would Not Agree With" America Ever Having A Muslim President

This is disgusting.

Ben Carson, a Republican party candidate for president, went on Meet The Press on Sunday morning and made some awful and flat-out ignorant comments about Islam and the presidency in the United States.

Related: Donald Trump Wants To Remove All Muslims From America

Answering a question during the broadcast, Carson alleged that a president’s faith ought to matter, and that it should reflect the values of Americans:

“I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.”

So much for that whole religious freedom thing, apparently.

Ibrahim Cooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said of Carson’s unbelievable comments:

“To me this really means he is not qualified to be president of the United States. You cannot hold these kinds of views and at the same time say you will represent all Americans, of all faiths and backgrounds.”

The Constitution of the United States, of course, specifically prohibits religious tests for public office, so what Carson is talking about is ridiculous, wrong, bigoted, and, oh yeah, blatantly unconstitutional.

What do U think??

[Image via Ben Carson/Twitter.]