Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald: We"re Adopting!

Jessa Duggar and her husband Ben Seewald are due to give birth to their second child any minute, but their minds are still on adoption.

“Ben and I still have a deep desire to adopt, and it’s something we continue to look into,” Jessa tells People magazine in its new issue.

“We’ve also talked about fostering to adopt,” she says.

The Seewalds, who got married in late 2014, are already parents to a 14-month-old son, Spurgeon, and their second child is due tomorrow.

Yes, the littlest Seewald will emerge from its womb and see its shadow on Groundhog Day … maybe. Either way, it shouldn’t be long.

While they have hopes for “many future babies,” Jessa, 24, says the Arkansans will have to switch up their living situation before that.

“We’re already going to have two babies in a two-bedroom house,” she explains. “So I’m thinking, we’ll have to upgrade to a three-bedroom.”

Probably not the worst idea, knowing their plans.

For now though, the cute couple is focused on the arrival of their second born – not their third; Jessa Duggar having twins is just a rumor.

If you watch Counting On online, you know that the occupant(s) of Jessa’s body and the gender thereof has been a critcal topic. Bigly.

While it’s been debunked re: the twins, the gender is still a guessing game to us, even if the couple themselves knows what it will be 

As with Spurge, they’re keeping that detail quiet.

A recent photo of Jessa Duggar’s baby bump at 39 weeks has fans convinced it’s a girl, but you know it goes with Instagram pic “evidence.”

Basically, we have no idea. Same goes for its name, though Jessa and Ben may be in a similar boat in that respect. They’re still deciding!

“We’ve only had one or two conversations about it, so we need to get on it!” Jessa says, admitting this familiar territory for them as well.

“We did this last time (with Spurgeon) and procrastinated.”

“Our son was 5 days old before we had it nailed down!”

While fans examine Jessa’s baby bump comparisons and try to guess if it’s a boy or girl, her older sister has no qualms about sharing.

Also a parent of one son at present, Jill Duggar is having a boy this summer, which will be her second, she revealed earlier this week.

She and Derick Dillard aren’t expected to welcome their new arrival until July, but unlike Jessa, they enjoy keeping fans in the know ASAP.

Congratulations to both sisters on an exciting 2017!
