Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jenelle Evans" Drug Dealer Introduces Himself to the World

Many reality stars have prompted the question, is this person on drugs?

So in that respect, Jenelle Evans has a lot of company.

But in one important way, the Carolina Hurricane is in a class of her own:

Not only do we know for a fact that she"s on drugs, we know her substance abuse is so severe that many who know her best are amazed she"s not dead or in prison.

Jenelle has admitted to smoking pot while pregnant; she"s been imprisoned for possession on countless occasions; and she"s nearly lost her life to overdoses.

Needless to say, Jenelle"s drug dealer is one of the most important people in her life, and now, for the first time, we get to meet this elusive figure.


1. The Substance Lover

Jenelle and her pills

Pills, pot, other drugs normalk people have never even heard of that also start with “p” … you name it,m Jenelle’s done it.

2. Partners In Crime

Jenelle eason and david eason pic

Jenelle and David both seem to enjoy getting faded, which is one of the very few things that makes their marriage “work.”

3. Life on the Land

David and jenelle eason photo

Jenelle and David live in the middle of freakin’ nowhere, which can create problems for people who enjoy illicit substances.

4. Making It Work

Jenelle evans and david eason on july 4

But the Easons have apparently discovered a solution. It seems their neighborhood features a drug delivery system.

5. Eco-Friendly

Jenelle evans eye roll

As a bonus, the friendly neighborhood dopeman even gets around via bicycle. No carbon footprint here!

6. The Stranger in the Woods

Jenelle dave eason

But like all mythical creatures, Jenelle and David’s is seldom seen by mere mortals — which is why it’s so exciting that two locals recently caught a glimpse of the elusive beast …

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