Showing posts with label Orphanage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orphanage. Show all posts

Monday, May 2, 2016

Jill Duggar Visits Orphanage: Is She Adopting or Exploiting?

It looks as though Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard recently returned to Arkansas after another abbreviated stint doing missionary work in El Salvador.

Back when they were filming the first full season of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, however, the Dillards were living the Equator life and getting deeply involved in the community they served.

A preview for this week"s episode shows Jill and Derick stopping by a local orphanage along with Jill"s sisters Jessa and Jana, who were visiting from the States.

“I can definitely see Jill and Derick adopting in the future,” Jana says in the clip. “They definitely have a heart for babies and little ones and I know that Jill has talked about it in the past.

Jill jokes about wanting to take some of the kids home with her, and it seems she"s not the only one who"s yearning to expand her family.

Jessa Duggar has talked about adopting in the past, and it seems the visit to the orphanage reawakened that desire in her:

“It just makes you want to cry when you see all these kids. I wish I could take them home,” she says.

“Ben and I really want to adopt. Hopefully soon. Every time we visit that makes that decision even more real for us. We just want to do that as soon as possible.”

Based on those comments, we wouldn"t be surprised if the Seewalds have already started the process.

Of course, just about everything the Duggars do stirs up controversy these days, and the visit to the orphanage is not different.

The sisters have been criticized on social media for exploiting the orphaned and impoverished children of Jill and Derick"s village and essentially using them as props for their television show.

Obviously, we have no way of knowing what motivated the Duggars to make the visit, but we hope they did something to improve the children"s living conditions while they were there.

Due to their upbringing, Jill and Jessa may think it"s perfectly normal to sleep 7 or 8 to a room.

But we"re guessing the kids in that orphanage would prefer a bit more space.

Check out the preview clip below, and watch Jill & Jessa Counting On online to get caught up in time for tomorrow"s episode.



Jill duggar visits orphanage is she adopting or exploiting