Showing posts with label Paradise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paradise. Show all posts

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Trouble In Paradise for James & Natalie?

Being put up on the block with a romantic interest is not the best of circumstances for any couple. 

That’s exactly what happened this week with Natalie and James. They both took it very differently. 

James was understandably shocked about his decision to keep Nicole and Corey in the game, only for them to join an alliance with Paul and Victor. 

James knew Natalie blamed him for the breakdown of the alliance and that made her say some crazy stuff to him. 

It all started with Natalie going to see Victor and Paul. She flat out blamed James for ruining her game. 

Anyone at home knows that Natalie would not be this far in the game if it wasn’t for her showmance with James. James has saved her countless times throughout the summer. 

Paul and Victor were taken aback by their meeting with Natalie as they didn’t expect her to throw James under the bus so soon. 

Nicole and Corey picked up that something wasn’t right when they realized Natalie was in the HOH room without James. 

The Final Four then begun debating what Natalie was up to and they started to realize that she was a bigger target than James, but how will this affect their vote this week?

We don’t quite know yet, but it’s not looking good for Natalie. 

James had a chat with a very upset Natalie, who gave him the most pathetic ultimatum in the history of the game. 

She said if he works with Nicole and Corey, she will never talk to him again. This was ludicrous. 

It didn’t help matters that she grilled James about having a final 3 deal with Nicorey. 

In those scenes, it became pretty clear that the paranoia of the game was getting to Natalie, but she should not have taken it out on James. 

Big Brother is a game of chance, so James could easily end up working with Nicorey. He should not have stood for what Natalie was doing. 

He should have told it was over there and then. She’s humiliated him on national television and shown her true character. 

The veto competition was pretty much used to plug Macguyver. It had the houseguests fighting to escape a bomb detonating. 

Natalie managed to stay in the lead all the way to the end, when Corey bossed the competition. 

Yes, Corey won his third veto of the summer. He’s playing a quiet game, but he wins competitions when he really needs to. 

There was also some word on Nicole joining back up with James if Natalie left the house. 

This was met with a stern look from Corey, whose brain just couldn’t process another blind side. 

Corey did not use the Power of Veto.

What do you think of the latest developments?

Hit the comments below!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 11: Who Got Engaged?!?

Four couples entered on Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 11.

And three couples left engaged.

Which twosomes went home happy? Who was left in tears by the end of the finale? And what the heck is in the Mexican water that caused six people to go from single to engaged in a matter of weeks?!?

Let’s find out!


They woke up from their Fantasy Suite night as in love as ever. Carly even said she was a fan of Evan’s rapping ability.

She’s “changed my life by accepting every part of me,” Evan gushed.

Enter our man Neil Lane, who would show up A LOT during the finale, and enter a proposal on the beach.

“Carly Waddell, will you freaking marry me?!?” he actually asked.

And she said yes! Hooray! Status: ENGAGED!


Grant woke up in the Fantasy Suite feeling “weird in a bad way,” while Lace began to cry out of fear over what Grant would do. (She also may have still been drunk from the evening before.)

She wondered why the pair got tattoos on the previous Bachelor in Paradise episode if they still weren’t sure they’d be getting married.

That’s a great question.

Another great question: Will you marry me?

Grant asked it. Lace accepted it. And we have another engagement to celebrate. Status: ENGAGED!


It is truly amazing what private alone time does for a relationship,” Nick said upon waking up in the Fantasy Suite.

In other words: we totally boned!

Jen, meanwhile, was excited for a proposal, while Nick went to pick out the ring.

All good, right? Maybe all that Nick Viall as The Bachelor talk was just a red herring to throw us off?

Or maybe not…

“I’ve fallen in love with you, and I want to continue to fall if you’re willing to catch me,” Jen said.

Nick then started to cry and rambled on about how Jen deserves someone better than him and that he fears he will regret a proposal.

“K,” Jen replied.

Really. That’s what she said, prior to the two walking away and getting into separate cars. Status: NOT ENGAGED.


These two had been sleeping in the same bed for awhile.

So, yes, their Fantasy Suite night went well, but that was to be expected.

Josh then expressed some fear over Amanda having two daughters before saying:

“On the day I was proposing last time, I definitely had reservations and I definitely don’t want to make the mistakes I made in the past.”

Andi Dorfman Shade Alert, huh?!?

But Josh still went through with another proposal this time around, telling Amanda:

“Josh: This is the best woman in the world. Seriously. Like, there is no better. None. Ever.”

“You’re the sweetest. You’re perfect. You’re like, my dream guy,” Amanda replied.

So there you have it. One finale. Three engagement.

You can watch Bachelor in Paradise online to see how it all went down and you can look forward to more Bachelor in Paradise next summer.

ABC has renewed the show for Season 4!


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 10 Recap: How Suite It Is?

You don’t watch Bachelor in Paradise online thinking you’re going to watch a true love story unfold. Although it would be a nice bonus.

You’re watching to see the train wreck that unfolds week in and week out when a bunch of Bachelor and Bachelorette castoffs reunite.

That’s what keeps you coming back, along with epic falls from grace and tales of redemption, like ABC naming Nick Viall The Bachelor.

Seriously, who would’ve predicted that a month ago?!?

But we digress a bit.

On Monday night, Bachelor in Paradise did not take an evening off for Labor Day.

Instead, it got viewers all worked up by posing the following questions:

Would Ashley Iaconetti lose her virginity? Did Vinny Ventiera and Izzy Goodkind actually get back together?

And, of course, who stayed overnight in the Fantasy Suits?!?

We’ll start with Izzy.

She got dissed and dismissed by Brett at the last second, who chose Lauren instead. But Izzy didn’t just sit around and wallow in a pool of tears; she ran back to Vinny!

“I made a mistake. I made a huge mistake,” Izzy said through tears. “I love Vinny, and I didn’t give us that chance to fall in love … I’m in it to Vin it!”

Yes, she really said this.

And then Vin really said THIS on the phone to Izzy:

“Uhh, obviously what happened, it really just f-cking blindsided me. You wanted to throw it all away to some guy with a f–king lamp. It was pretty shallow.

“When that happened, the feelings I had just f-cking went out the window. I just can’t be with somebody like that. For me, there’s really just no coming back from what happened.”

So that’s that.

(And that was also that for Brett and Lauren after the former dumped the latter at the Rose Ceremony.)

Last week, meanwhile, Wells Adams was stuck in a love square with Ashley, Shushanna Mkrtychyan and Jami Letain.

This week, that shape got broken apart.

First, sent Jami packing during the Rose Ceremony. Then, he was totally rejected by Shush.

“I don’t want this. I don’t fight for guys,” she told Wells. “Hearing that all the other girls are, like, hunting. I just feel like I’m in the wrong place right now.”

Hey, at least she finally arrived at this decision, right?

Perhaps next time, she ought to read the description of a reality show before she signs on for it.


Then there’s Ashley. She’s a virgin, you know.

However, she was all excited to change this status with Wells and his “Joe Jonas mouth.”

Did she want to “sit on his c–k?”

“Yeah!” she replied, adding:

“If Wells doesn’t f-ck me tonight, I’m going to the convent because I’m dying alone.”

Oh boy. How does one make reservations at a convent?

Because Wells did not f-ck Ashley last night.

He said it was against his character to have sex after just two dates and he couldn’t handle the pressure, so he broke Ashley’s heart.

This means the final couples in Paradise were:

Nick Viall and Jen Saviano, Amanda Stanton and Josh Murray, Carly Waddell and Evan Bass, and Lace Morris and Grant Kemp. 

“It does make me nervous that the last time I expressed any feelings to anyone was in an environment like this, but you’re the only reason I’m still here,” Nick told Jen, later telling the camera:

“I need to figure out if Jen and I have a real shot outside of Paradise. It’s a huge commitment.”

(Editor’s Note: It doesn’t work out. Nick is the next Bachelor. This is so hilarious and ridiculous.)

Still, Nick and Jen did end up in the Fantasy Suite, prompting Jen to say:

“Hopefully [the fantasy suite] gives us the push we need. And that I’ll wake up tomorrow having a much better idea of what direction we’re going.”

(Need we repeat the above Editor’s Note?)

As for Lace and Grant? They got matching “Grace” tattoos on their wrists because “life hurts a lot more than tattoos,” she explained.

That’s profound.

So were Lace’s words to Grant:

“You mean a lot to me, and I’m really happy, and it’s just crazy to think about how well we fit together. You have truly made me realize that you’re a man that’s hard to come by and I’m superlucky.

“You make me love myself and it’s because of you. And I want you to know I love you.”

But Evan and Carly would not be outdone in this department.

They attended a  “sex canvas” painting session, led by a naked old lady with pendulous breasts, and then they had the following exchange:

Evan: “It’s more than just falling in love with you. I love you. So much.”

Carly: “I love you too. I’ve been wanting to say that to you for so long.”

Did they get it on in the Fantasy Suite? Let’s ask Carly:

“Tonight is the fantasy suite and you know when you love someone, you … how do I phrase that so my dad won’t have a heart attack?”

Yes, they did.

Finally, we get to Josh and Amanda.

The former said his mother is such a big part of his life that her having never met Amanda made him unsure if he could really commit.

But Amanda is all in. She’s totally down with being a “soccer mom.”

“If he doesn’t propose, I would be disappointed,” she confided to the camera.

We’ll find out what happens on tonight’s season finale!!!!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 9 Recap: Who"s Over?!

On Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 9, would one of America’s most beloved, long-lasting reality TV couples part ways forever? 

No, but Caila Quinn and Jared Haibon did. BURN!!

It was a short run for Caila, the woman many believed would be The Bachelorette, and the “sex panther” who once wooed Ben Higgins.

But after Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 9, she revealed that she and Jared are no longer together, despite a terrific adventure.

“Unfortunately, we just weren’t the right fit, and there were other forces (that) contributed,” Caila shared on After Paradise with Sean Lowe.

Was the infamous Ashley Iaconetti a factor?

“We just couldn’t really get past Paradise, and friends call him often,” said Caila, leaving us with zero clue what that means.

“And, he answers and things were brought up that we couldn’t really let go of, and (that) made it really hard to move forward.”

She did admit that Ash evokes fear. Dread.

“You can feel when someone hates you. You can feel daggers in someone’s eyes,” she revealed. “She just liked to poke fun at me.”

“It was coming from a place of hate and pain.”

Yes … hate and pain. Like a true TV villain!

To hear Jared tell his side of the story, “We had a lot of great moments, but some bad moments too, and some really difficult conversations.”

Jared said that he is still good friends with Ashley I., and that he’s expressed frustrations to her about things that happened on the show.

Then Ashley Iaconetti herself took the stage.

Clearly, this was better than any of the drama you’ll see if you watch Bachelor in Paradise online, because it’s even more awkward.

And live. It is also live.

Ashley, who labeled Caila as a “faker person” (our favorite) as well as a robot, a backstabber and much more, took it all back last night.

Mostly. She certainly didn’t like being in the hot seat.

“I think a lot of things happened off camera that I’m not going to go into right now, but I am sorry for calling her the names that I did.”

“That was emotional vomit to be honest,” she said, fighting back tears ever so slightly it appeared, with some level of sincerity even.

“I shouldn’t have said what I did,” she added.

Well, that was the highlight of the night there.

The two-night Bachelor in Paradise finale airs next week, when we can expect Josh Murray and Amanda Stanton engaged on camera.

As for the meathead’s longtime rival, we know Nick Viall is The Bachelor next season, hilariously, so won’t be leaving Mexico with a fiancée.

Probably. Would be quite a twist if he did.

Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 9 Recap: Who"s Over?!

On Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 9, would one of America’s most beloved, long-lasting reality TV couples part ways forever? 

No, but Caila Quinn and Jared Haibon did. BURN!!

It was a short run for Caila, the woman many believed would be The Bachelorette, and the “sex panther” who once wooed Ben Higgins.

But after Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 9, she revealed that she and Jared are no longer together, despite a terrific adventure.

“Unfortunately, we just weren’t the right fit, and there were other forces (that) contributed,” Caila shared on After Paradise with Sean Lowe.

Was the infamous Ashley Iaconetti a factor?

“We just couldn’t really get past Paradise, and friends call him often,” said Caila, leaving us with zero clue what that means.

“And, he answers and things were brought up that we couldn’t really let go of, and (that) made it really hard to move forward.”

She did admit that Ash evokes fear. Dread.

“You can feel when someone hates you. You can feel daggers in someone’s eyes,” she revealed. “She just liked to poke fun at me.”

“It was coming from a place of hate and pain.”

Yes … hate and pain. Like a true TV villain!

To hear Jared tell his side of the story, “We had a lot of great moments, but some bad moments too, and some really difficult conversations.”

Jared said that he is still good friends with Ashley I., and that he’s expressed frustrations to her about things that happened on the show.

Then Ashley Iaconetti herself took the stage.

Clearly, this was better than any of the drama you’ll see if you watch Bachelor in Paradise online, because it’s even more awkward.

And live. It is also live.

Ashley, who labeled Caila as a “faker person” (our favorite) as well as a robot, a backstabber and much more, took it all back last night.

Mostly. She certainly didn’t like being in the hot seat.

“I think a lot of things happened off camera that I’m not going to go into right now, but I am sorry for calling her the names that I did.”

“That was emotional vomit to be honest,” she said, fighting back tears ever so slightly it appeared, with some level of sincerity even.

“I shouldn’t have said what I did,” she added.

Well, that was the highlight of the night there.

The two-night Bachelor in Paradise finale airs next week, when we can expect Josh Murray and Amanda Stanton engaged on camera.

As for the meathead’s longtime rival, we know Nick Viall is The Bachelor next season, hilariously, so won’t be leaving Mexico with a fiancée.

Probably. Would be quite a twist if he did.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 8 Recap: Nick vs. Josh! Again!

If you watch Bachelor in Paradise online, you know the tension, awkwardness and anticipation rise with every passing week on ABC.

There was little doubt about this on Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 8, during which romance, insecurities and drama ran rampant.

Especially when you get Nick Viall and Josh Murray together.

Josh again had to defend himself against allegations made in Andi Dorfman’s new memoir on Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 8.

This time, the twins, Emily and Haley Ferguson, got involved.

After expressing their concerns to Nick after Josh got pissed that Amanda Stanton went to bed without telling him, Viall opened up:

“The fact that he’s cracked a little bit from something as simple as Amanda going to bed without telling him, that’s concerning, right?”

“So, it’s hard to believe that (Andi) wrote a fictional book about Josh that was all made up, but there’s some accurate things about me.”

“And, so I think it’s a very fair question to ask,” Nick explained, asking, “Did [Murray] come ’cause he thought he could repair his image?”

The twins thought Nick’s points were, well, on point.

Growing concerned about Josh Murray and Amanda Stanton together, and lacking for other storylines, the twins pulled their BFF aside.

“Tonight it’s been brought to our attention that, by a few of the people [here] now, that Josh’s intentions aren’t pure with you,” they said.

“We just want you to be careful,” Haley told Amanda.

Stanton felt confused because she didn’t know what was said, as the twins promptly peaced out of paradise because they hadn’t found love.

That’s right, they forfeited their roses and bounced.

In any case, Amanda confronted Josh, who replied, “to believe that kind of stuff is like looking in a gossip magazine, believing that.”

“It’s absolutely ludicrous,” he said, irritated.

When Amanda revealed that the twins cited an unnamed source as the person (or person) behind the Josh gossip, he got more irritated.

He assembled the whole gang to ream them out, and profess his innocence, telling them that “I am very frustrated right now.”

“Ever since I’ve been here, for some reason one person or multiple people have accused me of being fake … It’s very disrespectful.”

“It’s inconsiderate, and it’s a bunch of bulls–t to be honest with you,” Murray said, seething. “I don’t need to be here.”

“My dog’s been battling cancer for six months. I wasn’t gonna come here. I am looking for somebody … period.”

Then Josh asked if anyone doubted his authenticity, and Nick said he wasn’t sure, then brought up Dorfman’s book.

“You keep saying it’s a fictional book. All I know is on my part it’s not fictional … the stuff she wrote about me,” Nick said.

Josh responded to that by … threatening Nick:

“All I know is I’m gonna try to work on this right now, and you need to hope that everything’s good with me and her … period, man.”

Yeah. As Nick said, this is one scary ass dude:

“All he wanted to do was just murder me.”

As far as Amanda’s response to all this, she said that “I love the twins, and I respect what they have to say,” but it’s her decision.

Meanwhile, Caila Quinn realized things with Jared Haibon couldn’t work with Ashley Iaconetti creeping, so she wanted out too.

The drama continues tonight, because if there’s anything you need in your life, it’s FOUR HOURS of Bachelor in Paradise every week.

Follow the links above to watch the episode in full, and tell us if you think any of these lunatics stand a chance at finding love.

Watch Bachelor in Paradise Online: Season 3 Episode 8

Anticipation was high on Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 8.

We’re not talking about the viewers here, either.

We’re talking about the cast members themselves.

The attractive men and women welcoming a new arrival on Monday night who went ahead and asked a desperate bachelorette for a date.

Elsewhere during an intense installment of the ABC hit, insecurities tested one couple’s limits and caused them to reconsider their relationship.

Did they split up? There’s one fast and easy way to find out:

Click on the video featured above to watch Bachelor in Paradise online via Amazon. It’s so very easy to do so.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 7 Recap: Cevan 4-Ever

Tuesday on Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 7, a.k.a. Bachelor in Paradise 304B, ’cause that’s totally not confusing whatsoever …

If you watch Bachelor in Paradise online, you know that trouble always ends up brewing in exactly these kinds of relationship situations. 

Despite this inevitability, it never gets old as a viewer. Well, assuming that said viewer is a card-carrying member of Bachelor Nation.

Last night was a roller coaster of love, with Izzy and Vinny breaking it off, and him leaving, all thanks to her undying love for Lamp Man.

After that crushing blow to all that is right with the world, Jade Roper and Tanner Tolbert arrived to assess all of the relationships left.

Jade and Tanner being the all-knowing experts of this franchise, of course, since they set the high water mark for Paradise love stories.

Bottom line regarding Jade and Tanner’s visit:

This resulted in a lot of self-reflection for the couples, none of it good. For instance, Lace felt bad for not saying I love you back to Grant.

That’s nothing compared to Josh Murray, who recalled the two times he stole girls from Nick Viall, whose new flame Jen was also concerned.

Jared and Caila Quinn were relatively vanilla, but Ashley Iaconetti insisting that Caila was less into Jared than vice versa was … interesting.

Ashley I. is nothing if not interesting.

Jared and Caila were given a very romantic date in any event, and it was boring in any event, with Caila probably not being that into him.

One gets the impression that bored as she may be, Caila’s not going to give into Ashley, which is admirable, yet cold at the same time.

For his part, Jared is getting kind of tired of Ashley following him around, and – could it be – Ashley’s getting sick of being in love with him.

Completing the trifecta of fatigue, Caila’s tired of hearing about Ashley, so you would think they would just all call the whole thing off.

You would think. But no.

Naturally, after the events of Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 6, she decided to try … telling Jared that she thinks Caila sucks!

Jared told Caila, Caila confronted Ashley, Ashley bristled, and we wondered again how this all happened over the world’s most boring dude.

Fortunately, this episode also featured Carly and Evan, a.k.a. Cevan.

Yes, they have had their weird moments, and even Carly’s confused as to why she even likes a guy she believes is so off the wall weird.

Still, she confessed that he’s very real about who he is, and being weird in his own way – not to mention being super into her – is working.

Follow the links above to watch this unlikely love story play out.

Watch Bachelor in Paradise Online: Season 3 Episode 7

Things turned rather dramatic on Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 7.

We know, we know: things are ALWAYS dramatic on this show. But more so than usual on Tuesday night, it seemed.

How come? Because a bachelor ended his relationship with a fickle bachelorette and actually left Paradise. Crazy, right?!?

Meanwhile, a popular couple made their return to Paradise and delivered a date card that stirred up drama for two couples.

Doesn’t sound like your average episode, does it?

Use the video featured here to watch Bachelor in Paradise online and see what else transpired now.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 6 Recap: He"s Just Not That Into You, Ashley Iaconetti

Monday on Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 6, also known as Bachelor in Paradise 304A, because that’s not confusing or anything …

If you watch Bachelor in Paradise online, you’re basically tuning in for the train wreck. First and foremost, that’s what you want to see.

Should there be an unlikely fairy tale romance that captivates you, hey, that’s great, but it’s a nice bonus compared to the main attraction.

Case in point: Ashley Iaconetti. She is the best.

On Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 6, Brett asked out Caila Quinn, who’d been cavorting with Ashley’s obsession, Jared Haibon.

Caila accepted, then declined, then accepted, then changed her mind again, leaving us in a state of general confusion for the most part. 

Earlier, Ashley I., who did not receive a rose, and was en route home when she decided she couldn’t leave Paradise and stopped the car.

She returned to the villa, begging for another chance at love, and amazingly (perhaps with some urging from the producers), she got it.

At least one person wasn’t thrilled, though. 

“Imagine trying to date someone with their ex following you around,” Caila said, referring to Ashley and Jared’s star-crossed romance.

“I know she says she’s not in love with him, but that was like three hours ago so what will happen in 12 more hours? I don’t really know.”

Nor do we, Caila Quinn. Nor do we.

After a booze cruise with Lamp Man, she realized that perhaps Jared was in fact the one for her. She confessed to the ABC cameras:

“Walking away from this date I feel very compelled to just run home and tell Jared that I’m so sorry, and I should’ve spent this day getting to know him.”

“I know I made a huge mistake.”

Caila then told Jared that she liked spending time with him, and only went on the cruise date with Brett because she felt like she should.

Ashley I. saw them kiss.

It was devastating.

“I’m watching my biggest nightmare, Jared falling for somebody else,” she shared, spiraling into an emotional tailspin on national TV.

“How can we be so close and so compatible and not be with each other? It’s like you found your soulmate, but your soulmate isn’t into you.” 


Watch Bachelor in Paradise Online: Season 3 Episode 6

Bachelor in Paradise producers another riveting installment on Monday night.

We’re not really kidding. This show is oddly fascinating to watch.

On Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 6, one frustrated male suitor continued to deal with the emotional breakdown of his crying ex-girlfriend, who was unable to move on from him.

That can be difficult to anyone to deal with, you know?

Elsewhere, four single women looked to the remaining bachelor wild card for their chance to secure a rose.

Did they succeed in this mission? Click on the video featured here to watch Bachelor in Paradise online and find out now.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Bachelor in Paradise Recap: Evan Bass Goes Fishing For Love

What happened in Paradise when the women held all the power – and the beef between Josh Murray and Nick Viall escalated further?!

Picking up in the aftermath of the double elimination a night earlier, Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 3 began with a lot of tension.

While Lace and Grant and Izzy and Vinny were on solid ground, most of the couples or would-be couples could not make that claim.

Take Sarah, who found herself drawn to new arrival Christian, making Daniel jealous and even more determined to get to know her.

This put her in a position where she debated the age-old conundrum:

Do I date the guy who is definitely marriage material, or the exciting newcomer who didn’t kiss me for fear of giving me the Zika virus?

We’ve all been there, are we right fellas and ladies? Moving on …

Brandon, who was on Desiree’s season but so forgettable that not even Chris Harrison knew who he was, was really into one of the twins.

Naturally, being twins, they pulled a switcheroo to see if he would notice. He did not, so we’re guessing this relationship won’t last long.

Unless they’re both really into him, which would just be weird.

But on to the main event: Nick Viall wasn’t sure if Amanda Stanton was really into Josh, or if this was just a cruel joke by the universe.

After all, how many times can Josh Murray steal Nick’s girl? And how many times can Viall get dumped on a single ABC reality franchise?

(Two and three if you’re keeping score at home.)

Nick was not happy in any case, but interestingly, it was Evan Bass – spurned by Carly Waddell – who decided he would break it up.

Yes, he went after Amanda as well. And HARD.

After shedding more than a few tears over Carly, Evan sought to rekindle his (brief) connection with Amanda from their beach arrivals.

He made his own date card and invited Amanda to the tree house for dinner … while she was in mid-makeout session with Josh Murray.

“I know she’s with Josh right now,” Evan admitted.

“But, I want to do something where it’s like, ‘Hey, here I am.’ Maybe there’s something inside of you that says, ‘I really like this guy."”

Pretty incredible, and worthy of a “To Be Continued…”

The Bachelor / Bachelorette / Bachelor in Paradise always leaves us wanting more, and the previews for next week’s show did just that.

Evan reveals he ​wants Amanda “to see the real Josh,” and he tells her of “verbal and physical abuse claims” that Josh isn’t happy about.

“I would appreciate it if you woulda come to me and talked to me about it,” Josh tells the erectile dysfunction expert as we fade to black.

Also next week, the beautiful Caila Quinn – who would have been The Bachelorette until JoJo Fletcher swooped in – makes her debut.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Watch Bachelor in Paradise Online: Season 3 Episode 2

You may not believe this, but there was a lot of screaming, yelling and drama on Bachelor in Paradise.

Here’s a look at what actually took place on Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 2:

Things heated up when the women were given the power, a move that changed the dynamics of the game a great deal.

Elsewhere, a few of the couples established their relationships and weren’t afraid to show it.

Also, finally, a bachelor got super annoyed when an aggressive suitor stole his lady.

Click on the video above to watch Bachelor in Paradise online and find out more now.

Watch Bachelor in Paradise Online: Season 3 Episode 2

You may not believe this, but there was a lot of screaming, yelling and drama on Bachelor in Paradise.

Here’s a look at what actually took place on Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 2:

Things heated up when the women were given the power, a move that changed the dynamics of the game a great deal.

Elsewhere, a few of the couples established their relationships and weren’t afraid to show it.

Also, finally, a bachelor got super annoyed when an aggressive suitor stole his lady.

Click on the video above to watch Bachelor in Paradise online and find out more now.

Bachelor in Paradise Recap: Josh Murray vs. Nick Viall! Again!

On the latest episode of Bachelor in Paradise, romance ran rampant for some popular Bachelor franchise castoffs, but not for everyone.

Picking up in the wake of Chad’s epic meltdown, Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 2 saw the remaining couples looking for love.

And it also saw the return of a former feud between male suitors.

With Chad out of the controversial picture, ABC decided to bring Leah Block back into the mix. You remember her, right?

This was the same Leah Block from Ben Higgins’ season The Bachelor, the one who tried to talk sh-t to Lauren Bushnell about Higgins…

… only for her plot to backfire, for Ben to send her home and for Ben and Lauren to end up engaged. Oops!

This time around, Leah was the one being talked about behind her back, with Lace especially making jokes about her possible lip injections.

But Leah didn’t care.

She was only focused on Chad Johnson and being upset that he was sent home last week because she wanted to go out with him.

Yes, that Chad Johnson.

Without that nut job around, Leah asked out Nick, much to Amanda’s chagrin. And off they went to Festival de Margaritas.

They proceeded to do what we’d imagine anyone would do at such an aptly-named event: get drunk and make out.


Then they went home, Nick discovered had his own date card to hand out … and he asked Amanda on a date. HA!

Amazing. Hilarious. So very Bachelor in Paradise, right?

Now, much to Leah’s chagrin, Nick and Amanda hit the town for dinner and then made out by a bonfire on the beach.

By the time they got back to the residence, these two were pretty much coupled off.

While this weird, quasi threesome was taking place, new couples were forming back at the house.

We’re talking about Carly and Evan (really?) to Lace and Grant (how?).

As for Carly? She wondered what it would be like to get to first base with Evan. This spit swap led to contrasting reactions:

Evan: “Kissing Carly for the first time was incredible. I kissed Carly and I was just like, ‘I just want to kiss you some more!’ It was butterflies and explosions. It was a perfect kiss.”

Carly: “That kiss was so terrible. I don’t understand how this man has two children.”

Lace and Grant snuck away to a bedroom for some alone time while this craziness was going down. Seems worth mentioning.

Leah proceeded to cover a camera with a blanket, forcing the show to feature crabs walking around the beach to sounds of Lace moaning.

Let’s just move on, shall we? 

By the time the cocktail party rolled around, the group could not have been more of a total and complete mess.

The only solid couples were Nick and Amanda, Grant and Lace and Evan and Carly.. if you can even count the latter, considering Carly’s reaction to their smooch.

Desperate, the girls made the rounds and tried to convince the guys to give them a rose.

This somehow led to Leah making a move on Daniel.

The concluding event featured Grant giving his rose to Lace, Nick giving his to Amanda and Evan giving his to Carly.

Jared gave his to Emily, which meant twin Haley also got to stick around.

Then it was Vinny’s turn, and he ended up selecting Izzy, much to Sarah’s dismay. The final rose was Daniel’s, who handed it to Sarah.

This all meant that Jubilee and Leah were sent packing.

The next morning Josh Murray showed up! Hooray!

Remember: he and Nick were both contestants on Andy Dorfman’s The Bachelorette season in 2014.

After Josh won and got engaged to the beauty, Nick turned bitter. But then Josh and Ali broke up and Andy released a memoir that tore Josh to bits.

Josh, therefore, went straight for Amanda upon entering the house. He had asked her out within, like, minutes of his arrival and they were soon making out on a sailboat.

Nick sadly wandered up and down the beach back at the house… until, that is, these two returned from their date.

Nick: “When I gave my rose to Amanda last night, I felt really good that we were all on the same page. We both agreed that we had this connection. I think she’s great.”

Josh: “Yeah, she’s amazing for sure. We had an incredible time today, just so you know.”

Nick: “I’ve never seen someone so unapologetic for just being an ass for no reason.” Well, he’s not wrong.”

When do these two get their own show?!?

Then, Nick and Josh walked back over to the rest of the group – and Josh planted a huge fat kiss on Amanda in front of everyone.

Chris GIF

No, thank YOU, Chris.

We’ll be back to watch Bachelor in Paradise online again on Tuesday night at 8/7c when ABC airs a special Tuesday episode.