Monday, January 4, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Topless With Some Random Dude!

Well, it’s a new year, which means lots of people are trying to make changes in their lives (that they’ll forget about by February), while others are planning to just stay the course.

You might think that Lindsay Lohan would be one of the folks in need of some rehab resolutions in 2016, but based on her latest Instagram pic, it seems she plans to keep on being the LiLo we all know and tolerate:

Yes, that’s a photo of Linds in some state of undress with a random dude paying seriously close attention to her neck, her back (we’ll leave it up to you to fill in the rest of the lyrics).

Obviously, we’ve seen naked Lindsay Lohan many, many times before, but usually she’s either heavily photoshopped or drunk and running around a wedding in her birthday suit.

Why Linds decided to share this particular, um…candid moment is anyone’s guess, but we’re assuming it wasn’t a decision that was made in the sober light of day.

This pic somehow seems both spontaneous and pre-meditated at the same time, which leads us to believe that Lindsay is planning to take her nudity to strange new places this year.

Or maybe we’re devoting way too much thought to a blurry photo of Lindsay on the verge of an ill-advised salad tossing.