Friday, July 1, 2016

Leah Messer: Hinting at New Business Venture on Instagram?!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that Season 7 wasn’t exactly kind to Leah Messer

Leah’s season began with controversy, thanks to a scene that appeared to show her rushing her kids off to school without breakfast.

Leah explained that her daughters are able to eat at school, but many fans called BS on that explanation.

(After all, why would the twins gripe about not being fed if they knew they were about to eat at school?)

In any event, it seems the incident might have influenced Leah’s future career plans.

The Hot Messer got fans talking when she posted the above photo on Instagram yesterday.

She captioned the pic, “I wanna open one.”

First things first: Leah’s idea is actually a good one.

Time constraints are among the biggest reasons that people resort to fast food and other artery-clogging crap, and an affordable drive thru option with a vegetarian menu would almost certainly help alleviate that problem.

Leah’s native West Virginia probably isn’t the place to launch such a chain, as it would likely only do enough business to cover its expenses in like four neighborhoods scattered throughout LA and Brooklyn, but that’s a different story.

Anyway, it’s hard to imagine that Leah’s long commutes and lack of quick food options didn’t influence her latest aspiration.

But will she actually make this thing happen?

Probably not, but unlike most folks her age, she actually does have the means to launch a business venture.

And if she’s looking for role models in that department, she need look no further than the MTV franchise that made her famous…

Farrah Abraham has opened more businesses than Donald Trump, and she shows no signs of slowing down.

Her most random ventures include a frozen yogurt chain and an online furniture store. 

And, of course, there’s the porn and sex toy stuff, but that’s just Farrah.

So yes, Leah probably has the seed capital to start a successful business.

And yes, we just mentioned Farrah Abraham and Donald Trump as potential role models.

Rest assured, we’re deeply ashamed of ourselves.