Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Jill Duggar FINALLY Talks Pregnancy Plans!

Last week, after months of rumors and speculation, Jessa Duggar announced that she’s pregnant with her second child.

Duggar fans were overjoyed by the news (Procreation is what made this family famous, after all.), but some still suspected the family was withholding information.

We can see why they were suspicious, as Jessa and Jill Duggar had talked about getting pregnant at the same time on several occasions.

And with Jill freshly back from Central America (where she wisely refrained from getting knocked up, presumably due to concerns over the Zika virus), the time seemed right for a double Duggar pregnancy.

Fortunately, on last night’s episode of Counting On, Jill finally addressed the rumors that she and Derick are expecting a second child.

Unfortunately, she did so in the most vague way possible.

Check out this clip from Jill and Derick Dillard’s date night, on which they were joined by their toddler son, Israel.

We guess when you don’t drink and you live in a foreign country, it’s easier to just include your child when you’re going out to eat.

Hey, whatever works:

“It’s been a while since I got to get dressed up and go on a dinner date with my hubby,” Jill tells producers.

“Jill looks great,” Derick remarks, still looking very much like an extra from a movie about the grunge era in Seattle.

Cementing their relationship as reality TV’s most boring couple, Jill and Der proceed to fill us in on why they enjoy buffets.

(For one thing, you don’t have to “clean and wash all the vegetables” yourself!)

They then move on to their “goals for the year.”

“Have another baby? Israel definitely needs a sibling – so he doesn’t think the world revolves around him.”

Jill later tells the camera:

“Israel is definitely ready to be a big brother. I think it’ll be good for him, too.”

Finally, a producer asks Jill point-blank if she’s already knocked up, as so many fans suspect.

She evasively answers:

“Lots of people ask. We are looking forward to having another baby soon.”

Back at dinner, Derick speculates that he and Jill will expand their family in the next year.

So is the couple already expecting and simply playing coy?

Is Jill pregnant but she hasn’t told Derick yet?

Watch Counting On online to find out!

Hopefully, there will be more talk of salad preferences!