Thursday, March 23, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Facing Criticism for Her Cosmetics Line AGAIN?!

Oh, that Kylie Jenner.

It’s almost like a 19-year-old girl without any real education or knowledge about anything other than how to take a good selfie is having a hard time running an entire business.

Because — surprise, surprise — poor Kylie has once again angered the masses with a business decision she’s made with her popular makeup line, Kylie Cosmetics.

And this time, it’s pretty darn gross.

Kylie recently announced that she plans on adding blush to her company’s line. Five matte blushes, to be exact.

And that’s wonderful, right? She’s already got her super popular lip kits, lip gloss, eye shadow palettes, eyeliner, and highlighters. Blush is the next logical step.

But then she revealed the names and shades of the blush. And that’s when things took a turn.

As you can see, Kylie decided to name these new products X Rated, Barely Legal, Virginity, Hot and Bothered, and Hopeless Romantic.

Bet you can’t guess the issue here!

Virginity is kind of a creepy name, and some people aren’t too pleased with it, but Barely Legal? Yeah, this is a dumb move, Kylie.

And her fans and critics alike were quick to call her out for it.

One woman tweeted “Can Kylie Jenner not sexualize young women with her blush names like ‘Virginity’ and ‘Barely Legal’ like ……..”

Another person was a little more pointed with her criticism, writing “How could you call a makeup product ‘Barely Legal’? Kylie Jenner should be f-cking ashamed of herself.”

“Seriously Kylie Jenner,” one girl urged, “choose better names for your products. You have 12+ year old fans!”

And thankfully, several people pointed out what we were all thinking — is Kylie for real trying to sell a product called “Barely Legal” when enough people think something shady was going down between her and Tyga before her 18th birthday?

But the thing is that Kylie isn’t dumb — at least not when it comes to courting controversy for profit.

Many, many makeup lines before hers have been criticized for racy names.

Kat Von D has had a few questionable names for her products: a couple of years ago, she released a lipstick named Underage Red, and a couple of years before that, another lipstick called Celebutard was pulled from shelves.

Two of NARS Cosmetics’ cult favorite products are called Orgasm and Deep Throat, and while they’ve never been pulled, they’ve definitely been side-eyed.

Even MAC has come under fire for their sketchy lip gloss named Underage.

So Kylie isn’t alone, not even a little bit, for choosing questionable but memorable names for her makeup products.

Though she is the only one who’s had a well-documented “barely legal” relationship.

Congrats, girl.
