Monday, February 20, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Hinting at Pregnancy on Twitter?

If you’re a Teen Mom 2 fan, you’ve likely heard the rumor that Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child.

Kailyn has denied that she’s knocked up, but for some reason, many fans remain unconvinced.

(Jenelle Evans sort of set a bad precedent by repeatedly lying about her own third pregnancy last year.)

In all likelihood, Kailyn is not expecting, and even if she is, there’s no real reason to believe that she’s pregnant with Javi Marroquin’s baby, as a surprising number of fans have theorized.

Regardless, these days Lowry’s every social media utterance is being dissected for signs that she’s got a secret bun in the oven.

“Remember that life’s greatest lessons are usually learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes,” Kailyn tweeted over the weekend.

Not surprisingly, fans leapt at the chance to make ridiculous assumptions based on one cryptic tweet.

“Is this your pregnancy announcement?” read one of the first sub-tweets.

Several others echoed the question, but Kailyn didn’t respond.

She’s probably just sick of having the same conversation, but naturally, fans are taking her silence as confirmation.

As for why fans think the tweet was hinting at a pregnancy, the leading theory seems to be that the “mistake” Kailyn is referring to is hooking up with Javi despite the fact that they’re in the midst of an ugly divorce.

Like we said, folks are reading a LOT into a 17-word tweet, but obsessive Teen Mom fandom knows no bounds.

We’re not saying with absolute certainty that Kail isn’t expecting a child, but we highly doubt that she’d deny it in interviews and then drop coy hints on social media.

Yes, it was weird when Jenelle lied about being pregnant despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary, but Kailyn’s not Jenelle, and there’s no mountain of evidence here.

Maybe fans are becoming bored with the show.

Maybe they’re hoping Kailyn and Javi will get back together.

For whatever reason, there’s a small, but very vocal contingent that really, really wants Kailyn to be pregnant.

Interestingly, Kailyn has also been accused of negligent parenting in recent weeks, and there’s almost certainly some overlap between these two fan subsets. 

Which means there are people out there who think Kailyn has too much on her plate, yet are still hoping that she’s pregnant.

We live in strange times.
