Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Jinger Duggar: Are Her Sisters Mad About Her Courtship?!

If you watched last night’s episode of Counting On, then you witnessed a rare sight:

An openly annoyed Duggar.

Yes, during a camping trip that was intended to strengthen the bonds of sisterhood, Jinger Duggar’s siblings got noticeably ticked that she was clearly more concerned about spending time apart from her fiance than she was with spending time with her family.

Okay, maybe “noticeably ticked” is too strong a description.

They got mildly annoyed and handled it in classic Duggar fashion – by passive-aggressivley laughing it off.

“I don’t know how long Jinger’s going to last without cell service, but it’s good to have her back,” Joy-Anna giggled at one point.

Not exactly the kind of heated confrontation that you might find on other reality shows, but Jinger picked up on her sisters’ concerns nonetheless.

At one point, she acknowledged that her preoccupation with Jeremy Vuolo might be “driving people nuts,” but she rationalized it thusly:

“It’s just when you’re in love, everybody knows about it.”

Yeah, we suppose that’s true.

But it doesn’t mean you have to rub everyone’s noses in it.

Obviously, Jinger deserves some slack.

She’s young, and she just started courting Jeremy a few months ago.

And for the most part her siblings seem happy for her.

But we can’t help but think that there’s an occasional twinge of jealousy or resentment – especially from her older, still unattached sister.

Yes, despite those hilarious rumors that she’s courting Tim Tebow, Jana Duggar remains single.

At 26, she’s the oldest Duggar girl, and while she’s known for her easy-going demeanor, it can’t be easy for her to watch her sisters get married off while she’s stuck at home helping her parents raise their many, many other kids.

The situation has led to Jana being dubbed “the Cinderella Duggar,” and it’s made her an underdog favorite among fans.

But as the third of her younger sisters prepares to walk down the aisle, will Jana finally begin to show signs of strain?


She didn’t earn her reputation as the Duggar with the most unbreakable perma-grin by showing signs of emotion.

Watch Counting On online to decide for yourself if Jinger’s sisters are happy for her – or mildly annoyed.