Showing posts with label Cevan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cevan. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 7 Recap: Cevan 4-Ever

Tuesday on Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 7, a.k.a. Bachelor in Paradise 304B, ’cause that’s totally not confusing whatsoever …

If you watch Bachelor in Paradise online, you know that trouble always ends up brewing in exactly these kinds of relationship situations. 

Despite this inevitability, it never gets old as a viewer. Well, assuming that said viewer is a card-carrying member of Bachelor Nation.

Last night was a roller coaster of love, with Izzy and Vinny breaking it off, and him leaving, all thanks to her undying love for Lamp Man.

After that crushing blow to all that is right with the world, Jade Roper and Tanner Tolbert arrived to assess all of the relationships left.

Jade and Tanner being the all-knowing experts of this franchise, of course, since they set the high water mark for Paradise love stories.

Bottom line regarding Jade and Tanner’s visit:

This resulted in a lot of self-reflection for the couples, none of it good. For instance, Lace felt bad for not saying I love you back to Grant.

That’s nothing compared to Josh Murray, who recalled the two times he stole girls from Nick Viall, whose new flame Jen was also concerned.

Jared and Caila Quinn were relatively vanilla, but Ashley Iaconetti insisting that Caila was less into Jared than vice versa was … interesting.

Ashley I. is nothing if not interesting.

Jared and Caila were given a very romantic date in any event, and it was boring in any event, with Caila probably not being that into him.

One gets the impression that bored as she may be, Caila’s not going to give into Ashley, which is admirable, yet cold at the same time.

For his part, Jared is getting kind of tired of Ashley following him around, and – could it be – Ashley’s getting sick of being in love with him.

Completing the trifecta of fatigue, Caila’s tired of hearing about Ashley, so you would think they would just all call the whole thing off.

You would think. But no.

Naturally, after the events of Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 6, she decided to try … telling Jared that she thinks Caila sucks!

Jared told Caila, Caila confronted Ashley, Ashley bristled, and we wondered again how this all happened over the world’s most boring dude.

Fortunately, this episode also featured Carly and Evan, a.k.a. Cevan.

Yes, they have had their weird moments, and even Carly’s confused as to why she even likes a guy she believes is so off the wall weird.

Still, she confessed that he’s very real about who he is, and being weird in his own way – not to mention being super into her – is working.

Follow the links above to watch this unlikely love story play out.