Monday, January 4, 2016

Kimberly McCullough Opens Up About Miscarriage

Via a lengthy, intimate blog entry, Kimberly McCullough has revealed that she suffered a miscarriage in 2015. 

The veteran actress, best known for her portrayal of Robin Scorpio on General Hospital, opened her post by listing all the reasons why last year started out on a positive note.

She was asked to direct an episode of Pretty Little Liars. She found a new boyfriend. She adopted a puppy.

And she found out she was pregnant with a baby girl.

“My heart was so full and then it broke,” McCullough wrote, explaining that had suffered a miscarriage:

I had lost my baby girl. It was too much. I didn’t need to learn this lesson. I wasn’t interested.

But I wasn’t in control. These things happen and no, I don’t believe they happen ‘for a reason.’ I’m still processing, still healing, but anyone who has gone through it knows, losing a baby at 22 weeks is tragic.

We can only imagine. Our heart goes out to McCullough.

Despite the heartbreaking experience, however, the actress remains hopeful.

“One thing I am proud of… was that I allowed myself to be happy and to relish the moment,” she wrote.

“I sat in all that goodness and I can recall those feelings (when I’m having different ones) and hope that it can be like that again.

“Not to go total Oprah on you, but at the end of this year and the beginning of the next, I am grateful for it all. Tired. But grateful.”

You may go as Oprah on us as you wish, Kimberly.

We send thoughts, prayers and best wishes your way.