Monday, December 21, 2015

Farrah Abraham: I"m Adopting A Child!

Ok, so, this is happening.

Today, Farrah Abraham – she who created an Instagram account for her daughter, Sophia and has made a name for herself in the adult entertainment industry – is adopting a child.

“I’m happy to confirm I’m moving forward in my adoption process,” the Teen Mom star told Us Weekly.

“This means I will be making some changes in my career to welcome a new addition to my family.

“Very excited and this feels so right. I’m very blessed for this opportunity.”

On World Adoption Day (November 9th), Abraham wrote about her plans to adopt, which no one took seriously at the time.

“Let’s embrace the power and beauty that family brings with adoption. There are over 145 million orphans in the world,” she wrote.

“I grew up with all my neighbors being adopted and in foster care and I’ve seen it mean the world to them to have loving and caring homes ‘a family.’  I hope soon Sophia and I can make a world of difference by bringing home a baby brother or sister for Sophia.

“I always have been passionate about adoption as it means so much to me, my family, my community, my church and my heart thank you to all the parents who have adopted and to all the amazing children with their loving families.

“God Bless.

I…I’ve got nothing.