Showing posts with label Hinting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hinting. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Chenning Tatum & Jenna Dewan: Hinting at Split on Instagram?!

We might not be emotionally prepared for this.

Here we are, still reeling from news of Chris Pratt and Anna Faris’s divorce, and now it seems that we might have to brace ourselves for a sad announcement from another of Hollywood’s most beloved couples.

Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan got married back in 2009, which means that by Hollywood standards, they’ve been together for approximately four centuries.

Like Pratt and Faris, Tatum and Dewan seemed, until recently, to have beaten the odds and buit a stable, sturdy relationship in spite of the pressures of fame and the costant scrutiny of the public.

But now fans are convinced that yet another fairy tale, #CoupleGoals romance is coming to an end.

The rumors began to circulate following Jenna’s solo appearance at the 2017 AMAs.

Her husband has a lot on his plate career-wise these days, but for some reason, fans were unable to fathom any reason that Dewan might have attended alone, other than an impending divorce:

Jenna posted the above red carpet pic to her Instagram pic earlier this week, and for some reason, there were comments other then “more like Jenna Day-uuum!”

“Where is Channing?” asked one fan.

“You look amazing, but where is Channing?” echoed another.

A third follower cut right to the chase, writing:

“Where are posts of hubby? Are u 2 next on Hollywood divorce list?”

Fact: People who type they’re writing everything on a T9 flip phone keyboard will ask you an inappropriate question 100 persent of the time.

Look, in all likelihood, Channing and Jenna are doing just fine.

We can see how a solo awards show appearance might spark concern amongst fans, but Channing is in, like, every movie these days.

He’s a busy guy. 

The couple has yet to respond to this latest round of divorce rumors, but Channing addresses previous unsubstantiated reports in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter:

“It’s all bulls–t,” Tatum told the magazine.

“These people just [make it up]. Some of our family members don’t see [it’s not true], and they read a stupid thing and don’t understand it’s a tabloid.”

Will that prove sufficient to stop the rumors? Ha! You must be new here.


Jinger Duggar: Hinting at Pregnancy With Christmas Decorations?!

It should come as no surprise that the Duggars love Christmas.

After all, the holiday combines several of their favorite thing–religious pageantry, displays of wealth disguised as acts of generosity, and of course, unabashedly gaudy home decor.

Now, many fans believe Jinger has found a way to combine Christmas with her family’s very favorite thing:

We’re talking, of course, about procreation.

It’s been over a year since Jinger married Jeremy Vuolo in front of a couple thousand of their closest friends. 

Generally, Duggar weddings are followed soon after by pregnancy announcements, but that hasn’t been the case with the Vuolos.

Some fans are basically going through the five stages of grief over the fact that Jinger and Jeremy seem to be holding off on starting a family, but they’re having a hard time making it to “acceptance.”

So they continue to look for subtle hints of a pregnancy in everything Jinger does, even though subtlety has never been her family’s strong suit.

Some of these people have become so desperate that they’ve started looking for clues in Jinger’s holiday decorations.

“Couldn’t wait…went ahead and pulled out the Christmas decor a bit early this year!” Jinger captioned the above photo.

Possibly missing the fact that the message on the wreath references a Bible quote, several fans began spreading the word that this is Jinger’s way of revealing that she’s with child.

“I’m reading her wreath, [and] I thought she was pregnant,” wrote one follower.

“Too early for Christmas decorations.”

Others were a bit more reasonable:

“Highly doubt this is a pregnancy announcement. Christmas is about celebrating Jesus being born,” commented another fan.

“Hence the reason it says ‘for unto us a child is born.’ It’s a verse. Talking about Jesus being born. Way to assume guys!”

All that scrutiny, and no one had anything to say about the unnecessary apostrophe on “the Vuolo’s.” Sigh.

Anyway, it seems the most logical explanation is that Jinger’s wreath is referring to the birth of Jesus, but as is so often the case in life, the most logical explanation is also the most boring.

So let’s all continue to read way too much into the Vuolos’ holiday decor!

We can’t wait to dissect Jinger and Jeremy’s Christmas tree for signs that they’re having twins!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Meghan Markle: Hinting at Engagement While Out With Prince Harry?

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have seemed ready to announce their engagement for a while now. We can only guess what’s holding them back.

But clearly nothing is keeping them apart from each other at the moment, since Meghan Markle was fixed at Harry’s side while they attended the Invictus Games in Canada.

Sometimes, wardrobes speak louder than words. And MegMar’s outfit all but screamed “husband.” We’ll explain. …

The Invictus Games is an international event involving multiple sports, modeled after the US-based Warrior Games. 

Wounded and disabled members of armed services play and are given a spotlight.

It’s no surprise that Harry is in attendance — he created them.

That’s something that you can do when you’re a prince.

It’s also no surprise that Meghan Markle was at his side — the two, despite their busy and separate schedules, have been spending as much time together as possible.

It’s not just that they’re both beautiful people — they’re also closer than ever.

So close, in fact, that it sounds like perhaps they are holding back from — or being held back from — either announcing their rumored engagement or actually getting engaged.

Maybe Harry’s family is insisting that they take their time.

It’s also possible that they’ve been asked to, or have simply decided to, hold off on the announcement because of Kate Middleton’s pregnancy.

It might be courteous to space things out a little, especially since many see it as the responsibility of the Royal family to provide good news and entertainment since they don’t wield any actual political power.

And with the absolute nightmare of Brexit, the British people are going to need all of the good news that they can get.

Even though MegMar isn’t yet a royal, the actress practiced her royal handshake while greeting children who were in attendance.


Now, as for the possible hidden message in Meghan Markle’s wardrobe:

It’s not the ripped denim jeans, but her shirt, as you may have noticed in that top photo.

It’s called “The Husband.” It retails for $ 185 and was designed by Misha Nonoo, who is a friend of Meghan’s (and whose ex went to school with Harry).

She’s sitting next to Harry while wearing a shirt whose name is “The Husband,” knowing full well that people are going to identify what clothing she’s wearing.

Now, maybe we’re reading too much into it. Maybe we’re seeing connections that aren’t there.

But if Meghan Markle’s been told to keep quiet by Harry’s family, you can easily imagine her doing little things in public that signify her relationship status with Harry.

Probably less of a way of telling the world and more of a small act that she knows will amuse her and that, if called out on it she can totally deny.

Because, she could tell the Royals, of course she wouldn’t be using a shirt to signify that she and Harry are going to get married. That would be absurd, right?

Or maybe, again, we’re just seeing things that aren’t there.

Maybe she was just plugging her friend’s shirt. Maybe she just really likes it.

Maybe she didn’t give a second thought to anything except for what might be comfortable and still look good in the scorching 86-degree heat.

We don’t know, and Meghan Markle certainly isn’t going to tell us.

But we can’t wait for the announcement, whenever it may be.


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Jill Duggar: Hinting at Health Problems on Instagram?

On July 8, Jill Duggar welcomed her second child, a boy named Samuel Dillard, and as usual, her family issued a statement assuring fans that everything went relatively smoothly, and mother and son are resting comfortably.

Typically, Duggar obsessives simply accept the family at its word and offer their congratulations and well wishes.

This time, however, many believe there are signs that either Jill might be suffering some sort of health complication.

For starters, the Duggars have been uncharacterisitically quiet in the weeks since Jill gave birth.

That may not sound like a big deal, but this is a family that posts to social media on a daily basis, and these days, they’re promoting a reality show that continues to struggle mightily in the ratings.

Births and weddings are the Duggars bread and butter, and they’ve never been a family to shy away from the spotlight – quite the contrary, in fact.

For example, when Jessa Duggar gave birth to Samuel back in February, the mother and son sat for a photoshoot with People almost immediately.

While we’ve seen photos of Samuel Dillard, they’ve been few and far-between … and it wasn’t until today (more than two weeks after the birth) that a photo of the infant appeared on Jill’s Instagram page.

Jill Duggar Quote

Instead, the mother of two has been posting lots of Bible quotes and inspirational messages like the one above.

“Such a great reminder from the Bible #Psalms5023 It’s easy to praise God when things are going great, but do we continue to count our blessings when things aren’t going like we planned?” Jill wrote.

A nice enough setiment on its own, but in this context, it takes on something of an ominous tone.

Adding to fan’s concerns are reports that Jill endured more than 40 hours of labor befor undergoing a C-section.

It was said to be her second difficult pregnancy, with the first requiring nearly 70 hours of labor.

The most common theories among fans seem to be that Jill is either suffering from post-partum depression, or that she was forced to undergo a hysterectomy due to uterine rupture.

If that’s the case, she wouldn’t be able to have any more children naturally, which would no doubt be devastating news for the young mother.

We wish Jill, Derick. and their children all the best.

Watch Counting On online for more from the Duggar clan’s eternal optimist, Jill.


Monday, March 20, 2017

Leah Messer: STILL Hinting That She"s Pregnant?!

It seems the entire Teen Mom 2 cast has gone baby crazy.

Last month, Chelsea Houska and Jenelle Evans gave birth within 48 hours of one another, and shortly thereafter, fans learned that Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child.

So it’s not hard to see why fans are now anticipating an announcement from Leah Messer.

Leah already has her hands full as a single mom with three kids, but she’s stated on several occasions that she’s open to the idea of expanding her family at some point in the future.

And recent events have led many to the conclusion that that time is now.

Rumors that Leah is pregnant with her fourth child have been circulating online for weeks now, and they’re not all a result of the fact that Leah’s co-stars are breeding like rabbits.

There’s real reasons to believe that Messer is secretly knocked up, and while the reports are spreading like wildfire, Leah seems to be in no hurry to put out the blaze.

When Leah’s daughter Adalynn implored her to tell her fans about “the baby in [her] tummy” fans lost their minds over what appeared to be a spontaneous pregnancy announcement.

And in the weeks that followed, Leah did little to put a stop to the speculation.

In fact, she appears to be encouraging fans to continue digging:

“Giving birth is an adventure no mom can prepare enough for,” she recently commented on Instagram.

Not surprisingly, fans took the remark Leah’s way of hinting at big news.

But before we get too excited about another Messer entering the world, it’s important to remember what Leah had to say directly after Adalynn’s live stream reveal:

“You guyssss!! Kids say the craziesttt things. Of course other moms of young kids can totally relate. I am in an amazing place in my life & I have enough respect for all of you to tell you if I am pregnant!” Leah told fans on Facebook. 

“Let’s just say that you have to be In a serious relationship and intimate with someone for that to happen.

“The only male I’m cuddling is my brand new adorablee male puppy!”

She added:

Adalynn most definitely has a boisterous & creative personality. I was mortified to say the least, but that’s a little one for ya! Thank you for all the interests tho.”

Of coursem that was three weeks ago, and Leah has yet to comment on the latest round of speculation.

It’s far from a certainty, but at this point, we wouldn’t be surprised if Ms. Messer confirmed the presence of a bun in the oven.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to keep up with all the baby-makin’ drama.


Monday, February 20, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Hinting at Pregnancy on Twitter?

If you’re a Teen Mom 2 fan, you’ve likely heard the rumor that Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child.

Kailyn has denied that she’s knocked up, but for some reason, many fans remain unconvinced.

(Jenelle Evans sort of set a bad precedent by repeatedly lying about her own third pregnancy last year.)

In all likelihood, Kailyn is not expecting, and even if she is, there’s no real reason to believe that she’s pregnant with Javi Marroquin’s baby, as a surprising number of fans have theorized.

Regardless, these days Lowry’s every social media utterance is being dissected for signs that she’s got a secret bun in the oven.

“Remember that life’s greatest lessons are usually learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes,” Kailyn tweeted over the weekend.

Not surprisingly, fans leapt at the chance to make ridiculous assumptions based on one cryptic tweet.

“Is this your pregnancy announcement?” read one of the first sub-tweets.

Several others echoed the question, but Kailyn didn’t respond.

She’s probably just sick of having the same conversation, but naturally, fans are taking her silence as confirmation.

As for why fans think the tweet was hinting at a pregnancy, the leading theory seems to be that the “mistake” Kailyn is referring to is hooking up with Javi despite the fact that they’re in the midst of an ugly divorce.

Like we said, folks are reading a LOT into a 17-word tweet, but obsessive Teen Mom fandom knows no bounds.

We’re not saying with absolute certainty that Kail isn’t expecting a child, but we highly doubt that she’d deny it in interviews and then drop coy hints on social media.

Yes, it was weird when Jenelle lied about being pregnant despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary, but Kailyn’s not Jenelle, and there’s no mountain of evidence here.

Maybe fans are becoming bored with the show.

Maybe they’re hoping Kailyn and Javi will get back together.

For whatever reason, there’s a small, but very vocal contingent that really, really wants Kailyn to be pregnant.

Interestingly, Kailyn has also been accused of negligent parenting in recent weeks, and there’s almost certainly some overlap between these two fan subsets. 

Which means there are people out there who think Kailyn has too much on her plate, yet are still hoping that she’s pregnant.

We live in strange times.


Friday, July 1, 2016

Leah Messer: Hinting at New Business Venture on Instagram?!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that Season 7 wasn’t exactly kind to Leah Messer

Leah’s season began with controversy, thanks to a scene that appeared to show her rushing her kids off to school without breakfast.

Leah explained that her daughters are able to eat at school, but many fans called BS on that explanation.

(After all, why would the twins gripe about not being fed if they knew they were about to eat at school?)

In any event, it seems the incident might have influenced Leah’s future career plans.

The Hot Messer got fans talking when she posted the above photo on Instagram yesterday.

She captioned the pic, “I wanna open one.”

First things first: Leah’s idea is actually a good one.

Time constraints are among the biggest reasons that people resort to fast food and other artery-clogging crap, and an affordable drive thru option with a vegetarian menu would almost certainly help alleviate that problem.

Leah’s native West Virginia probably isn’t the place to launch such a chain, as it would likely only do enough business to cover its expenses in like four neighborhoods scattered throughout LA and Brooklyn, but that’s a different story.

Anyway, it’s hard to imagine that Leah’s long commutes and lack of quick food options didn’t influence her latest aspiration.

But will she actually make this thing happen?

Probably not, but unlike most folks her age, she actually does have the means to launch a business venture.

And if she’s looking for role models in that department, she need look no further than the MTV franchise that made her famous…

Farrah Abraham has opened more businesses than Donald Trump, and she shows no signs of slowing down.

Her most random ventures include a frozen yogurt chain and an online furniture store. 

And, of course, there’s the porn and sex toy stuff, but that’s just Farrah.

So yes, Leah probably has the seed capital to start a successful business.

And yes, we just mentioned Farrah Abraham and Donald Trump as potential role models.

Rest assured, we’re deeply ashamed of ourselves.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Hinting at Breakup With Tyga on Instagram?

If you follow Kylie Jenner on Instagram, you know the girl usually doesn’t leave much to the imagination.

But that doesn’t mean Kylie doesn’t like to occasionally tease her fans for a little mystery.

Yes, it’s time to put on your Sherlock cap and bust out your magnifying glass, because that seemingly innocent selfie posted last night may contain a deeper meaning, and some social media sleuths are already trying to crack Kylie’s code.

What’s interesting about the pic isn’t that Kylie’s having a hair day that brings to mind Cameron Diaz in There’s Something About Mary

No, what really sets this selfie apart from the 4,654,837 that Kylie posted before it is the caption:

“77 weeks ago,” Kylie wrote.

Yes, it could just be a throwback photo from August of 2014, but Kylie posted a bunch of throwback pics last night, and she deleted them all except for this one. 

It’s worth noting that it was around that time that we first reported that Kylie was dating Tyga.

Could her scared, side-eyeing expression she’s wearing by Kylie’s way of saying she regrets the decision?

Maybe! Are we reading too much into a seemingly random Instagram post? Almost certainly!

Still, Kylie is savvier than most folks give her credit for. When she posted a pic like this in the midst of the latest Tyga cheating scandal, she knew what people would think.

And whether or not she’s really trying to tell us that she’s kicked him to the curb, she’s almost certainly enjoying the speculation.